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Creator's Pet: Spot is mostly disliked because she's a main character and Ensemble Darkhorse Two-Tone isn't (or Patch, thus filling out the four characterized puppies from the original book.)
Ear Worm: Cruella de Vil, Cruella de Vil... if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will...! Arguably justified in its catchiness in that Roger's a musician.
In the animated film Sgt. Tibbs was quite popular, possibly for being almost Keet and subverting Cats Are Mean.
Patch, through and through. 95% of all merchandise features him.
Family-Unfriendly Aesop: You should never give a second chance to anybody. He will most probably become evil again if he's anywhere near the Big Ben, anyway.
Foe Yay: Cadpig and Mooch had this going on for a while.
"Yard sale? I love yard sales! Actually, I hate yard sales. Of course, the pros of a yard sale are the bargains, but the cons of a yard sale are that the items are used. Ick!"
Misaimed Fandom: Many fur fans actually like Cruella, especially the animated version, for her huge fox coat. And a lot of the mentions of fur, like sleeping between ermine sheets in the book, often just seem like a sybaritic Pretty in Mink.
Moral Event Horizon: In-story, Missus claims that biting a human is always this for a dog. Of course, she is perfectly willing to bite Cruella or the Badduns, but she justifies that on the grounds that they aren't really human (and in Cruella's case, at least, she may be right, as the book does take the liberty to imply that her last name might just be meant literally....)
One episode did portray Dumpling in a somewhat positive light and she did save Cadpig. So maybe she could be excused from this. Pug gets not such redemption, though.
Swamp Rat goes in and out of this at times for also being a Jerkass but unlike Pug, Jeff Bennett's voice acting for this character makes him funnier and less grating.
Sequelitis: Patch's London Adventure makes this the third version to have a sequel. But as far as Disney sequels go, it's one of the better ones.
Played straight with the live action 102 Dalmatians.