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Adventures of Bouapha is a midquel series featuring Bouapha's adventures from before the events of SPISPOPD. Made as an attempt to explore how he became world-renowned for "handling situations". Currently consists of two games, the third one being officially cancelled and is unlikely to be worked on any time soon. Spooky Castle has Bouapha himself fighting the hordes of monsters while collecting all the brains in each area and facing "The Thing". Its sequel centers around Bouapha stumbling upon an abandoned village overrun with the forces of a powerful entity from an urban legend and having to figure out the mystery behind it all.
Tropes used in Adventures of Bouapha include:
Reoccuring tropes of this series include:[]
- Catch Phrase: "I'm kool kat bad."
- Drop the Hammer: As usual.
- Heroic Mime
- Locked Door
- Story Arc: Serves as a midquel between both the Loonyland and SPISPOPD series.
- Totally Radical: Bouapha's Catch Phrase.
Spooky Castle presents examples of the following:[]
- Big Bad: The Thing, before he became one of Dr. Lunatic's poker buddies.
- Bonus Boss: Happy Stick Man
- Combat Tentacles: The Thing
- Gotta Catch Em All: The general object of the game is to collect all the brains from each level (except for two of them).
- Power-Up: Several, ranging from an energy barrier to Chinese take-outs that restore a random amount of your health.
Sleepless Hollow exemplifies the following tropes:[]
- Action Bomb: Should you try and summon another Bonehead with the Bonecrusher, the current one will explode and fire bullets in all directions.
- All Myths Are True: Well, the one regarding the Headless Horseradish, that is.
- Attack Reflector: The Lightreaver's energy barrier does this to projectile attacks alongside with nullifying melee damage.
- Cosmetic Award: Comic Goals
- Eldritch Location: The Dumb Side
- Evolving Attack: The Mystic Hammers get more powerful when used. The Flamebringer damages enemies much faster, Lightreaver restores more health and increases damage dealt by reflected projectiles, Planetsmasher let's you stay in The Dumb Side longer, Sparkthrower shoots more bolts of energy, Earsplitter's sound wave is wider and travels farther, and the Bonecrusher Bonehead summon shoots more rapidly, fires more bullets when it explodes and has a longer lifespan.
- Doomed Hometown: The setting.
- Fishing Minigame: Electrofishing.
- Guide Dang It
- Hall of Mirrors: The Tomb of Mirrors.
- Hammers Of Plot Advancement: The Six Mystic Hammers
- Heal Thyself: One of the Ligthreaver's powers.
- MacGuffin: See Hammers Of Plot Advancement
- Make Me Wanna Shout: The Earsplitter does this.
- My Car Hates Me: The very start of the game makes this very clear.
- Nintendo Hard: You have the Guide Dang It induced puzzles to thank for this.
- Playing with Fire: Subverted with the Flamebringer. It doesn't shoot fire so much as incendiary smoke that ignites the enemy. A regular hit with it would then cause it to leave a trail of fire behind.
- Pure Energy: The Sparkthrower shoots bolts of energy that home in on adversaries.
- Summon Magic: The Bonecrusher summons a Bonehead called Funnybone to assist you.
- Black Holes Suck: The Planetsmasher can summon these to suck in enemies to deal damage