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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney[]
- Objection. It's fitting for explaining to someone just what you think they're doing wrong.
- Pursuit ~ Cornered. They hit it out of the park the first time, and though each game features a new version, the original returned for the Crowning Moment of Awesome at the end of the third game.
- The variation, with orchestra hits as accents, just tops it.
- The third one.
- Ace Attorney's Courtroom Lounge. And the other Courtroom Lounge themes.
- Of course, where would we be without Turnabout Sisters?
- Not to mention Turnabout Sisters' Ballade, the slower, sadder version played when Maya leaves at the end of the first game. It's even better than its original.
- From the first game's bonus case comes this song, The Detective that came from the Wild West. It fits Jake Marshall's character like a suntanned pair of rusty boots fits a sheriff.
Phoenix Wright: Justice for All[]
- Steel Samurai's Ballad, which is slowed down version of the Steel Samurai's theme, which matches the despair you find in the case it appears in.
- Great Revival Oh, And if you haven't played through the second game, don't click that link. The moment will be better if it's the first time you hear it.
- Considering whose theme it is, it should be no surprise that it's remixed in AAI... as the Objection theme!
- And as several other themes.
- And the cross-examination theme from Investigations 2.
- Considering whose theme it is, it should be no surprise that it's remixed in AAI... as the Objection theme!
- Hotline of Fate and Search ~ Core 2002 from the second game.
- Search ~ Core 2007 is pretty awesome, as well.
- the AAI counterpart as well.
- Announce the Truth 2002 also from the second game sounds amazing in the courtroom segments. The AAI version completely blew it away.
- Search ~ Core 2007 is pretty awesome, as well.
- Fire Carves Scars, which first plays right at the depressing, and somewhat haunting, intro of 2-2.
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations[]
- Fragrance of Black Coffee.
- The Phoenix Wright 3 Special Blend Mix is a Crowning Remix Medley of Awesome.
- Gyakuten Saiban (Phoenix Wright) - Cornered! Orchestra Chronology is a medley of the first three games' "Cornered" themes. Orchestrated. And it is undeniably awesome.
- The Reminiscence themes are widely considered to be some of the best tracks in the Ace Attorney games. A couple of the best among those being Shadow on the Bridge and The Bitter Taste of Truth.
- Shadow on the Bridge is not only awesome, but it's an effective Tear Jerker.
- Elise Deauxnim's/Misty Fey's theme: Gentle Melody. Does a nice job of portraying Elise as a kind, gentle woman, as the name of the song implies.
- Being the final game in the original trilogy, the court themes for Trials & Tribulations have a strong sense of finality to them that make the atmosphere of the court heavier than at any other point in the series. In particular, the trial music playing immediately after Godot delivers his Tears of Blood quote over silence at the tail end of the final case sent chills down my spine. Best musical cue in the entire series to date. The new version in Ace Attorney Investigations marks Noriyuki Iwadare as my favorite music director in the series. They could have used the original theme for reference, but instead they used my personal favorite.
- The remix used in the end credits medley of Trials and Tribulations gets a lot more epic, and in some ways sad. Partially cause the last case cemented Wright's career and role as a respectable attorney, but also being that its the last game in the Phoenix Trilogy and probably the last game that will ever allow us to take his role as the main character of the series, leaving behind all the people and adventures for one hell of a great memory. Makes you wonder exactly what has happened with all the characters since those seven years in the canon timeline and if we'll be seeing them again in the future installments.
- The Dahlia Hawthorne's Theme: "Distant Traces of Beauty". A calm, deeply nostalgic theme, although mysterious, which hides the real Complete Monster she's inside. When you think about it, the song shows quite well how pathetic she really is.
- Tthe sad, slow songs in the series like the DL-6 and SL-9 Reminiscences, and especially for Tournabout Sisters Ballade, but the one that takes home the prize for most heart-rending is the Trials and Tribulations Epilogue. And the Gyakuten Saiben Orchestra version.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney[]
- Guilty Love, Klavier Gavin's theme. According to the composer, it came to him in a dream.
- It's so awesome that it's apparently the only song the Gavinners ever play.
- The Examination themes from Apollo Justice were fantastic, too. And Guilty Love. And Child Of Magic. And... heck, almost the entirety of the AJ OST.
- Examination is awesome. Perceive is Examination on acid. Makes the Perceive all the more surreal.
- Don't forget its Cornered theme. What makes it so great to listen to, especially to fans who played the first game, is that it sounds like an updated remix of the first one. In fact, a combination of both surpasses 9001 on the Objection scale.
- There's also Announce the Truth 2007, which is much shorter than the others, but is pretty damn catchy.
- The magical Troupe Gramarye.
- Apollo Justice may not have a lot of love like Phoenix Wright does, but no one can deny that his cornered theme totally rocks.
- Solitary Confinement ~ Darkness Theme. This perfectly suits the scene of Phoenix and Kristoph's confrontation in prison, and Kristoph's general attitude, as well as being damned catchy.
- In the first case when Phoenix objects and his old school, 8 bit theme starts playing.
- The new Suspense theme is rather short and simple, but you can't help but feel a chill go down you spine when it plays. A very worthy successor to the Phoenix Wright Suspense theme.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth[]
- Investigations has "KG-8 Case", "False Relations" and "Torn Apart Countries". Just... wow.
- This one. Just listen to it. Makes you want to scream Hold it!
- You know they really made an epic piece when you actually stop playing the first time this kicks in just so you can listen to it uninterrupted.
- Pursuit ~ Lying Coldly, which also plays during epic showdowns. It's Edgeworth's 'Cornered' theme.
- Don't forget the character themes: Especially Shi-Long Lang's "Speak up, Pup!" and Tyrell Badd's "The Truth isn't Sweet" rivals Godot's theme song in awesomeness!
- Can't leave out Calisto Yew's "Let Me Laugh at the Cool". Great sax action right there.
- Here's a sweet remix of "Speak Up, Pup!"
- Ace Attorney Investigation's epic rendition of the Blue Badger theme.
- The Enemy Who Surpasses The Law (be advised that the biggest spoiler of all is on the complete name of the song so enter under your own risk), which shows you just how powerful and haughty the Big Bad is. It is the kind of masterfully composed and executed piece of music you would expect in a game like Kingdom Hearts, famous for such soundtrack. Especially powerful when it plays for the first time in conjunction with The Reveal.
- This song was especially amazing when near the very end, you thought you had just solved the case... When BAM the song came, and you thought to yourself "Oh Crap, what sort of trick did he pull now?"
- But hey, what about our favorite ditzy detective's new theme? Did you people forget Dick Gumshoe's "I can do it when it counts, pal!"? For shame, pal!
- While Gumshoe already had a theme (in the Phoenix Saga), that one had a more slow-paced serious tone to emphasize the seriousness of the cases and also to give the "Gumshoe scenes" a "crime series" atmosphere. The AAI rendition of the song is more up-beat and was clearly made to give Gumshoe a song that emphasized his goofy and clumsy (and adorable) personality but also conserved his leitmotif of the Phoenix Saga as well, so this version can be considered his real theme while the first one can be considered the Police Detective theme.
- "The Great Truth Burglar" for Mikumo Ichijo/Kay Faraday. Using different traditional Japanese instruments in abundance, it feels like a second Steel Samurai theme.
- "Investigation ~ Middlegame 2009", possibly the most investigative of all the games' investigation themes to this point.
- Investigation ~ Contradiction at the crime scene is THE investigation song.
- Although it only appears in one case, there is the track Guardians of the Law. Partially based on the trial themes of the first and third games, the epicness of this music only makes you wish it played more.
Ace Attorney Investigations 2[]
- Kay's and Lang's themes are remixed into Reminiscence songs. How... sad...
- The new Pursuit theme rocks the synth. Possibly the best Pursuit theme ever.
- Tateyuki Shigaraki ~ Joking Motive, also known as "one of the best character themes ever".
- Logic Chess ~ Opening, highly reminiscing of the Examination themes from the main AA series.
- Investigation ~ Middlegame 2011 is one of the more better investigation themes in Ace Attorney. Just listen to it.
- Investigation ~ Core 2011 could possibly be the best investigation theme ever.
- Gregory Edgeworth ~ A Defense Attorney's Knowldege. Man, this game may well contain the best soundtrack of the series.
- The Man Who Masterminds the Game, the theme of the final boss.
Multiple Games[]
- It would be a crime not to state some of the amazing themes many characters are given. Godot's has been mentioned, but Warehouse Tiger, In the Shadows of the Government, Mysterious Masked Person ~ Please Listen!, I Just Want Love, Distant Traces of Beauty, Search ~ In The Midst, The Whim of a Murderous Gentleman, and The Steel Samurai Theme really help make the characters, as well as the games, what they are.
- Orchestrated Steel Samurai theme. With lyrics.
- One of those (Mysterious Masked Person - Please Listen!) gets another crowning due to what it's paired with. Throughout the case it's used both for Mask* DeMasque and Ron DeLite and is generally flamboyant and awesome, but at the end of the case it plays when Desiree declares that she still loves Ron, demonstrating that she accepts him despite his thieving ways. Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, hello.
- Swimming, Anyone?
- Then there's the lovable detective's theme. Detective Gumshoe, Pal!
- The Objection! themes.
- The Court Room Themes
- For Cross Examination Allegro, we either have Apollo Justice's version or Trial and Tribulations' version. For Cross Examination Moderate, Justice For All does a perfect job.
- "Suspense" is such a simple theme, but it demands your utmost attention from the moment it kicks in.
- There's this tiny thing called "Jingle" and it plays every time you complete a chapter or a case. It's extremely short (at the most about four seconds). But the feeling of satisfaction and awesome you get when it plays...
- Pretty much all of the Turnabout Orchestra songs are amazing, but the new take on Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! is worth its own note.
- The Court Suites, Medleys of all that goes on in the Court Room.
- The lyrical version of The Guitar's Serenade warrants mention, as well. The original game version sounds unimpressive for the most part, but the orchestrated version just takes it to awesome heights.
- The 2008 orchestrated Steel Samurai Theme is bad ass. Ditto for Swinging Tigre.
- A lyrical version of the Steel Samurai theme that, combined with the instrumentation, sounds like a 80s Toku theme.
- The Cadenza remixes. Here's Examination ~ Allegro.
- Pursuit ~ Cornered 2001, CADENZA Remix
- The remix of Gumshoe's theme is a sad but sweet take on the original. It definitely pulls at the heartstrings.
- This awesome remix by Jaw.
- The entire Jazz album. All of it. They're not just good remixes, they're really great jazz songs. The Steel Samurai Theme is amazing. Come on, would you be suprised if this was from an 40's cop show? Also Godot's Theme and Furio Tigre.
- You think these remixes are good on their own? Try Unlimited Corners, a mashup of several entries on this page. Words cannot describe the experience of listening to it.