Verdiclub·12/19/2023in Wiki UpdatesTV TROPES TURNS 20 YEARS TropesTV TropesTV Tropes
Pamela nuñez cuan·7/14/2023in Trope TalkWolfwalkers in TV Trope.Have you seen the Wolfwalkers in TV trope?What do you think?TV TropesWolf
KrabbyPatty1999·2/21/2022in GeneralWhy are the names of the tropes kept from TV Tropes even though we are forked from it?Shouldn't we rename them in order to lose association with them?TV Tropes
Kiacopia·1/9/2022in GeneralHow do you think we should have video examples (if we had them)?YouTube videosIndividual video files External links (no in-wiki video)Vote7 Votes in PollTV Tropes