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  • Critical Research Failure: Jürgen's German passport features a photo of him in color, with his face directly toward the camera. The German requirements for passports are photos in black and white, and the bearer turning their head slightly away from the camera, and that the ear be visible. The photo did not show either metal riveted rings or crimped edges and gluing is not allowed.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: According to letterboxd, a lot of the film's glowing reviews are written in German.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Song Kang-ho portraying a struggling dad who tries to rip off a German for money? Now where have we seen that before?
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Man-seob being portrayed as an alcoholic. After the film's success, the son of Kim Sa-bok (who Man-seob is based on) revealed that Sa-bok turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism because he was so traumatized from seeing endless civilian casualties. He died of liver cancer, a disease caused by drinking. The film ends with a video of the actual Jürgen Hinzpeter (recorded in 2015) asking to meet Sa-bok, unaware that he passed away in 1984.
  • Values Dissonance: Jae-sik being excited at seeing a photo of a young Eum-jun. Korean audiences think it's charming and humanizes him as a kind person, while Western audiences would be more inclined to call Chris Hansen.

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