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- Disney's angry confrontation with Roy Cohn after the horrible murder of one of the Little Rock Nine.
- James Dodd: "Caught you." (he says this to his own reflection after being assigned to find the person who leaked Disney's health problems.)
- Followed by blackmailing Roy Cohn with evidence of his homosexuality, which still has Cohn claiming the mole was never found long afterwards.
- Roy Cohn punching George Rockwell after being condescendingly called a "good Jew."
- And ruining his presidential bid by knowing how to take a punch.
- Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Jean-Luc Godard, and Charlie Chaplin teaming up to create their own film studio. There's an all-star roster for you.
- It gets better in "When You Wish Upon a Star:" Ed Wood convinces Welles to make a movie of Batman.
- Goldwater' speech rejecting George Rockwell's racism and, subsequently, the nomination.