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- And You Thought It Would Fail: Sums up the initial thoughts of the producers before the special aired.
- Awesome Music: The entire soundtrack. Yes, for a 30-minute animated special. There was even an album of Vince Guaraldi's music released, and it too has become a classic.
- The jazzy "Linus And Lucy" is pure Ear Worm.
- Despair Event Horizon: "I killed it."
- Memetic Mutation: In the dance sequence, see that kid in the orange shirt with spiky hair in front of Linus? That's "5". Given that he wasn't very notable even in the comics, most people know him just for that dance he's doing. You know the one.
- Misaimed Marketing: In the original broadcast, there were ads for Coca-Cola in opening and closing credits - in a show that protests the commercialization of Christmas.
- ... and now, you can decorate your entire house entirely with Peanuts-themed Christmas merchandise, including an entire line of plastic figures recreating those deeply spiritual moments from this special, including a life-size version of the infamous tree.
- Narm Charm: Some of the children providing the voices were too young to understand their lines, resulting in the classic awkward delivery that later became a staple of all Peanuts specials.
- Values Resonance: The shots at holiday commercialism and presentation of the Biblical True Meaning of Christmas have only become more relevant.
- The Woobie: Charlie Brown as always, but also his tree. No wonder he chooses that one.
- When they released the soundtrack on CD, they added a new song called "Just Like Me." It's basically Charlie's thoughts when he picks up the tree, except set to sad music. And honestly, the lyrics are ridiculously depressing.
Hello little tree... |
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