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  • Breakaway Pop Hit: "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" is from Armageddon. As well as their cover of "Come Together" from the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band film.
  • Broken Base: Some say the band was better when they were all on drugs, others say they started sucking in the 90s, still others say they started sucking with Just Push Play, still others like all their material. Also, with the recent fights between Steven and Joe, the fanbase seems to be siding with either Steven or Joe. Also, American Idol: excellent PR move or terrible sell-out move for Steven? You decide.
    • Not sure what trope this belongs under, but it should be noted that nobody on either side of this debate is totally right. One Steven detractor directly insulted him over Twitter, Joe's detractors are incredibly clingy and overly defensive of Steven. No word on if anyone's attacked Brad, Joe, Tom, or Joey in the manner the other guy went after Steven.
  • Covered Up: Country Music Fan sez, "Hey, ain't Fever a Garth Brooks song?"
    • "Train Kept A-Rollin'" is essentially a cover of the Yardbirds' cover. It is the best-known version of that song that will ever be recorded.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Steven Tyler singing God Bless America at the 2010 Red Sox opener doubles as this and Crowning Moment of Heartwarming because, for all the crap he went through in 2009, he still sings with so much power and emotion...
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Where to begin?
  • Ear Worm: Many of their songs will play in your head all day long thanks to catchy choruses and Epic Riffs.
  • Epic Riff: "Walk This Way", among others.
  • Face of the Band: Steven Tyler and Joe Perry.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "Dude Looks Like a Lady". Look at Steven now.
  • Ho Yay: Joe and Steven. Good Lord, Joe and Steven.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Steven's name is not Aerosmith. This is only really a problem in people that aren't fans of the band or only know Steven as the judge from American Idol. It's still a pretty bad idea to call Steven "Aerosmith" around fans of the band, though.
  • Jumping the Shark: Some would argue that Steven Tyler has done this. Others would argue that he's just giving his 60+ year old body a break by doing something nonstrenuous. Others don't give a shit and just dig the music.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Revolution X was a big hit on the arcade systems, but when they decided to port it to home systems, its... everything... took a massive hit.
  • Squick: Liv Tyler pole-dancing in the video for "Crazy".
  • Tear Jerker: The video for "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing", at the very end, has Liv Tyler reaching out to touch Steven Tyler (her father) through the TV monitors, before the band's performance goes to static. Considering this is from the movie, she looks heartbroken... and considering that Liv didn't even know Steven was her father until she was nine...
    • In terms of their music, "Janie's Got a Gun" and "Uncle Salty" are big time Tear Jerkers when you pay attention to the lyrics.
    • "Hole in My Soul" also deserves a mention. The music video sums a lot showing nerdy guy getting heartbroken thanks to spoiled popular girls and abusive jocks.
    • When played in the right context, "Dream On" can be one.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: While Steven wasn't that bad looking, Liv Tyler is stunning.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: The video for "Pink." It's... confusing.
  • The Woobie: Joey Kramer. So bloody much.
  • Yoko Oh No: Joe left the band in 1979 after a backstage altercation between his and Tom's wife.

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