Well, at least he was willing to put his prejudices aside for the greater good.
But the powers that be have ignored it and it's nice to learn where their priorities are.
I disagree strongly with Geth's views on transgender people, and am saddened to find that he has them. He was a good moderator as far as enforcing things such as the 'No plagiarism of post-2012 TV Tropes material' rule goes. It's just that his personal beliefs ended up getting in the way.
Personally, I do not think it is unreasonable for transgender people to be referred to with their preferred pronouns, and I certainly do not think it is unreasonable for pages with their former/discarded/abandoned names (sometimes called deadnames) to be turned to redirects with their preferred names. Not doing so makes the wiki seem outdated at best, and insensitive to transgender people at worst.
And we're not here to be insensitive to any minorities. We're here to have fun spotting and discussing the tropes we see in fictional mediums. But reality can sometimes intrude, and we have to handle stuff that addresses real-world issues with care.
I can't shake the feeling tthat they're going to push the envelope on some of our pages in regards to minorities.
Somewhere along the lines of a few pages being deleted or rewritten.
Hopefully it won't come to that.
Kind of like having the head pastor work on the flock and being confronted by an armed-to-the-teeth SWAT team (one that doesn't lift a finger or make a peep when the pastor's car gears have been tampered with).
I absolutely disagreed with Geth's view regarding trans people and other things, as this proved no better than encouraging both transphobia and in greater extent, homophobia behavior. It's true they intended All The Tropes to be fairer than TV Tropes and had a good reason or two against plagiarism but, disagreements with certain things for petty reasons proved themselves too much of a hypocrite more than they realized in some ways, if nor merely crossed the line.
What further disheartened me was GethN7's crime reminded me to how I got permabanned from Voltron: Legendary Defender for displaying mild homophobic behavior and it was thanks to that incident and a few prep talk with more reasonable FANDOM users I got over my past homophobia thus seeing LGBT+ folks in better perspective. The difference is that my crime at that time was tamer in comparison. It was for the same reason I saw this coming admittedly.
What do you think?