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ALL spoilers on this page are UNMARKED. It's highly recommended you see the movie (and Frozen Fever) first before reading this page.

Prince Andy of Arendall[]

The main protagonist of the story and the younger borther  of Elliott.

  • [[Action Hero] ]: [[Downplayed]]. he's shown to be able to hold his own well against a pack of wolves, an ice golem, and can pack a mean punch when se wants to, but the story places more focus on her plucky aspects than her action ones.
  • [[Adorkable]]: he is not exactly the royal type of person, is he?
  • [[All-Loving Hero]]: All he wants is to reconnect with his big brother, and he believes in [[The Power of Love]].
  • [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: [[Played for Laughs]] when he and Elliott are still kids, as demonstrated when Andy climbs into Elliott's bed and begs him to wake up and play with him, rolls around in mock angst when Elliott doesn't want to join in, only to give in when Andy asks "Do you want to build a snowman?". After the accident, Andy's relentless efforts to reach out to Elliott who in turn continuouslyshrugs him off in order to protect him, are depicted in a very heartbreaking way.
  • [[Armor-Piercing Response]]: Elliott's refusal to bless his engagement to Helena leads to this:Elliot: Andy what do you know about true love? 

Andy: More than you! All you know is how to shut people out!  [Elliott is visibly shocked]

  • [[Badass]]: Though these aspects are downplayed, he punches out Helena at the end of the film.
  • [[Badass Adorable]]: Hikes through a mountain, fights off wolves and still looks so cute throughout the movie.
  • [[Badass in Distress]]: Saves himself from his  curse as well as saving Elliottand stopping Helena all at the same time.
  • [[Badass Princess|Prince]]: This prince, who has been locked up in his home for 13 years, was able to help Krista take on a pack of wolves, stand up to an ice golem, and punch Helena in the face with enough force to knock him off a boat. Heck, he didn't even need a knight-in-shining-armor to finish the job.
  • [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Gets angry enough at Marshmallow to throw a snowball at him. At the end, he punches Helena in the face so hard that she falls off a ship into the harbor.
  • [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Elliot's life by taking a sword slash for him just as his body totally freezes, which counts as the act of true love that in turn saves his life.
  • [[Big Eater]]:
    • If the first word to come out of his  mouth after "We finish each other's — " is sandwiches, he clearly loves food.
    • "I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!"
  • [[Big "NO!"]]: As he jumps in front of Elliott just as Helena is about to strike him with her sword.
  • [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Inverted. Andy (younger btotherr) is quick to speak in defense of Elliott (older brother) when everyone else thinks the latter is a monster (or the duke does anyway) and at the climax, he makes a ][[Heroic Sacrifice]] by jumping in between Elliott, and Helena's sword. When he [[turns out to be alrigh]t], he only explanation for why he did it is that he loves Elliott, and the tone he says it in makes it sound like something Elliott should've expected rather than be surprised about.
  • [[Big Brother Worship]]: Worships Elliott so much to the point of looking down on himself, calling himself "completely ordinary".
  • [[Birds of a Feather]]: What initially draws him to Helena is his  belief that they are the same; looking for love, overlooked by their siblings, etc.
  • [[Body Horror]]: What he goes through after Eliott accidentally freezes his heart. His hair slowly turns white, frostbite forms on his fingers and face, and he eventually turns into a solid ice statue.
  • [[Break the Cutie]]: Goes through a lot over the course of the film. If Elliott pushing him away and (accidentally) freezing his heart wasn't enough, Helena's reveal that she never truly loved him pushes him to the [[Despair Event Horizon]].
  • [[Brutal Honesty]]: he rarely sugarcoats his feelings.
  • [[Buffy Speak]]: "Beautifuller", "good different", etc.
  • [[Bullying a Dragon]]: After Marshmallow literally throws him out of Eliott's ice palace, Anndy loses his temper and throws a snowball at him... which does absolutely nothing but piss him off enough to chase after her.
  • [[Catch Phrase]]: "... Wait, what?", 
  • [[Character Tic]]: Andy tucks a lock of his behind his ear when he's embarrassed by something he's done or said, and often bites her bottom lip when thinking.
  • [[Cheerful Child]]: As a little boy he is non-stop cheer and smiles.
  • [[Color Motif]]: Green: every single one of her outfits has a green element to it, even his iconic "winter dress", which has green leaves and stems as part of the floral motif.
  • [[Cute Clumsy Guy]]: That incident with the statue and cake is endearing. Apparently, all that time he spent in the castle has made him this.
  • [[Distressed Dude]]: Believed himself to be this because of the ice curse but in the end it was he who performed the act of true love to save herself, Elliott and the kingdom.
  • [[Despair Event Horizon]]: After Helena' betrayal, but quickly gets over it thanks to Olga.
  • [[Desperately Craves Affection]]: he grows up isolated from everyone except his parents and a few trusted servants, which leaves him starved for both attention and affection. Andy is so in need of both that he agrees to marry Helena on the day he meets her. Given what Helena turns out to be, this is an even worse idea than it already sounds.
  • [[Determinator]]: In regards to tracking down Elliott and getting him to return. he sees his brother manifest ice powers, set off a global winter, and then run off into the mountains. his response is basically 'Wait here. I'll be right back'.
  • [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Falls victim to this more than once.Andy: [after Helena falls on top of her in a rowboat] This is awkward. I mean, not that you're awkward - we're-I'm awkward - you're gorgeous. Wait, what?
  • [[Disney Death]]: Towards the end when he's frozen solid, before the act of true love defrosts him.
  • [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: Throws a snowball at Marshmallow, despite Krista telling him to leave her be. Needless to say, it doesn't go well.
  • [[Does Not Understand Sarcasm]]: [[Justified]] since he has no contact with anyone around him age for years.
  • [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: After years of suffering and depression, finally feels truly happy at the end.
  • [[Eating the Eye Candy]]: Non-sexual, but he spends a lot more time staring goofily at Helena than he reallyneeds to during his intro.
  • [[Fearless Fool]]: Andy's greatest strength and biggest weakness is that he is completely fearless; he will go boldly where others would hesitate, but also tends to be impulsive, and these impulses tend to lead him into trouble.
  • Fiery Redhead: he has strawberry-blonde hair, and can be pretty fiery when provoked.
  • Flat "What.: His [[Catch Phrase]] at several points in the film. he even does it to himself early on.
  • [[Foil]]: he's energetic and goofy in contrast to his  serious older brother, Elliott.
  • [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: The Foolish to Elliott's Responsible. Andy wants to marry Helena, but Elliott refuses to let them get married because they've only just met that day.
  • [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Andy seems to show this trope where Elliott can't, since he 1). Makes friends with baby ducks in "For the First Time in Forever", 2). manages to charm Helena's horse, Sitron, 3). waves at Sven when the latter is sitting outside Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Sauna.
  • [[Friendless Background:]] Andy was raised in seclusion his  whole life without any close friends and little to no contact with his brother, which may be the reason why he's so naive and willing to marry Helena, a women he just met.
  • [[Genki Guy]]: Due to being cooped up in a castle for most of his life, Andy reacts to everything outside with enthusiasm and boundless energy. To the point that he's One of Us.
  • [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: Is he blonde, strawberry blonde, a light reddish brown, or redhead? This is a common debate among viewers.
  • [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Falls in love with Helena at first sight. Subverted after it turns out she's a villain he has a love epiphany that he's in love with the blonde Krista.
  • [[Heterosexual Life-Partners]]: With Elliott; a good portion of the movie's drama is Andy wanting to become close to Elliott like they were as kids and not understanding why Elliott shuts him out.
  • [[Heroic BSOD]]: After learning of Helena's betrayal, he sadly tells Olga that he doesn't know what love is.
  • [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Ends up [[dodging in front of a sword strike meant for her brother even as he's turning to solid ice]]. Luckily, the Curse Escape Clause involving "an act of true love" kicks in.
  • [[Hikikomor]i]: Thanks to his  parents closing off the castle and raising him and Elliott in virtual isolation.
  • [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: When it comes to Helena. It's downplayed, since Helena wasn't[[ Obviously Evil]] like other Disney Villains, and was actually pretty good at pretending to be a Nice Guy.
  • [[Hot-Blooded]]: he's free-spirited, feisty, adventurous, and easily excitable. Other than that, 
  • [[I Just Want to Be Loved]]: [[Implied]]. Andy's quick engagement to Helena is a result of never spending time with Elliott for so long, which got worse when their parents died.
  • [["I Want" Song]]:
    • "Do You Want To Build a Snowman", in which Andy wants the close bond he and Elliott shared before Elliott shut himself off to protect Andy.
    • "For The First Time In Forever", in which Andy is excited at the prospect of meeting new people, and possibly finding true love (also the reprise, in which he wants to help Elsa and bring her back to Arendelle).
  • [[Idiot Hero]]: he agrees to marry a guy after spending only a couple of hours with him. he goes off to find Elliott up a mountain without a map, suitable clothing, or provisions, and his only plan is to talk her down.
  • [[In Love with Love]]: he's far more interested in having a romance so he doesn't have to be alone anymore than in Helena himself. he even goes as far as to accept her proposal after knowing him for only one day, claiming she's his true love.
  • [[Innocent Blue Eyes:]] Andy's eyes represent his kind-hearted and naive personality. Since Elsa's eyes are also blue, one assumes that blue eyes is a genetic trait runs in the family.
  • [[Kill the Cutie]]: Subverted. Though he is left to die by Helen he gets better.
  • [[Large Ham]]: Quite possibly the hammiest 
  • [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Pabbie modifies his memory after Elliott's initial blast hits him as a child, letting him keep the memories of the fun times she had with her sister, but removing all knowledge of Elsa's powers as a precaution.
  • Le Parkour: Even as a child, he leaps high and has no trouble vaulting around the castle either. Ironically, he really sucks at climbing.
  • Little Brother InstinctWhen Elliott runs off after accidentally freezing the castle, Andy immediately sets out in search of him, despite the inherent danger of traveling alone through a blizzard
  • Living Emotional CrutchImplied. If Andy wasn't around, Elliott would have probably remained in his own self-imposed exile within Arendelle's castle, struggling to keep his powers hidden.
  • Locked into Strangeness: Developed a a couple of platinum blonde hairs after Elliott accidentally struck him in the head with his ice powers (though due to the trolls altering Andy's memory, he is made to believe he had it from childbirth). Later, his hair begins to turn silvery-white after Elliott accidentally freezes his heart, but it turns back to normal after the curse is broken.
  • Locked Up and Left Behind: Helena locks him in a room and leaves him to die from Elliott's curse.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: A big reason for him agreeing to marry Helena so quickly is that his castle is big and there are few people staff in it.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Averted when he drops his sandwich to rescue Elliott from falling off the clock .
  • Love at First Sight: When he meets Helena he's awed by her and by the end of the night he agrees to marry her. We learn that Helena exploited this trope by faking being in love with Andy so she could marry into the throne.
  • Messianic Archetype: Even after Elliott was called a monster by everyone else, had unintentionally caused anEndless Winter, and had rejected and even nearly killed him by accident... he never gave up on her fallen brother, believing in the inherent goodness in Elliott's heart. In the end, the concept of true love came in the form of a Heroic Sacrifice, which allowed Elliott to finally redeem himself and brought Andy back from the dead.
  • Missing Steps Plan: Her plan to save Arendelle is basically 1. Find Elliott 2. Talk to Eliott 3.??? 4.Elliott thaws Arendelle. Lampshaded by Krista.
  • Motifs: Fire. he's a Fiery Redhead, he uses fire as a weapon against the wolves, and the moment where Helena betrays him and leaves him to die is punctuated by his extinguishing all sources of fire in the immediate area.
  • Motor Mouth: When he enters his Adorkable mode, he talks much faster.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Has a lot of strength for his size: in "For the First Time in Forever," Andy accidentally hammer tosses a statue bust across a room. he later sucker punches Helena hard enough to send her over the railing of a ship.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When he gets betrayed by Helena, he realized Elliottt and Krista were right about their objection of her getting engaged to him.
  • Mystical White Hair: Has a streak of hair which turned white after Elsa accidentally struck her in the head as a child. When Elliott accidentally freezes his heart, his hair slowly turns white as he nears death. By the time he unfreezes thanks to his  Heroic Sacrifice, the streak is gone.
  • Naïve Everygirl: A romantic naive young boy who dreams of finding true love.
  • Nice Girl: Always sweet, cheerful, and kind, though he has his limits.
  • Not a Morning Person: She has a lot of trouble waking up, both on Elsa's coronation day in the movie and on her own birthday in the Frozen Fever short.
  • The Not-Love Interest: Serves as this for Elsa to help her defrost. Ultimately, it's her act of saving Elsa that creates the act of true love: the bond between the sisters.
  • Oblivious to Love: Has no clue Kristoff has fallen for her until Olaf points it out.
  • Oblivious Younger SiblingJustified since Anna's memories of magic are taken away (not out of malice) by the trolls after Elsa's magic almost killed her. As a result, she is unaware of the reasons for Elsa's isolation.
  • Official Couple: With Kristoff, although they are not married by the movie's end.note 
  • Oh Crap!: She has a rather huge one while discovering Hans' true self.
  • One Head Taller: Or perhaps one head shorter. With Kristoff, who is taller than her by a head and is also built much larger, adding a bit of Huge Guy, Tiny Girl into the mix.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: The moment Elsa runs off and Anna prepares to make chase, there is a very distinct difference in how she speaks when she says "Bring me my horse, please," and her tone when placing Hans in charge during her absence. It is a remarkable difference from her normal demeanor and shows just how important Elsa is to her. Compare and contrast her slightly less commanding tone and request when she solicits Kristoff for help the following night.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: At the end of 'Do You Want To Build a Snowman', after her parents' death, she collapses against her sister's bedroom door, sobbing and begging Elsa for company.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Her cut song More Than Just The Spare helped shape her character even if it didn't make it into the movie. Elsa is simply better at everything than her and the one who will inherit the throne.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her parents die when their ship sinks in the prologue.
  • Pimped-Out Dress:
    • Her dress during the coronation is several shades of green, has large pleats all around the billowy skirt, and is covered with intricate rosemaling.
    • Her winter outfit, which she acquires during her search for Elsa, is less flamboyant but still quite detailed and beautiful with its shades of purple and blue.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: She punches out Hans with one punch despite her small stature.
  • Plucky Girl: Overlaps with hints of Action Girl, as she shows incredible moxie and always tries to help. The most action-y instances are when she and Kristoff fight off a wolf pack, when they evade Marshmallow, and when she sucker punches Hans into the fjord.
  • The Pollyanna: Promotional material lists her defining trait as optimism.
  • The Power of Love: Her love for her sister allowed her to brave driving snow in little more than a ballgown, climb a mountain and cross a frozen lake in order to throw herself in front of Hans' sword to save Elsa despite being half-dead at the time.
  • Pretty in Mink: When she gets winter clothes from Oaken, she gets a cape and cap lined with white fur.
  • Princess Classic: Anna grows up to be an archetypal "sweet-natured, innocent, friend to all living things, romantic" princess.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: Her winter cape and cap are pink and her room is as well.
  • Rebellious Princess: The theme behind the deleted song "We Know Better". It's about Elsa and Anna as little girls complaining about all the things princesses are expected to do, claiming they "know better."
  • Reconstruction: Of The Heart. Much like The Chick of old, Anna's main strength isn't so much her smarts, experience or power, but her care for the people around her and her determination to save them from their darker sides. However, this doesn't mean she has to be completely uselesscompletely based around those she cares about, or that she can't have agency in the plot. Stupid Good naiveté and any ideas about dudes solving all your problems are treated as a teenage girl thing she gets to grow out of without having to turn all cynical or lose any of her warmth and sweetness.
  • Red-Headed Heroine: Strawberry-blonde but definitely heroic.
  • Redhead In Green: Nearly every outfit she's seen in is green, excepting the mourning dress and the winter dress bought from Oaken's.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni:
    • The red to Elsa's blue. Anna is very energetic in contrast to her sister's calmness.
    • Reversed in Frozen Fever, where Elsa was more energetic than her.
  • Sadistic Choice: Once Anna realizes that Kristoff does love her and went back for her, she hopes she can get a kiss from him to save her life. On the other hand, she sees her emotionally-broken sister about to be killed by her traitorous ex-fiancé. It was her life or her sister's. She chooses the latter and it turned out to be a better choice.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Kristoff. Anna wants to marry Hans while Kristoff seems to have Elsa's perspective on marrying a guy she just met.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: Her extreme naivete and awkwardness are a result of spending most of her life locked up in the royal palace with little to no companionship.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: he's energetic, outspoken, and extroverted while Elliott is calm, reserved, and introverted.
  • Taking the BulletTakes a sword slash meant for her sister just as her body turns to ice.
  • Thanatos Gambit: Though unintentional, Anna throwing herself in front of Hans just as she began to expire earns Hans the ire and disgust of the Duke and many others who saw. After Anna thaws out, they cheer when she punches Hans off the boat, meaning that not only did her sacrifice help her sister end the winter, but it also gave them the opportunity to see what a traitor Hans really is.
  • Thinks Like a Romance Novel: Being from a Fairy Tale, and being a Disney Princess, it's not surprising that Anna believes in "True love", wants to meet "The One" in a single day, and bumps into Hans right afterwards.Turns out that Kris6q is actually The One, but their first encounter was a lot less idealized. Coming from Disney, it looks like a self-parody, as evidenced by Elsa's disapproval of the attempted marriage proposal.
  • This Loser Is You: Part of what makes her a character to relate to (for girls) is because of her awkward and quirky personality.
  • Too Much Information: Her response to one of the trolls mentioning that Kristoff "only likes to tinkle in the woods" during the "Fixer Upper" number:Andy: I did not need to know that.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Takes several levels by battling wolves, evading snow monsters, and even punching out Hans after saving the day.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Has a fondness for chocolate. Also loves sandwiches, soup, roast, and ice cream.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Wow, does she go through tragedy!
    • he gets accidentally hit in the head with ice by Elliott as kids and gets his memories wiped clean to not remember her sister's powers.
    • Then, Andy is separated by Eliott and doesn't know why, tries desperately to reconnect with her.
    • Cut to a few years later, his parents are dead and Andy tries again to reconnect with Elliott with no avail.
    • Another three years go by and he finds someone he thinks is true love, Helena, then has an argument with Elliott about his quick engagement, which reveals Elliott's powers, culminating with him running away.
    • Andy tries to get him to come back but only gets his heart frozen by him accidentally.
    • he tries to get Helena to kiss him, and reveals herself to be a manipulative sociopath who leaves him to die and plans to kill Elliott, crushing his idea of what love is, while freezing to death.
    • And finally, saves Eilliott at the cost of her own life. It's a good thing he comes back to life and things get better for him but someone give her a hug and that someone was Elliott..
  • Undying Loyalty: Andy seems to always believe Elliott not someone to fear, but is someone who is just really scared and frightened of herself. When Elliott's powers are revealed, and he runs away, Anna doesn't hesitate to go after her. "he's my brother - he would never hurt me." The fact that he is later dying because of Elliott's magic, and still doesn't hesitate to save him, really proves this trope
  • We Used to Be Friends: he and Elliott were insperable as children. Then, the accident happened.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: he's convinced that his Love at First Sight with Helena is true love. he learns otherwise the hard way when Helena reveals she only pretended to love him to get to the throne.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Twice, both for the same reason: he's unintentionally blasted by Elliott's magic, which begins to freeze him from the inside. The king and queen appeal to the trolls to reverse it the first time, though they're unable to do anything the second time, due to the damage being done to the heart instead of the head

King Elliott of Arendalle[]

The snow king and Elliott has snow powers since birth and is forced to control them even from his brother Andy

  • Above Good and Evil:After running away, he resolves to discard concepts like "right" and "wrong," and simply live by his own rules, no longer caring what the rest of the world will think of his actions.
  • Action Hero: Seen when he first fend of some bunch of guys when there trying to kill him 
  • Afraid of there own sthrength: Ever since he was a child he has obsessively tried to suppress his ice powers and stay as far away from people as possible since he is afraid that he will hurt others like he did with Andy.
  • Aloof Big Brother: Towards Andy this is singficatlly justifed as he is afraid of hurting Andy
  • Badass: even more so than Andy
  • Badass Adorkable: He not be adorakble as Andy but he does get some cute movements especially in the end 
  • Badass Boast: During the Let it Go song his lines are Conceal dont feel dont lert them know
  • Badass Cape: After shifting his outfit in Let it go song
  • Badass in Distress: While he is not an agressive person in the cilmax when Helenas gang attempt to caputure him he tried his best to escape and ends up being ucnoncious 
  • Badass Bookworm: his power makes him incrediablely badass
  • Badass in Charge: He becomes the King of Arendall
  • Big Brother Instict: Eliott loves Andy alot ever since he accidently hurt his brother in childhood he is forced to distance himself in Andy and not wanting to hurt him anymore this attitude is present throuhout the stories 
  • Break the cutie: The truma deals him to separte himself from Andy and society
  • Broken BirdAfter years of keeping his powers in check, he became more cynical and more detached from Andy.
  • Character Development: Following Elliots return to Arendall his personality became much more cheerful and friendly with a warm welcomin arura. Elliott now rules the kingdom with a genuine smile on his face and decides to no longer shut tje palace doors and keeps it open forever he is no longer brooding and aloof espcially to elliott and there relatinship became close again once more as they were children. 
  • Cheerful Child: In the beginging he was just cheerful as Andy then shit happens
  • Conspicuous gloves: he wears gloves pretty often to control his powers. after learning to control his powers this is no longer the case 
  • Cool Big Bro: to Andy 
  • Cool Crown: He intially wore a simple crown during his cornation
  • Dark and Troubled Past: As a child he hit Andys head with his power and his parents died when he was a kid.
  • Dark Magical Guy:Aloof reserved and distance by he is generally a good person at heart who was iscolated from everyone due to his powers
  • Deadpan Snarker: Snarkers pretty Doften
  • [[Defrosting Ice King]]:In the end he is no longer aloof and cyncial and become much more happy and cheerful, The reason why he was distant in the begining was to protect his brother.
  • Deuteragonist: the story focuses on him try to control his power
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: finally conqures his crippling fear and he mangage to make peace with his powers and rules his kingdom peacefully
  • Emotional Powers:His power flares up when he feels emtion.Usually negative ones lie fear or worry When he's feeling better he creates happier things like Olga.
  • Emotion Suppresion:For many years Elliott has to surprass his emotion in fear he would lose to control his power
  • Expository Hairstyle Changed: After Let it go Elliott drops his crown and made his hair backwards 
  • Fisher King: The weather changes according to his mode
  • Foil:He is serious and stoic in contrast to his energtic and goofy brother Andy,
  • Foolish Sibling,Responsible Sibling:The responsible Sibling to Andys foolish sibling. Andy wants to marry Helena but Elliott refuses since they have met the same day.
  • Friendless Background: Like Andy he was raised alone and isolated in the palace and doesnt have any friends of his age at all
  • Glass Canon:he's very powerful, but still ultimately a young man susceptible to conventional harm if one bypasses his icy defenses. When a crossbow knocks down the ice chandelier, it knocks him out.
  • God Emperor: Elliott in addition to being the political ruler of Arendelle, also has the power to destroy whole kingdoms in his wrath and to create life.
  • Go Mad from the isolation: isolation at least makes him Above Good and Evil
  • Hates Being Touched:he won't let other people touch him. Andy thinks he's probably a neat freak or something, but he's just trying to hide his powers and keep people safe. When he figures out the secret to co[[ntrolling his powers he's freer with physical contact.
  • Hero Antagonist:he unintentionally drives the conflict,
  • Heroic BSOD:When Helena tells him that Andy's dead. When Elliott goes through these, the snow tends to freeze outside (also happened when he learned that his parents were dead).
  • Hidden Depths: He is passive compared to Andy it is impiled that he does enjoy more thrilling activites  and likes to be a outing and socialable person
  • The High King: In the end where he he fully embraces his powers and returns to rule Arendelle.
  • Hotter and Sexier: His ice outfit compared to his cornatation outif
  • I am a Monster: Frequently calls himself a monster or a curse
  • Ice King:
  • Icy Blue Eyes; Not evil but since his elements is ice it fits
  • Iconic Outfit: His silky blue outfit is more recognizable and is printed on more merchandise than his coronation outfit.
  • Jerkass Facade: Althougt Elliott may be a bit aloof towards Andy but it is clear that he cares about him deeply and his well being and the main reasn why he is trying to distabt himself from Andy it is because he is afraid of hurting him again and he alaways has to push him just to protect him,
  • Lonely Rich Kid: isloates him self from everyone including Andy even though the live in the same house
  • Mr Fanservice: After transforming into ice dress 
  • [[My God, What have I done ?]]:he suffers this a couple of times. When he Andy were first playing when they were kids he felt really bad for hurting Andy, He is also horrifeid when he learns that his power caused an endless winter
  • Nerovos Wrack: underneath his calm,aloof and stoic nature his powers have caused him to develop more depression and anexity disorder
  • Not So Above It All:Despite his Stoic nature he still has a good nature Gadfly movements during teh cornation where he mange rope Andy to dance with duchess who is a horrible dancer 
  • Nice Guyhe is caring, warm, protective, loving, compassionate, selfless, benevolent, emotional, sensitive, and peaceful. Even before his Character Development, his Jerkass Façade was only made so to keep his little brother safe.
  • Nice Shoes
  • No Social Skills: due being shut in the palace for years he can onlu communicte with his parents and ocassionaly Andy when it comes being crowned one can tell he feels rather qwkard around people. 
  • Parental Abandonment:his parents died in a shipwreck accident 
  • Poor Communiction Kiils: Due to accident he is afraid to speak to his brother for years and when running away from cornation cermony he accidently frezzes the harbour int Endless Winter
  • The Power of Love:how he gains to control his powers 
  • Reasonable Authority Figure; When not freaking out Eliott is a reasonable and sinsible ruler
  • Red Oni,Blye Oni: The calm and collected blue to Andys engertic and hyperctive active red
  • The Stoic:He is very calm and collected individua
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Elliott and Andy inherited their mothers featuers save for their eyes 
  • Suicide by Cop:After Helena lied to him that he killed Andy Elliott appears to willingly to let her cut him down
  • Sugar and Icy Personality: He is reserved and aloof who tires to control is emotion but he clearly cares for Andy and people of Arendalle
  • Took a level in Badass: learns to fully accept his powers and put and end to blizzard winter
  • Took a level in Cheerfulness; In the end Eliott is no longer cynical and stoic and he has became very cheerful and friendly just like Andy. like Andy he enjoys trying some new activities 
  • Took a level in Kindness: after he deforsts he manage to turn his kingdom into summer, creates  a small storm to olga so he will never melts,makes Krista the offical master and teaches Andy how to skate 
  • Trauma Conga Line: Has sufferd somany trauma in the story
  • Troubled,but cuter He is rather aloof and brooding
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: until the incident with Andy in which he becomes more aloof,cynical and distant
  • Used to Be More Social: until the incident with Andy he is willing to play with him
  • When He Smiles: Elliott looks very adorable and handsome when he smiles and after becoming cheerful he stated that he will always keep smiling since his smile is his greatest tresure in univers
  • Winter Royal Man: Aside being a Snow king he is qualified for this trope