"Adventure Dennis is a stunning juggernaut of righteous fury and he will persevere!" |
Adventure Dennis Saves The Mayor is an obscure webcomic about a man, titular Adventure Dennis, on a mission to save the kidnapped mayor. He finds a magic sword and progresses through ten "levels" in the style of an old school Platform Game killing anything that opposes him, or even just happens to be standing in his way. The comic was drawn in MS Paint with much copying and pasting.
It can be found over here.
Tropes used in Adventure Dennis include:
- All There in the Manual: The last section of the book is done in the style of an old game manual and reveals some facts about Dennis. (Unlike the story itself, which explains just about nothing)
- Ambidextrous Sprite
- Big Bad: King Demonevil.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Adventure Dennis kills several types of yeti including a pirate, a superhero, and a businessman.
- Big Boo's Haunt: Level III is a haunted house.
- Comically Invincible Hero: Adventure Dennis takes damage visibly sometimes, but it never seems to bother him and always goes away at the end of a level.
- Cool Sword: Adventure Dennis's sword which was "created by Ancient Mages probably."
- Determinator: Adventure Dennis will not stop. Ever.
- Efficient Displacement
- Elevator Action Sequence: The first half of Level X.
- Evil Twin: Shadow Dennis's origin is not explained, but he's basically just an Adventure Dennis on the other team.
- Goddamned Bats: In-Universe example. Adventure Dennis is attacked by bats at least once per level.
- Goomba Stomp: Dennis kills a ninja by landing on its head.
- Green Hill Zone: The first level starts off on green ground, though no hills are seen.
- High-Pressure Blood: While there is a lot of blood as Dennis goes on, only occasionally is it the high pressure type.
- Megalodon: The boss of the underwater level.
- One-Winged Angel: King Demonevil's true form.
- Our Demons Are Different: They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and apparently live in Demonsylvania, ruled by King Demonevil.
- Palette Swap: Shadow Dennis is basically just a shadowy Adventure Dennis.
- Robe and Wizard Hat: The Wizard Dennis kills dresses this way.
- Rooftop Confrontation: The second half of Level X.
- Save the Princess: Or rather, the mayor.
- Shout-Out: A number of the enemies are inspired by video games.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Level VI. Though Dennis has no problem with friction.
- Stock Monsters: Dennis encounters most of the monsters on the list.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: Just like any other thing that should probably kill him, Dennis just ignores drowning.
- Underground Level: Level II.
- Under the Sea: Level VIII. Though Dennis doesn't bother swimming and just runs along the bottom.
- Who Even Needs a Brain?: Normally-fatal headwounds are not even enougth to slow Dennis down.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: At the end of the castle level Dennis finds that King Demonevil is not there.