Since GethN7's global block on FANDOM, I have been approached by him to possibly take his place for the bureaucrat position (I have talked about it in this thread). FANDOM staff have clarified that an on-wiki vote should be done by the community before they can give any roles. The candidates I put forward are:
@SelfCloak (myself)
You can decide your vote by replying in the comments.
Edit from @Chris Lang:
I think the pick should meet the following criteria.
They are very active at All The Tropes.
They are fair in their judgements, making sensible decisions that most people can understand whether they agree with the decisions or not.
They can handle spammers or people who continue violating the rules after being warned on previous occasions.
They can be impartial, and make the hard decision to penalize even people they've been friendly with in the past if they've done something that merits it.
They know how to separate fact from opinion, and hyperbole from reality.
They endeavor to make this a place where people can have fun discussing the tropes of several different mostly fictional mediums, and know when and where to enforce No Real Life Examples, Please.
All in all, these are qualities I'd look for in choosing a new head bureaucrat.