Adventure Time is a comic book series by Boom Studios, written by Ryan North. It is based on (but not considered canonical to) the animated series.
Tropes used in Adventure Time (comics) include:
- Alternate Continuity: The comic series has introduced two key developments that almost certainly make it diverge from the cartoon--the Lich is thrown into the sun and the missing chunk of the planet is restored.
- Arc Villain: The Lich.
- Art Initiates Life: Desert Princess's specialty is making animated sand sculptures.
- Bag of Holding: The comic's first story involves the Lich using one in an attempt to suck up the entire planet. Then he'll toss the bag into the sun.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: Subverted; the comic notes that the gems allow Finn and Jake to breathe in space.
- Better Than a Bare Bulb: Pretty much everything gets viciously lampshaded either by the characters in the narrative or via notes in the margins.
- Big No: Delivered by Finn when he and Jake enter the magic bag.
- Bloodier and Gorier: There's some blood in this.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: "Hynden, is that you?"
- Canon Foreigner: Desert Princess and Water Princess.
- Catch Phrase/Title Drop
- Continuity Nod:
- In the third issue, Finn refers to advice given to him by Abraham Lincoln in the past on Mars, which is a hallucination he had in the cartoon's pilot.
- The mysterious missing chunk of the planet is explored and filled in.
- Depending on the Artist
- Evil Gloating: The Lich is more verbose in this, which irks many fans.
- Fake-Out Fade-Out: At the beginning of Issue 3.
- Fanfic: In-universe, again by the Ice King, titled "Fionna and Cake meet Finn and Jake".
- Flipping the Table: Finn gets frustrated.
Finn: HOW! COME! WE! (table flip) KEEP NOT WINNING?! |
- Fusion Dance: The second issue implies that Dessert Princess is actually an amalgamation of various Candy citizens.
- Grievous Bottley Harm: PB attempts this on the Lich with a broken flask.
- Handshake Substitute: The fist bump, which the comic notes there can not be enough of in any story, whether fiction or nonfiction.
- Hurl It Into the Sun: The Lich's plan with the entire planet with the help of a Bag of Holding. He ends up being cast into the sun himself.
- Making a Splash: Water Princess.
- No Time to Explain: Said by Finn when he and Jake appear out of nowhere in Issue 3, and then Princess Bubblegum says it's clear what's going on.
- Ocular Gushers: How Water Princess uses her powers.
- Opening Shout-Out: The first issue opens with Finn and Jake filming the show's opening. The second issue again imitates the opening to show the damage the Lich has done to Ooo.
- Painting the Medium: The Lich speaks with white text on a black speech balloon. Marceline speaks with yellow all-caps text on a magenta speech balloon when she's a monster.
- Signature Style: It's pretty obvious that Ryan North writes the comic. Perhaps...super obvious?
- Strange Minds Think Alike:
- After the earth is restored, Desert Princess goes missing, and Jake tries to figure out where she went by imitating a princess and saying, "I'm the new princess in town! I'm super nice and everybody likes me!" Cut to the kidnapped Desert Princess, who is bewildered as to why Ice King would kidnap her because she's super nice and everybody likes her.
- Stylistic Suck: The Ice King's new fanfiction is about as terrible as the last one.
- This Is a Drill: Finn and Jake's initial plan to escape the bag.
- Unsound Effect: write write write write [dead link]
- Unusual Euphemism: Staying true to the cartoon. "Asymptotic!"
- Violence Really Is the Answer: Again, staying true to the show. "But there's gotta be SOMETHING we can punch to escape!"
- What The Hell, Reader?: Marceline calls out the reader in the second issue for turning the page instead of staying to help her fight the Lich.
- A Worldwide Punomenon:
- There is a princess who lives in the magic bag named Desert Princess... who's made up of various desserts.
- What time is it? Ad Venture Time!