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Basic Trope: A character taps someone on the shoulder (or does something else to get their attention), then punches them as they turn around.
- Straight: While infiltrating Trope Inc., Bob taps a security guard on the shoulder, waits for them to turn around and knocks them out with a punch.
- Exaggerated: This is Bob's only method of dealing with security guards.
- Justified: It looks cool, and it works.
- Inverted: A security guard taps Bob on the shoulder, then hits him in the face with the rifle butt.
- Subverted: The security guard turns around, sees the punch coming and ducks it.
- Double Subverted: So Bob knocks him out with the other hand.
- Parodied: Bob's haymakers can send security guards through walls 10 ft away.
- Deconstructed: Bob breaks his hand trying to knock out a super soldier.
- Reconstructed: So he weakens the super soldier, *then* haymakers them.
- Averted: Bob uses chokeholds and other more silent methods of subduing security guards.
- Enforced: Rule of Cool/Rule of Funny
- Lampshaded: "Peekaboo, motherfucker."
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: "What is with this guy and haymakers?"
- Conversed: ???
- Played for Laughs: As a prank, one of the security guard's collegues has sellotaped a note on the back of his suit: "Haymaker me, please." Bob is all too happy to oblige.
- Played for Drama: ???
Hey You! *"Hey You!" Haymaker*