A webcomic based off the popular Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, the story follows the Riolu named Stellar Aurastar through her journey in the world with only Pokemon.
The main lure of the comic is the fact that the readers generally direct where the plot goes — each update is made through using "commands" submitted by users (akin to comics such as Prequel), and while the world itself is structured by the writer and artist, exactly what parts of the plot are seen and when depends entirely on where Stella and her partner are directed.
Can be found here [dead link], but is fairly new and only has a couple of updates.
Tropes used in Adventurers of Black and White include:
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Stella remembers various random (and I do mean random) facts about her life, but for the important things, the most she knows is her name and that she used to be a female human.
- Tempting Fate: Already a couple.
- Stella mentions the wind is almost strong enough to — and then her scarf gets blown off, right on cue.
- "But it could be worse, you guess. You could be stranded somewhere you have never seen before."
- "Well, would you look at that. You're stranded somewhere you have never seen before."
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