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  • Complete Monster: Room 1408.
  • Narm: Mike attacking his minifridge.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Discussed. Enslin states that hotel rooms are inherently creepy due to the fact you have no idea who else has come and gone from them before you came, and who will come and go after. Any number of those people could have been sick or insane at the time they stayed, and several of them have probably already died.
  • Spoiled by the Format: Averted. By the time Enslin seemingly escapes 1408, enough time has passed to make the viewer think this actually might be the ending, along with showing some character development to make it feel like less of a cop-out.
  • Tear Jerker: "I love you daddy"..."Don't you love me anymore, daddy?"... "Will we be able to be together again?"...*dies*
  • Uncanny Valley: The voice from the phone is impeccably perfect and polite, but towards the end the phone starts to melt and the voice accordingly starts to distort...
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Oh, come on! Every single thing that happens in Room 1408 seems a scary Disney Acid Sequence. Lampshaded in the story, when Enslin compares it to a bad trip and worries that the events are really just a hallucination caused by the cognac being dosed..
  • The Woobie: Enslin.