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Basic Trope: A Level Cap so absurdly high, that most players will never reach it—in fact, it might not even be necessary for completion.
- Straight: In Heroes of Troperia, the level cap is 9999, but the Final Boss can be easily defeated when the characters are around level 75.
- Exaggerated: The level cap of Heroes of Troperia is literally infinite. However, enemy level scales with yours, so grinding is ultimately pointless.
- Downplayed: The level cap is high, but not absurdly so, and can be reached with a reasonable amount of grinding.
- Justified:
- The game developers deliberately put in the level cap to make One Hundred Percent Completion next to impossible, making players spend more time and/or money on the game or simply give up.
- On an MMO, levels are used for tracking how the player base for that game plays, and how it is supposed to be balanced. The high level cap is just a formality in order to help track the progress of one player compares to another, or how far the most hardcore of players can get.
- ...or it's part of a hidden Aesop, and meant to show a personal belief or ideal
- Inverted: The characters in Heroes of Troperia max out in level 10, which can be reached in about 30 minutes out of a dozen hours of gameplay.
- Subverted: While the game says that the maximum level is 9999, there are no enemies above level 100, and they eventually give 0 EXP when defeated as your characters increase in level.
- Double Subverted: ...except for enemies and bosses in the Brutal Bonus Level, which are level 101~9999.
- Parodied: Snarky monsters that are the EXP-equivalent of Money Spider. Those monsters openly mock the player (not the player characters, the player himself/herself) during battles.
Bob the Trope Guy: "Don't YOU have anything better to do? Have you done your homework? I think you should go to work, no? D00dz, reaching level 9999 isn't worth ruining a marriage!" |
- Alternatively: Achievements that are unlocked as character levels are increased. Those achievements mock you as your level increase beyond the range necessary to finish the game.
- Deconstructed: You can fight an Ax Crazy Bonus Boss who aims to reach level 9999. That boss is really insane and is obviously tortured by his desire.
- Reconstructed: ...defeating that boss gives you enough exp to gain 1000+ level-ups.
- Zig Zagged: There is an inconsistency in Heroes of Troperia. The games display your level as "current level/max level possible". Sometimes the max level possible is 99, other times it's 9999. So far, all enemies that can give you enough EXP to reach 9999 are truly random; it's possible that they're glitches. Yeah, this game is an Obvious Beta.
- Averted:
- Heroes of Troperia doesn't use level-up system. Or it went for something completely unusual.
- Alternatively, the level cap is easily reachable by the end of the storyline, or by going through the Bonus Dungeons.
- Or levelups happen, but at fixed points only, so grinding accomplishes nothing except getting more items.
- Enforced: Heroes of Troperia is meant to be a Deconstruction, Level Cap is just one of many things it's satirizing.
- Lampshaded: "The sky is our (level) limit! Reach the improbable! Do the impossible!"[1]
- Invoked: Hunting the aforementioned snarky monsters (and putting up with their snarkiness). You want to show your friends just how powerful your party is!
- Exploited: Developers implemented level-scalability; the enemies become more powerful as you increase in level. Anything that increase gameplay hours, man...
- Defied: The developers tweak equipment, skills, etc. so that an extremely low-level party can finish the game.
- Discussed: "Are we ever going to reach level 9999? We're on the Big Bad's doorstep and we're only level 50!"
- Conversed: "Why didn't the developers make a lower level cap? It's impossible to reach it in normal gameplay."
Stop! You must be Lv9999 before you can go back to Absurdly High Level Cap!