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Abduction Poster 7203

A 2011 action movie starring Taylor Lautner, Alfred Molina, and Sigourney Weaver and produced by Lionsgate.

Nathan Price is an average High School Senior - going to parties, riding his motorcycle, and daydreaming about the girl next door. Then one day while doing research for a sociology paper, he finds his own face on a missing persons website. Before he can think, the people he has always thought of as his parents die as assassins arrive to collect him, and he finds himself on the run from bounty hunters and the CIA.

While being a standard action movie, it was largely panned by critics.

Tropes used in Abduction include:
  • Arbitrarily-Large Bank Account: Gilly, Nathan's friend who scores him fake ID's, train tickets, game-day playoff tickets, and large sums of cash in short order. What on earth is this kid involved in to give him such fluid resources at his age?
  • Artistic License: Law: Nathan's birth certificate says "State of Pennsylvania", but Pennsylvania is a Commonweath. Also, Nathan rides around on his motorcycle without a helmet - but PA laws say you must wear one until you are 21 years of age. High School wrestlers must wear headgear during tournaments, but they don't.
  • California Doubling: The movie is set and filmed in Pittsburgh, but Pittsburgh also stands in for Virginia. A corridor in the August Wilson Center for the Preforming Arts doubles as CIA headquarters.
  • Changeling Fantasy: Pretty much the whole plot.
  • Dawson Casting: Not too bad with Lautner, who was playing his age at the time; but Lily Collins was 20, playing a 17 year old. Come to think of it, that may be the reason for the aborted makeout session (and eventual sex) on the train.
  • Fruit Cart: Nachos during the chase at the park.
  • Girl Next Door: Karen.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Nathan is chased through PNC Park, knocking over many people - but this does not attract the eyes of security.
  • Mysterious Parent: And Nathan's Dad wants to stay that way.
  • No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine: Frank takes Nathan and Karen out to eat after chasing them for quite a while.
  • Oblivious Adoption: Nathan looks nothing like his "parents", yet he's still a little angsty when he finds out.
  • Ordinary High School Student: Nathan.
  • Pass the Popcorn: "I don't know much about baseball, but I do like popcorn."
  • Pittsburgh: Look for The August Wilson Center for the Preforming Arts, the rotunda to the old Union Train Station (next to the East Busway), the Amtrak Station, and of course the climax at PNC Park.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Nathan's family was hardly straight about him about him being adopted, nor did Nathan go straight to his parents when he began to suspect that he was. Folks died.
  • Removed From the Picture: Nathan's baby picture was found to be cropped once they find an artifact of an arm in it.
  • I Thought That Was: The movie is called "Abduction", so guess who gets/got abducted! Give up? Nobody. Karen gets very temporarily kidnapped while on the train, but hardly enough so to qualify for the title.
  • Thriller on the Express: The protagonists try to leave for Kansas by train. It doesn't work out well.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: A man is gunned down by a sniper in broad daylight outside of a busy baseball stadium. No one outside of the main characters notices.
    • Some people in the parking lot noticed, but they were just sort of pointing and nonchalantly trying to figure out where the shot came from. They didn't really seem to care though.
  • Wild Teen Party: The movie starts out with one.