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Tear Jerkers in .flow include:


Sugar Girl on the hill.

  • Oreko in two ways, especially remembering the speculations:
    • When playing as Sabitsuki, you get the Orange Menu from a ghostly Oreko in a melancholic area, which seems to imply that she died but still wants to help. What really doesn't help is that the area where Sabitsuki finds Oreko's apparitions is called "Sorrow".
    • When you play as Rust, you see Oreko in the Deadhole location but she fades away for good after you interact with her. Before that, she's dead in the Hospital.
  • The "Vomitgirl Event", where we see a mysterious girl in a yellow dress standing on near the edge of a cliff and that we can't reach her, while rather sad music plays. According to speculations, the girl was someone Sabitsuki knew and that something tragic happened.

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