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  • Probably the most heartwarming scene in the whole movie goes to Sara when she 'meets' her idol 'Thor'.
  • What's even better is the exchange that happens just as she is about to leave without her prized helmet.

  Mr. Dawson: Hey kid! [tosses it back to her] Keep it. I got one at home.

  • Brad gets hurt during a gang fight on the bus, and when they take him to the hospital the doctor tells Chris he's dead, having mistaken him for another patient. When Brad comes out, alive and well with a single stitch in his toe, Daryl is so relieved he hugs him.
  • Dan coming to return Sara's missing skate at the end of the film. He and Chris share a kiss, implying they're going to get together.
    • Brad, accepting that Chris sees him as a friend, smiles as he closes the curtain. In the end he just wants her to be happy.