The four minute-long introduction sketch for the 26th Annual Hollywood Reporter Key Art Awards (1997), which happens to be an epic spoof of every In a World-type trailer out there and stars all the voice actors who made them (back then), including Don LaFontaine himself.
Copies of the video can be found all over the net, Google it.
Tropes used in 5 Men and a Limo include:
- All-Star Cast: Except chances are, you've never seen anyone's face before.
- Cool Car: Don's limousine.
- Dream Team: Don assembles one.
- Face Palm: By Don, after Mark starts listing "all your favorite vendors".
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: John.
- The Lancer: Nick.
- The Big Guy: Don.
- The Smart Guy: Al.
- The Funny Guy: Mark.
- Glasses Pull: Just before Nick delivers his signature line.
- In a World: Delivered by the Man himself.
- Large Ham: Everyone. Except Hendricks and Mark.
- Long List: Mark's specialty, to everyone else's annoyance.
- Mood Whiplash: Introducing Mark right after Nick. Also, generally whenever Mark speaks.
- Mundane Made Awesome: The film is about going to an awards show. And it rocks.
- Nice Hat: Al's beret.
- Only Sane Man: Hendricks.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Mark. Also, he wears a white sweater when everyone else is in a black suit.
- Power Walk: The ending. Except Mark, of course.
- Shout-Out: "Now that's a knife".
- Sinister Shades: Nick and Al.
- Time Abyss: Nick, or at least his voice, "65 million years in the making".
- Token Minority: Al. Hendricks would count, but he is not the "team" member.
- The Voice: Hal Douglas.