It's just "this character is white, he's male, he's the lead". "Love Interest Is Beautiful" should be a trope too then, because it's just as common, to the point of being omnipresent when the story includes romance.
It's just "this character is white, he's male, he's the lead". "Love Interest Is Beautiful" should be a trope too then, because it's just as common, to the point of being omnipresent when the story includes romance.
Keep in mind the trope is generally meant for when it would be odd or inappropriate, as in a predominantly ethnic cast movie with a white lead in a setting and story where that would just be weird and offputting most of the time.
Otherwise, I get your point.
As for "Love Interest Is Beautiful", that is not universally true, since some romance stories often have downright homely, or in some cases, outright ugly people who still manage to become love interests.
It's common, yes, but not to "People Sit On Chairs" level.