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  • "Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues."
  • Chris has one when she goes toe to toe with the actual leader of a street gang.

 Gang Leader: Don't fuck with the Lords of Hell.

Chris: Don't fuck with the babysitter!


 "Thor, mighty god of thunder, we seek your aid."

  • And when it starts to look like Dawson won't help, she bounces right back by giving him her Thor helmet.

 Sara: You don't have your special helmet. Here, take mine.

Dawson: You're giving me this?

Sara: Well yeah! You're my hero.

    • Continuing the awesome and crossing it with a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: after agreeing to help them out after all, he finishes by tossing the helmet back to her, telling her he's got one at home.
  • When Chris finds Mike at the restaurant he was supposed to take her to with another girl, Brad tells him off, detailing how he'd like to pound Mike's face in for being such a dick before finishing that he won't sink to his level. Daryl, however, gladly will, kicking Mike in the butt and shoving him into a series of tables.
  • Joe Gipp punching out his boss Bleak when he threatens the kids.