Should we start formal proceedings to demote @Max Sinister from his roles as bureaucrat and admin on this wiki? A possible procedure is outlined in this fandom staff blog: How to Deal With a Bad Bureaucrat?
The causes why Max Sinister should be demoted from his role are:
Threatening @Janna2000 with admin powers. The post has since been deleted, but @Sannse warned Max about it and called it "a clear threat to use your admin abilities for personal purposes".
The demotion of me, which @SelfCloak called an abusive action.
The unilateral attempt to change the policies of this wiki and enforce their own.
The general attitude and behaviour towards other tropers.
1 and 2 are documented on Max's wall. 3 and 4 are documented on the thread Our policy on pedoshit.
How I think the procedure should be implemented. A discussion post shall be made, with the reasons why the vote is held. Each active troper on the site can vote in that thread (which IIRC should not be a poll), with the options being "Stay" (Max keeps bureaucrat and admin) and "Demote" (Max loses bureaucrat and admin). I can do this, but since I'm an involved party I'd be happy to let a third party administer the vote.
Preferably, this should be widely announced, eg through a site notice or even an announcement, but that requires admin access.
@Perkeez28 @TruthGuard @RRabbit42