I'm relatively new to this allthetropes wiki, so I did my best to update some tropes which fascinated me... one of them being the Evil Counterpart.
This time, I'm choosing Steven Universe as a fanfiction trove -I'm a fan- to test a Evil Counterpart section in which some of my characters are either jerkasses, chaotic neutral, or lawful neutral. If you think this needs some work, feel free to message me. Here I go.
(Note: as the section indicates, this is a test edits board, and the fanfiction does not exist, so don't make a fuss about it)
In Steven Universe - Tales of the Demon Army, some of the top brass of the Magnus Army seems to be built as Evil counterparts to the Crystal Gems and other Beach city residents:
-One of the most notable is Steven and Magnus Lord Steamboss. Both are among the youngest members of their respective factions -Steven at 14 and Magnus at 25-, both are human at least in part -though Magnus is entirely human- and serve as the symbols of both teams -with Magnus being the founder of the Magnus Army and the creator of the Maniac Demons-. While dealing with their peers and potential allies, however, both have somewhat different approaches: Steven loves and cares for his friends and even changes some of his enemies through the power of love; while Magnus, despite caring for his creations to some extent, keeps them in bay through "favors", adquired respect, or fear -for more rowdy individuals-. Also, Steven is an All-loving hero to even his enemies; Magnus is very prone to hold grudges to everyone who even remotedly displeases him. Steven is a happy-go-lucky kid; Magnus is serious and outright apathethic. Steven shares Rose's patience and rarely loses himself to fury, while Magnus is quick to anger.
-"Primigenial Golem" Otto is the distaff and evil -or rather, bordering in neutral- one to Garnet. Both are stoic and distant, and their fighting styles revolve about punching -Garnet uses her gauntlets, while Otto can turn his arms into golem ones-. The difference? Otto is more ruthless, as evidenced by him brutally supressing rebelions and beating his enemies to a pulp, and he tends to berate his enemies when they can't stand to him. Do you imagine Garnet doing this, seriously?
-Another duality is found between Pearl and "Kraken of the Blue Sword" Septimius. Exceptionally powerful swordfighers, and exemplary geniuses in areas other than fighting -Pearl as a technician, Septimius as an strategist (He's called the admiral of the Magnus Navy, to boot). However, Septimius, despite being honorable in most cases, is no stranger to exploiting any gaps on his opponents' strategy in order to win, even if this implies cheating, while Pearl keeps a code of honor while fighting. Septimius is a criticiser even to non-fighters, this being one of Pearl's Smart Guy tendencies cranked up to eleven. To boot, while Pearl carries one sword, Septimius abuse the usage of four swords, yes, Four is Death.
-"Golden Night Diva" Tsu-Hsi is one to Amethyst. The carefree side of both factions, and both boasting shapeshifting abilities. Tsu-Hsi sees herself as perfect and is vain and haughty, in contrast to Amethyst to some point in the canon story. Even more, Amethyst was considered a failure quartz in canon, Tsu-Hsi was regarded by her peers as one of Magnus' Magnum Opi in Maniac Demons.
-"Queen of the Golden Tornado" Aixa serves as one to Peridot. As the analythic brains of their groups, they are portrayed as logical and calculating. While Peridot has a long way to go to master her abilities -and looks down on herself for being a 2nd Generation-, Aixa is like a force of nature -due to her having complete grasp in her sand-controlling powers- in battle and his sarcastic and arrogant to the extreme. While Peridot can smile at times, the few times Aixa smiles denote nothing more than self-centreness and "All according to Keikaku" moments.
-"Sword of the Black Moon" Mariya is a very crass parallel to Connie. Acting as the Knights for their masters -with Mariya even doubling as Captain of Magnus' guard- they are extremely loyal to Steven and Magnus, respectively. They would be perfectly equal if not for Mariya's devotion for Magnus being her only reason for living, to the point of being serious in battle and when handling her duties, unlike Connie. That's adult jadeness for you. To reinforce this, Connie has Rose's pink-colored sword, while Mariya has a purely black, larger sword made from her bones.
This is all I can thing for the moment. I repeat, this fanfic does not exist. If this does not belong in this section, please tell me... I would be grateful.