Above Ground is a post-apocalyptic dark fantasy series set in the distant future, where monsters roam the surface whilst humans cower underground. The first book of this Web Serial Novel, "Above Ground" is complete and free to read online. The second book, "Between Worlds" is currently posting.
The story follows the adventures of Lilith Gray as she ventures to the surface for the first time, but is trapped above ground in the company of the taciturn werewolf Silver. All Lilith wants is to return home, and all Silver wants is to be rid of her. But life above ground has a way of being very unpredictable... and dangerous.
- After the End
- Dark Fantasy
- Fantastic Racism — pretty much every race hates every other race.
- I Am Who?? — Lilith
- I Will Protect Her — Silver.
- Mega Corp
- Our Better Is Different — humans use "lower" to mean "better" given that the richer classes are located in the lowest underground caverns, further away from the surface and the monsters. Can be confusing.
- Our Werebeasts Are Different — features all kinds of werebeasts, although the predominant one remains Werewolves. Whatever their animal type, their bite is not infectious: it is a trait inherited genetically.
- The Chessmaster - Zachal, more commonly referred to as the Snake, is a prime example.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Episodes of this series provide examples of:[]
- Everything's Better with Penguins — one scene features a werepenguin