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Shout outs for .flow include:

  • In particular, there are at least two that refer back to Yume Nikki. The arm effect makes Sabitsuki look like Monoko's five-armed form. An image similar to Uboa also appears on the wall of a maze-like area that is also a dead end. More obscurely, the tumbling doll effect is functionally similar to the severed head effect in Yume Nikki, and is in an endlessly looping area full of Kaibutsu.
  • Another area appears to be a shout out to Moonside.
  • Using the Witch effect gives Sabitsuki a large red bow and blueish dress.
  • Madotsuki appears in the Famicom world with the Witch Effect equipped, in the same room where you get the Broom effect
  • Some of Smile's design calls to mind of Dokuga and the Cross Eyes from Dorohedoro