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- Straight: Cassidy was a Martial Pacifist in the source material, but her personality has been changed to that of a Blood Knight in an adaptation.
- Exaggerated: Cassidy goes from a hero in the source material to a outright villain in an adaptation, or from an All-Loving Hero to a Sociopathic Hero.
- Downplayed: Cassidy is snarkier in the adaptation than she was in the source material, but she is still the same as when the source material portrayed her.
- Justified:
- The adaptation is Darker and Edgier than the source material.
- Cassidy Took a Level In Jerkass some time after the source material, and the adaptation takes place afterwards or starts off with her becoming nastier.
- Or, going in the other direction, she Took a Level In Kindness before the source material and the adaptation takes place prior to that or leads up to her transformation into a nice girl.
- Inverted: Cassidy goes from Blood Knight to Martial Pacifist.
- Subverted: Someone was impersonating Cassidy, and then she herself makes her entrance, or the trailer wrongfully showed her being nastier than she originally was.
- Double Subverted: Same as before, but Cassidy is still more of a jerk than her original incarnation.
- Parodied: Cassidy is turned into an Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist.
- Zig Zagged: The adaptation gives Cassidy a split personality, and the two personalities she ends up with straddle her original incarnation.
- Averted: Cassidy retains her personality from the source material.
- Enforced: The creators of the adaptation feared that Cassidy was a Mary Sue, so they made her mean in the adaptation.
- Lampshaded: Brian notices how mean Cassidy has become in the adaptation. He then mutters that he remembers how kind she was in the source material.
- Invoked: A time traveller went to the past to make sure Cassidy had a rough childhood.
- Exploited: Drew notices how nasty Cassidy has become, so his next plan is to take advantage of her newfound jerkassery for his own personal gain, manipulating and/or using her personality to further his own agenda and/or achieve his goals.
- Defied: Someone either states that Cassidy should be a light that must be kept on in a sea of darkness that is the adaptation, or she should not be a jerk lest she risks becoming The Scrappy.
- Discussed: Alice wonders why Cassidy has been turned into a jerk in the adaptation, but Bob claims that Cassidy is better than she originally was due to being blander in the source material.
- Conversed: Someone wonders who will be the next hero to become a jerk later if Cassidy was reformatted as one in an adaptation.
- Deconstructed: The negative impact on how Cassidy develops and her relationships is highlighted with her transformation into a jerk in the adaptation.
- Reconstructed: The audience's reaction appears early, so Cassidy has her past explored and gets a mental health recovery to get back to how she originally was, being an example of Beware the Nice Ones.
- Played For Laughs: While she does become a jerk, Cassidy causes many a comical event to happen in an adaptation.
- Played For Drama: Cassidy's transformation into a jerk is portrayed in a dramatic light, exploring the consequences of the new personality the adaptation gave her on relationships and storylines.
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