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Ace in the Hole (movie poster)

Ace in the Hole (also known as The Big Carnival) is a 1951 film directed by Billy Wilder, and starring Kirk Douglas.

Chuck Tatum is an abrasive, tough reporter looking for a chance to make a name with a big new scoop. Unfortunately he’s stuck in a little town where almost nothing happens. One day, while going to report rattlesnake hunting, a man called Leo Minosa gets trapped inside a mine. Tatum sees this as his big chance and tries to squeeze the new for all its worth, convincing the local sheriff and engineer to prolong the rescue labor at least for a week.

One of the most famous movies about irresponsible reporting out there. It wasn’t very well received when it was first released, but with time it has found new respect from the critics.

Not to be confused with the 1942 Woody Woodpecker short of the same name.

Tropes used in Ace in the Hole include:

Chuck Tatum: I can handle big news and little news. And if there's no news, I'll go out and bite a dog.
