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  • Actor Allusion: A fake passport for Nina Myers in Season 3 is under the name "Sarah Berkeley"- Sarah Clarke's married name (she married fellow cast member Xander Berkeley, who played George Mason).
  • Dawson Casting: Elisha Cuthbert started off older than the aged 16 Kim, but is now younger than the character she plays.
  • Development Gag: The wedding side story in Season 2 was a nod to the original concept that 24 be a comedy about preparing for a wedding.
  • Development Hell: A feature film adaptation of the series has been in the works for years.
  • Executive Meddling: The reason Keeler survives the crash and subsequently disappears was thanks to a network mandate that the writers couldn't kill off a sitting President, as was originally intended in the Air Force One attack.
  • Fake American: Kiefer Sutherland is Canadian.
    • In Live Another Day, Australian Yvonne Strahvohski and Briton Colin Salmon play Americans.
  • Fake Nationality: Many, many, MANY instances.
    • American Dennis Hopper as Serbian Victor Drazen.
    • British Julian Sands as Russian separatist Vladimir Bierko.
    • German Jürgen Prochnow as Russian Sergei Bazhaev.
    • Northern Irish Michelle Fairley as English Margot Al-Harazi.
    • And a short list of Middle Eastern examples:
      • Syed Ali was played by Mexican/Italian-descended Francesco Quinn.
      • Navi Araz was played by Hispanic Nestor Serrano.
      • Habib Marwan was played by Afrikaner Arnold Vosloo.
      • Abu Fayed was played by Greek-descended Adoni Maropis.
      • Omar Hassan was played by Indian Anil Kapoor.
      • Nadia Yassir was played by Mexican/Romanian Marisol Nichols.
  • Hey, It's That Guy! (Quite a few):
  • Hey, It's That Place!: The Russian consulate in Season 6 is the same building that was JAG Headquarters.
  • Hey, It's That Voice! The Japanese dub uses LOTS of voice actors from Naruto for some odd reason:
  • Life Imitates Art:
    • Disclosed memos from within the former Bush administration suggest that, if 24's torture methods didn't inspire the initial events at Abu Ghraib Prison and Guatanamo Bay Prison Camp, they at least inspired their justification and continuation to this day.
    • On a less controversial note, the suspects of the Abu Ghraib abuses claimed 24 as inspiration for their tactics, and military intelligence instructors have complained to reporters that they have to drill 24 and its depiction of torture out of the heads of new students.
    • The set of CTU LA also inspired the design of the new Joint Counter-Terrorism Center in Washington, DC.
  • Name's the Same: Both 24 and Smallville have a kickass blonde hacker named Chloe.
  • The Other Marty: Margo, the antagonist of Live Another Day, which was originally supposed to be played by actress Judy Davis. As principal photography began though, Davis was forced to drop out because of family concerns, so the role was recast to Michelle Fairley.
  • Playing Against Type:
    • Chloe is a rare dramatic role for comedian Mary Lynn Rajskub.
    • Same goes for Janeane Garofalo as Janis Gold.
    • Stephen Fry as the British Prime Minister.
  • Real Life Relative: The actors who played George Mason and Nina Myers married between the first and second season, making the interrogation between them in the latter rather interesting to watch.
    • Rumor has it that they toyed with the idea of Donald Sutherland as Jack's father.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Season 6's Darren McCarthy was initially cast as Eddie Izzard, but he was forced to cancel due to scheduling reasons.
    • The series was originally conceived as a comedy about preparing for a wedding. This would soon afterward see the light of day as Big Day, though the show quickly crashed and burned.
    • The actor who played Kevin Carroll (the false Alan York in the first season), Richard Burgi, was originally cast in the role of Jack Bauer. He would have had that role if they hadn't been able to get Kiefer. Once Sutherland was brought on board, Burgi accepted the role of Carroll.
    • The producers toyed with the idea of casting Donald Sutherland as Jack Bauer's father, Phillip.
    • At one point, Joel Surnow wanted to acquire the rights to The Da Vinci Code in hopes of working it into a plotline for the show's third season, but Dan Brown rejected him. How he would have worked Jack Bauer into a story about Leonardo da Vinci, Pagan cults and Jesus' family is anyone's guess.
    • One of the various screenplays written for a film adaptation was Die Hard 24/7, which would have united Jack Bauer and John McClane. It was shot down because Kiefer Sutherland didn't want to share the spotlight with Bruce Willis.
  • The Wiki Rule: The 24 Wiki