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The Character page for Ace Combat: The Equestrian War fanfic. These traits are valid as of the recent chapter.
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Mirage squadron[]
A group of seven pegasi ponies (five, initially) who become Equestria's main aerial defense force when the Wonderbolts are incapacitated. Driven by purpose and bound by friendship, they will do everything in their might to protect their homeland. |
- Action Mares
- Badass Crew
- Cute Bruisers
- Determinators
- Red Pony, Blue Pony: Firefly, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Bolt are Red, while Fluttershy, Medley, Cloud Kicker and Derpy are Blue.
- Rainbow's blue to Firefly's red.
- Made of Iron
- True Companions
Rainbow Dash[]
A blue pegasus pony, representing the Element of Loyalty and second-in-command of the Mirage squadron. Regarded as the fastest pegasus in Equestria. She's headstrong and determined to fight against even the most difficult of odds. Rainbow hopes to become a member of the Wonderbolts in the future. |
- A Friend in Need: Does her best to rescue Medley from Gilda's clutches. Unfortunately, she fails.
- Also, Applejack in chapter 6.
- Badass
- Badass Boast: In chapter 10.
- Big Sister Mentor: To Medley, in a sense.
- Big "What?": A few times during the story, with the first one in chapter 2 even using a bigger font.
- Beyond the Impossible: Performed a Sonic Rainboom to break into the Burning Talon.
- Break the Cutie: Gilda does it perfectly in chapter 11. Both physically and mentally.
- First-Name Basis: It may also have something to do with her callsign.
- "Friend or Idol?" Decision: A minor one. By the end of chapter 10, she decided to stay with her Mirage wingmares and the Mane Cast on their own party before attending the official one held by the Royal Sisters, to which the Wonderbolts invited her.
- Forced to Watch: Dash is forced to watch helplessly as Medley is experiencing excruciating pain from Gilda's talons.
- Heroic BSOD: Being an Element of Loyalty, she doesn't take Gilda's betrayal very well.
- Heroic Resolve: She wishes to avenge the Wonderbolts and protect Equestria with all of her heart.
- It's All My Fault: Says it several times in chapters 11 and 12, accussing herself of being unable to protect Medley and almost letting her die.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Morality Pet: To Firefly, at the beginning.
- Number Two: When the team splits, Rainbow leads one group while Firefly leads the other.
- Skyward Scream: Makes a chilling one in chapter 11.
- The Heroine
- The Rival: To "G" (Gilda).
- Thousand-Yard Stare: In chapter 14, when she thinks her friends were killed by the griffins.
- Undying Loyalty
- Wingmare: To Firefly.
- You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Her reaction to seeing Canterlot being attacked by the griffins in chapter 14.
Rainbow Dash: "Oh, HAY NO! This is not happening!" |
The leader of the squadron. Upon her return to Equestria, she is permitted by Princess Celestia to form her own team in an attempt to help other ponies in defending their homeland. But she also has a personal motive for coming back... Being a determined and confident mare, she has a natural knack for being a leader. Though Firefly may act cold and apathetic toward other ponies (including her wingmares), deep inside, she has a sensitive soul and is a likeable, understanding pony. |
- Backstory: A really painful and sad one at that.
- Badass
- Berserk / Relative Button: Whenever someone reminds her of her parents being killed, she can get quite angry...
- Or sad, if her friends do so.
- Break the Cutie: What Black Star did to her. Twice.
- Broken Tears: In chapters 7, 8 (in the Flashback) and 16.
- Catapult Nightmare: In chapter 18.
- Child Prodigy: She was praised by her parents for her courage and agility.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Oh boy... Her house burned down, her parents killed, her dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt crushed... She had a hard life, indeed.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disproportionate Retribution: She holds a grudge against Black Star, but hates all griffins equaly.
- Friendless Background: Was too focused on training to make any friends. Thanks to Mirage squadron, she discovers friendship anew.
- Horrible Judge of Character: It appears she mastered the art of shallow character judgment. She thinks of Derpy's quailing for her daughter as "drama", initially considers Fluttershy a total wimp and fails to notice that her friends really DO care for her.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Leader: Type I, bordering on Type III.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Name's the Same: To G1 Firefly.
- Palette Swap: Justified, since she was Rainbow Dash's original design for the show.
- Precision F-Strike: In chapter 12, she yells at Rainbow Dash:
Firefly: You know what? TO HAY WITH YOU! |
- And in chapter 16, she does it again:
- Purple Eyes
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Does this as a filly (combined with Berserker Tears) against Black Star when he shrugs off the fact he killed her parents. It doesn't end well.
- Sand in My Eyes: In chapter 10.
- And a Single Tear in chapter 15.
- She's Back
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Toward Black Star.
- The Nicknamer: Gives her teammates callsigns based on their cutie marks or character traits.
- Tsundere: Made especially obvious in chapter 3 and 4.
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
A timid and shy pegasus pony, representing the Element of Kindness. She joins the Mirage squadron reluctantly, by Rainbow Dash's suggestion. Initally detests the war in every meaning, but upon seeing her animal friends being wounded by the griffin ruffians, Fluttershy begins to realize that fighting is sometimes the only option. She forms a deep bond of friendship with Rainbow Dash, as they are friends since fillyhood. |
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapters 3 and 10 focus greatly on her. So does the second part of chapter 17.
- Badass Pacifist
- Berserk Button: Like in the show, hurting her friends is a REALLY bad idea.
- Big No!: And right before she flies into Unstoppable Rage.
- Cowardly Lion
- Heroic BSOD / My God, What Have I Done?: In chapter 10, after (unintentionally, mind you) killing Razor.
- Heroic Resolve: Her desire to protect her friends.
- My Name is Fluttershy: This exchange in chapter 17:
Night Raven: Who do you think you are, you wimp? |
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder: Though very exhausted and feeling immense pain after fighting Night Raven, Fluttershy doesn't collapse, but remains semi-conscious. She passes out after Firefly congratulates her.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "Leave and NEVER! COME! BACK!"
- Say My Name: She's prone to this.
- Tearful Smile: Makes one in chapter 10.
- This Is Unforgivable!: She believes that the war is a great mistake, and griffins made such mistake by starting it.
- The Heart
- Tranquil Fury: Against Razor in chapter 10. And then...
- Unstoppable Rage: Against Night Raven in chapter 17.
Lightning Bolt[]
One of many workers in Cloudsdale Weather Factory, she volunteers to join Firefly's team upon hearing of the griffin invasion. Lightning Bolt is quite intelligent and has a knack for all things mechanical. She's usually collected and reasonable, but there are times she slightly loosens her attitude. Lightning and Cloud Kicker are the best of friends and are rarely seen apart. |
- Adaptational Badass
- Awesome McCoolname
- Communications Officer
- Cooldown Hug: Gives one to Cloud Kicker when she breaks down into tears in chapter 15.
- Curtains Match the Window: Her mane and eyes are both cyan blue.
- The Engineer
- First-Name Basis: When not referred to by her callsign. she is oftenly called "Lightning" by others.
- Genius Ditz: Ocassionaly slips into this to lighten up the mood.
- Glass Cannon
- Heroic Resolve
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Cloud Kicker.
- The Lancer: Firefly sees her as such.
- Save the Villain: She tries to, but Greyback is just Too Dumb to Live.
- Signature Move: Shining Spark.
- Itself being a Shout-Out to one of Shin Getter Robo's attacks.
Cloud Kicker[]
An optimistic and cheerful young adult mare, she also worked in Cloudsdale Weather Factory prior to the griffin invasion. There, she met Lightning Bolt and befriended her. Since then, the two are rarely seen apart. Though she doesn't excel in any attribute, she's a good support and has great senses of sight and hearing. |
- Adult Child
- Battle Cry: "May the sun and moon shine upon us!" It gets adapted by the rest of the team later.
- Break the Cutie: In chapter 15, hearing about the deaths of several ponies and witnessing Carrot Top's death made her burst into tears, much to her friends' shock.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm
- First-Name Basis: Like Lightning, but less often.
- Go Through Me: Stands off against Razor in chapter 10, preventing him from going after the others.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Lightning Bolt.
- I Owe You My Life: To Fluttershy, in chapter 10. She makes it even in chapter 17.
- Jack of All Stats
- Multicolored Mane: Two shades of yellow.
- Motor Mouth: Sometimes.
- Plucky Girl
- Purple Eyes
- Tears of Fear: And she's got a good reason to cry. They turn into Tender Tears later.
An average mare living in Ponyville with her little daughter, Dinky. Her whole life is turned upside down when the griffins attack Equestria. Thanks to Mirage squadron's assistance, she manages to rescue Dinky from her kidnappers and later, joins the squadron to help drive the invasion away. Though her outside appearance may suggest that Derpy is a silly pony, she possesses a great heart and is very empathic toward others. |
- Action Mom / Mama Bear
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: In human years, she's in her early twenties at best.
- Ascended Extra
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 4, also serving as her Establishing Character Moment. Played for Drama in chapter 15.
- Break the Cutie / Heroic BSOD: She's fully broken for the majority of chapter 15, when her two best friends die, with Carrot Top dying in her arms.
- Composite Character: Her callsign is "Ditzy". She doesn't mind being called by either name.
- Death Wail: Upon seeing Carrot Top going into Big Sleep, smiling.
- Preceded by Please Don't Leave Me and two Little Noes.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted. At least for majority of the story.
- Eyes of Gold
- Glacier Waif
- Heroic Resolve: She wishes to save her daughter. When she does, she joins the team as a literal Sixth Ranger to help them drive the invasion off.
- I Gave My Word: Promised Carrot Top that she won't die in the war. The fact it was done during said character's last moments...
- The Klutz / Cute Clumsy Girl: Is seen as one by other ponies at the beginning.
- Relative Button
- Talking to the Dead: In a truly sorrowful manner.
Derpy: Carrot Top... you were smiling until the end... I... I will never forget you. I will always remember the moments we shared together... Goodbye... I hope you will have beautiful dreams... Rest easy... I will avenge you! |
- And she does.
Still a young pegasus, Medley joins the Mirage squadron while helping them defend Trottingham in early phase of the war. She's a fast flyer and has a truly eagle-eyed sight, becoming a valuable scout. Medley idolizes Rainbow Dash. Despite the inital low self-esteem, she hopes to overcome her problems and aid her friends in defending Equestria. |
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapters 11 and 12 give her a big focus.
- Blue Eyes: She's got excellent sight to boot.
- Break the Cutie: Literally.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: When trying to save Rainbow's life in chapter 11, she charges head-on toward the griffins who hold Rainbow captive and defeats two of them.
- Fragile Speedster
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Mare: Smacks Rainbow Dash in the face to snap her out her Heroic BSOD.
- I Told You So: Medley knew that not every griffon is a bastard. In chapter 16, it turns out she was right.
- Little Miss Badass: She's the youngest among the Mirage fliers.
- The Knight Who Says "Squee": Medley considers Rainbow Dash a superior flier and the best pegasus in Equestria.
- Palette Swap: Has the same design as Lightning Bolt, but is a little shorter.
- Tears of Fear
- The Load: Sees herself as such at times. This is dropped after chapter 12, specifically after conversation with Rainbow Dash.
Other Mane characters[]
Twilight Sparkle[]
A purple unicorn, representing the Element of Magic. She is Princess Celestia's trusted student and is responsible for majority of the unicorn units. Having a great sense of organization and a nearly limitless magical potential, Twilight Sparkle serves as a great support to the main heroines. |
- Commanding Coolness
- Determinator
- First-Name Basis
- Magic Knight
- Rousing Speech: Gives an epic one in chapter 17.
- Supporting Protagonist
An orange earth pony, representing the Element of Honesty. She's strong and somewhat stubborn. Taken prisoner by the griffins, she is subjected to a painful experience, but is rescued by Rainbow Dash and the Mirage squadron. Applejack and Rainbow consider each other as best friends. |
- Damsel in Distress: Rainbow Dash rescues her in chapter 6.
- Made of Iron: She did survived a lenghty and brutal interrogation.
- Supporting Protagonist
A white unicorn, representing the Element of Generosity. She doesn't like the war one bit, but decides to aid her friends nonetheless. Rarity has a tendency to making special uniforms and vests, which help the ponies in identifying their teams. Her younger sister, named Sweetie Belle, along with Applejack's sister, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, form the Cutie Mark Crusaders. |
- Custom Uniform
- Plus, she makes seven of these for Rainbow Dash and her friends.
- Supporting Protagonist
Pinkie Pie[]
A hyperactive pink earth pony, representing the Element of Laughter. Though lighthearted, she does see the war in Equestria as a big problem and, before the Mirage squadron is sent on a crucial mission, she decides to throw a big party in their honor. Her cheerful demanour is one of those things that doesn't change throughout the conflict. |
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Screw the War, We're Partying: At least in chapter 9.
- Supporting Protagonist
A young purple dragon and Twilight's assitant. He acts as a sort of chronicler, noting all important facts about The Equestrian War. |
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna[]
Twin winged unicorn sisters, rulers of Equestria. Celestia represents daytime, while Luna is responsible for the night. They are wise and confident in the abilities of their subjects, believing that, despite differences on the outside, they are all equal inside. |
- Barrier Princesses
- Big Good
- In Universe Nickname: Luna has a habit of referring to Celestia as "Tia" at times.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: They are responsible for the Equestrian Allied Forces and put up a defensive barrier around Canterlot Castle, continuously powering it up with their magic. And for the record, Princess Luna is the one who raises the sun in chapter 16.
A teacher in the Ponyville School, she takes care of the fillies after the war erupts. Cheerilee has a kind and gentle personality and is sometimes aided by Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. |
- Friend to All Children
- The Nicknamer: Along with the fillies, she calls the Mirage squadron "Angels of Equestria".
The Wonderbolts[]
Equestria's elite flying team, primarily known for performing various radical stunts on their air shows. However, they are also skilled fighters. Though incapacitated by the two griffin aces at the beginning of the war, they eventually recover. They aid the Mirage squadron and other ponies in several battles. |
Captain of the Wonderbolts. Despite her outside look, she is always relaxed and level-headed. Spitfire sees Rainbow Dash as a pegasus with a potential to become a Wonderbolt in the future. |
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain
- Cool Mare
- The Leader: Type II.
Spitifre's companion and good friend. He has a versatile style and can perform a wide variety of tasks. |
- Captain Obvious: At times.
- Green Eyes
- Wingman: To Spitfire.
A young and energetic mare. She holds deep respect for Spitifre and usually speaks in a formal tone. Firebolt believes the whole war could have been avoided and happens only because of the griffins' misguided ideals. |
- Fiery Redhead
- Good Cannot Comprehend Evil
- Little Miss Snarker: She's the youngest of the Wonderbolts, but does not hestitate to point our Soarin's obvious statements.
- Mythology Gag: Her coat is white, her mane is red. The author is from Poland, whose flag colors are such.
- Original Character
The Wonderbolts' operator. He provides the main source of information to the Mirage squadron in many key operations. By some ponies, he is viewed as the actual pegasus commander. |
- Eyes of Gold
- Mission Control
- Original Character
- The Strategist
- Voice with an Internet Connection: For the Mirage squadron and the pegasi in general.
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
Pegasi Leaders[]
These pegasi are crucial characters in the later part of the story, as they lead their teams to battle alongside the Wonderbolts and Mirage squadron. All of these are Original Characters. |
Tornado Swirl[]
- Badass Boast
- Expy: Loosely based on Guts aka Warwolf 2.
- First-Name Basis: Usually called Tornado.
- Jack of All Stats
- The Leader: Of the Burner squadron. Type II.
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Tornado doesn't mind at all.
- Fragile Speedster
- Humble Heroine
- The Leader: Of the Racer squadron. Type II.
- A Brother To His Men
- Curtains Match the Window: Almost the same color as Lightning Bolt.
- The Leader: Of the Phoenix squadron. Type IV.
- Lightning Bruiser
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
Quick Chaser[]
- Fragile Speedster
- Green Eyes
- The Leader: Of the Sweeper squadron. Type III.
- Meaningful Name
- Multicolored Mane
Thunder Flicker[]
- Awesome McCoolname
- Challenge Seeker
- The Leader: Of the Lancer squadron. Type III.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Beaten to semi consciousness before having her wings ripped off... And even after she hit the ground, her killer still smashed her spine to make sure she won't get up again.
- By contrast, it also serves as her Dying Moment of Awesome.
- Defiant to the End
- Glacier Waif
- Green Eyes
- The Leader: Of the Clover squadron. Type II.
- Sole Survivor: Her squadron was decimated during the Battle for Stalliongrad.
- Shrinking Violet
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
Flare Star[]
- Action Mare
- Blue Eyes
- Jack of All Stats
- The Leader: Of the Dragon squadron. Type IV.
Foreign Aces[]
A mysterious pegasus from outside of Equestria. Regarded as a living legend and the best flier among the pegasi. Though he is silent all the time, his actions speak louder than words. |
- The Ace
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Although he doesn't cry, he is deeply saddened by Carrot Top's death in chapter 15.
- Canon Foreigner / Expy: Essentially, he's a ponified version of Mobius 1 from Ace Combat 04.
- Curtains Match the Window: Silver mane and eyes.
- Establishing Character Moment: When he first appears, he takes down three griffins all by himself, each with a single hit .
- Fluffy the Terrible / Red Baron: He's referred to as "The Ribbon Fighter" by Gale and the "Heavenly Ribbon" by Echo.
- Improbable Flying Skills
- One Stallion Air Force
- Returning War Vet: Fought in the Usean Continental War and turned the tide of said war all by himself... well, Sky Eye was guiding him.
- The Rival: To Echo.
- Rule of Three: He helps the Mirage squadron three times and decides to join up and assist them aftermath.
- The Voiceless
- You Gotta Have Blue Fur
A gray, red-maned adult pegasus, hailing from Emareia. He decides to join the conflict in order to help protect the land assaulted by the enemy. His attitude is slightly reserved. |
- Canon Foreigner: Straight from Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation.
- Fiery Redhead: Averted. He's always calm and serious.
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Pre Ass-Kicking One Liner: "We bring the fires of liberation."
- Returning War Vet: Fought in the Anean Continental War alongside Shamrock.
- Socially Awkward Hero
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: He is quite sad due to the deaths of several ponies in chapter 15, despite knowing next to nothing about them.
- Suddenly Voiced
- The Quiet One: He does speak, but not as much as his Wing Man.
A green, black-maned adult pegasus, hailing from Emareia. He decides to join the conflict in order to help protect the land assaulted by the enemy. Compared to his friend, he is more willing to speak and outgoing. |
- Born Lucky
- Canon Foreigner / Expy: Basically, a ponified version of Ace Combat 6's Wing Man.
- Dead Little Sister: And Morning Glow was her name.
- Eyes of Gold
- My Greatest Failure: He could have saved Carrot Top, but had to choose between her and helping the other pegasi.
- Nice Stallion
- Returning War Vet: Fought in the Anean Continental War alongside Talisman.
- Wing Man: To Talisman.
Sky Eye[]
Mobius' assistant, providing him with early warnings of potential enemy threats. |
- Green Eyes
- Expy: Of the Ace Combat 4's AWACS.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: For Mobius.
- You Gotta Have Blue Mane
All of these are Original Characters, with one exception. |
Black Star[]
One of the griffins responsible for coup d'etat in The Griffin Kingdom and starting The Equestrian War. He is a cold-hearted soldier, with an ambition. Black Star prefers to use cold logic rather than pointless violence and is actually quite cunning. |
- The Ace
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Villain
- Creepy Monotone
- Dark Is Evil
- Duel Boss: To Firefly.
- The Dragon: To General Silverbeak
- Hannibal Lecture: When he appears before Mirage squadron in chapter 7, he gives one to Firefly.
- I Did What I Had to Do: That's his excuse for killing Firefly's parents, as they were suspected to stage a mutiny against The Griffin Kingdom. Turned out to be false.
- Names to Run Away From
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- Redemption Equals Death: Or, at least, he thinks so.
- Worthy Opponent: He thinks so about the Mirage squadron. And Spitfire, too.
- Villain by Default
Red Cyclone[]
One of the griffins responsible for coup d'etat in The Griffin Kingdom and starting The Equestrian War. Red Cyclone is a brutal warrior and sees the ponies as weaklings, unworthy of living. He devises an Evil Plan that would culminate in the devastation of the ponykind. |
- The Ace / Broken Ace
- Ax Crazy
- Big Bad
- Large Ham
- Laughing Mad
- Obviously Evil
- Manipulative Bastard
- Ponicidal Maniac
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Schemer
- The Neidermeyer
- The Power of Hate
- The Starscream
General Silverbeak[]
Leader of the Griffin Army. He is bound to Black Star and Red Cyclone. |
- Authority in Name Only
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Glorious Leader: Red Cyclone thinks of him as such. Until chapter 14.
An experienced griffon soldier, wearing a yellow vest with #13 on it. |
- Anti-Villain
- Expy: He's basically a griffon version of Yellow 13.
- The Leader: Of the Gult squadron. Type IV.
- Returning War Vet: Fought in the Usean Continental War against Mobius.
- The Rival: To Mobius.
- Thirteen Is Unlucky: Subverted.
Leader of the Talon squadron, the elite fighter team of the Griffin Army. |
- Death Seeker: After chapter 10.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Leader: Of the Talon squadron. Type I.
- Villainous Breakdown: In chapter 13. Complete with a Suicide Attack.
An arrogant griffon soldier. |
A griffon soldier who holds little respect for those around him. |
- Killed Off for Real
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To Fluttershy.
A griffon soldier who always follows orders. |
A smart and far-sighted griffon soldier, he leads the Northwind squadron. |
- Even Evil Has Standards
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- The Leader: Of the Northwind squadron. Type II.
Night Raven[]
A battle-obsessed griffon soldier, who wishes to fight against the strongest opponents around. Has a violent fighting style. |
- Blood Knight
- The Brute
- Combat Pragmatist: He calls in Axe to hold Fluttershy by her wings so he can beat her up.
- Duel Boss: To Fluttershy.
- Graceful Loser: His last words after Fluttershy breaks his neck with a kick?
Night Raven: Ugh... good... kill... Well fought..... |
- Named After An Overpowered Plane from Ace Combat 3
- Number Two: To Zeakros.
- Slasher Smile
- Unfriendly Fire
An impulsive griffon soldier. |
- Avenging the Villain: He tries to avenge Vulture's death. Unfortunately...
- Family-Unfriendly Death: He got fried by the Burning Talon's laser.
- Too Dumb to Live
A level-headed griffon soldier who sees the Mirage squadron as dangerous opponents. Leads the Crimson squadron. |
- Being Evil Sucks
- Defector From Decadence
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- The Leader: Of the Crimson squadron. Type IV.
A rookie griffon soldier, thoughtless and careless. |
A rational and self-confident griffon soldier. |
"G" / Gilda[]
An old friend of Rainbow Dash. She tries to convince Rainbow to join her, but fails. She has her own reasons for being a part of The Equestrian War, but they remain unknown, as are her whereabouts since the battle for Ponyville. |
- Broken Ace
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Sort of.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Performs two on Rainbow Dash (itself combined with a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown) and Medley .
- Combat Pragmatist
- Dark Action Girl
- Dirty Coward
- Evil Laugh / Laughing Mad
- It's All About Me
- Knight of Cerebus: Upon her appearance, she gives Rainbow Dash a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown and breaks Medley's wings.
- Red Baron / Meaningful Nickname: "G"
- The Rival: To Rainbow Dash.
- The Smurfette Principle: Until chapter 14; there actually are female griffin soldiers (though not as significant).
Back to Ace Combat: The Equestrian War |