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Tsukasa's father is worse he killed a kitten that she was trying to raise in a box in an alley. Word of God says that he's also the man who tried to turn off her life support system in the real world.
Crowning Music of Awesome: All the time. The DVD for .hack//SIGN gives the option to turn off dialogue and leave only the music.
Considering that said music was made by Yuki Kajiura, did you really expect anything less?
All the games feature great music by Chikayo Fukuda and the wailing vocalist Tomoyo Mitani performs the Tear Jerker song to close out the the first two G.U. games plus the awesome third song. She also did the vocals for Aura's theme in the first game and more. To top it off .hack//Link also features a few of Kajiura's songs.
Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The ending of .hack//Firefly is basically the sweetest, most adorable scene in the entire series.
Nightmare Fuel: In the second cutscene of .Hack//OUTBREAK; Kite has a brief reunion with Mia, who has been with him for the last two volumes. However, she acts strange, has obscure dialogue, and makes gestures that imply that all is not well upstairs. Couple this with the accuracy of her English VA, as well as the extremely distorted textures of the current area and you have a scene that should not be watched with the lights out.
There's also the sequence at the end of the 100 floor (no shit) bonus dungeon. After you beat a tough boss, you get a scene with Ovan. He sounds like he's half in love with Haseo.
Internet Backdraft: Hotaru's gender outside the game has sparked one of the biggest edit wars ever on the .hack wiki. Most material about it is either untranslated or horribly translated, so there's precious little usable evidence.
Memetic Mutation / Narm Charm: The English dub gave Balmung the line "this shindig looks like the bomb-diggity!", which utterly delighted so many fans that it's been incorporated into the .hack Wikia's main banner ever since.
Moral Event Horizon: There are a few nasty folks in the story, but none hold a candle to G.U.'s Sakaki, who gleefully exploited Atoli's many emotional weaknesses in order to dominate her, long before AIDA gave him a chance to take over the world from within the network. Even the fact that he himself was the victim of some Magnificent Bastardry at the hands of Ovan doesn't diminish the satisfaction of seeing him cornered and (presumably) data-drained by Aura's knights, as he screams in helpless despair.
Tear Jerker: Read AI Buster and then just try to read the later chapters of Legend of the Twilight Bracelet without needing a hug.
Viewer Gender Confusion: Tsukasa's actual gender is made clear in the first episode, but The Reveal often evaded those with short attention spans. North American fandom was inundated with Male!Tsukasa fanworks... until later in the series, when The Reveal was stated in script.
The Woobie / Jerkass Woobie Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a three way tie! Tsukasa, Sora, and Haseo take the prize!