Executive Meddling: Lucas revealed in an interview that the reason why Greedo shoots first in the re-made version was to prevent a PG-13 rating, which didn't exist in 1977.
Hey, It's That Voice!: Listen to the voice of the Imperial officer who tells Vader that there's no one on board the Millennium Falcon. Are you suddenly thinking of The Simpsons? That's because several of the British incidental cast were dubbed by none other than Harry Shearer. You can also hear him dubbing the guy on the Star Destroyer who sees the escape pod ("There goes another one") and one of the Rebel pilots in the Death Star attack ("The guns...they've stopped!")
George Lucas' first draft of the film, penned in 1974 and called The Star Wars, was quite a different animal from the finished product. Han Solo was a green skinned alien who looked like Drax the Destroyer, the Emperor looked like Doctor Strange, Darth Vader[1] was unarmored, Alderaan was the capital of the Galactic Empire, Star Destroyers were one-man fighters and Luke was a grizzled old warhorse, the Force was more of a nebulous religious concept, just to name a few of the original ideas. The script was eventually made into a comic.