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Efrem Canicus Phiscerus[]
- Angst: It became so great at one point that the name Efmo was applied to him.
- Beard of Sorrow: Grew one after the big breakup with Piso, then shaved it off when he decided to turn his life around and become a better man.
- Bi the Way
- Big Brother Instinct: His younger brother and sister are the only members of his family Efrem can stand. He's been a protective influence over them for as long as any of them can remember. You mess with his siblings and it is very likely you'll find yourself missing an ear.
- Catch Phrase: "My fox" when referring to his lover, Piso.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: A rather scary example.
- The Dandy
- Distracted by the Sexy: One of his greatest weaknesses
- Drowning My Sorrows: Efrem's go-to way to deal with his life's problems, before he straightened out and cut down on the wine consumption.
- Handsome Lech
- Honor Before Reason: Integrity is a big thing for him, which has resulted in some falling out with a few people.
- Smug Smiler
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Fell into this often before developing more into a well-meaning snarker
- Unstoppable Rage: When his above Berserk Button is triggered. Once his lover was knocked out and threatened by a would-be mugger/who-knows-what and Efrem sliced him in ways too disturbing to mention in polite conversation.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: One of Efrem's main motivations for most of his life.
- What Beautiful Eyes!: His most striking feature by popular opinion.
Hortensia Flaminia[]
- Beneath the Mask: Underneath the stony front she puts on, Horty is full of troubled emotions and is very passionate about her beliefs. Rarely does she let this show, but when she does it usually comes as a shock.
- Chaste Hero: Sex is a new discovery for Horty, one that she isn't sure she enjoys.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Happens sometimes, though it is occasionally a case of Obfuscating Stupidity.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Emotionless Girl: Can come off as this thanks to her cold demeanor and her ignorance of other people's expressions of emotion.
- Hates Being Touched: Horty is uncomfortable around people and somewhat of a germophobe. Allowing someone to touch her - especially intimately - is a big deal.
- My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That: The only way to describe her reactions to people's interest in her.
- The Quiet One: She only speaks when it's to say something of worth.
Princess Zuleika of Parthia[]
- Anti-Hero: Could be interpreted as this. While she can show a severe lack of care for those around her, most of her callousness comes from wanting to do her job well to protect her family and her kingdom.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With a lot of people she genuinely likes
- Belly Dancer: What Zuleika is most famous for
- Dark Action Girl: She's not the most skilled of fighters, but she can certainly defend herself and has no qualms about killing.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Her mother, the queen of Parthia, along with Zulei's eldest brother plotted against the king and were then executed for treason. Zulei grew up with the pressures of being a princess, a spy, and with the knowledge that her mother may have easily wanted her dead.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Zuleika attempts to use this to her advantage as much as humanly possible
- Femme Fatale: An educated, seductive, use-them-and-lose-them type of woman who works as a spy in Rome for her homeland.
- Guy-On-Guy Is Hot: Explains why she specifically hired a couple of sexy male bodyguards.
- Ms. Fanservice: Zulei's specialty, especially when she dances.
- Princess Incognito: She likes sneaking out of sight from her guards and going out into the underbelly of the city without all the fuss about her princessness.
- She's Got Legs: Woooo-boy!
- Wicked Cultured: She's not the nicest of people, but she can speak a number of languages, understand philosophy, dance like a pro, and play quite a few instruments.
Tiberia Aemelia[]
- Affably Evil
- Black Widow: Tiberia's M.O. Her first husband was offed because she grew tired of his indiscretions and her second husband is being slowly poisoned because of Tiberia's desire for a younger partner.
- Comforting the Widow: How Tiberia's current husband assumes he won Tiberia's affection. He would be wrong.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Evil Matriarch
- Evil Pays Better: Her excuse for most of her more vile acts
- Family Values Villain: She might be a complete bitch who takes out husbands like pins at a bowling alley, but she does it for her children.
- Her Heart Will Go On: A disturbing type of this.
- Most Common Superpower
- Rich Bitch: Came from an influential patrician family and married two influential senators. She murdered one for his inheritance and plots to kill the other for similar reasons. She's also cruel to those she considers below her.
- Smug Snake
- The Vamp
Julia Cana[]
- Badass in Distress: Kidnapped by pirates and made a Damsel in Distress? Yes. Broken down by the horror of her enslavement? Nope.
- Break the Cutie: Three plus years of breaking.
- Hair of Gold
- Innocent Bystander: Was kidnapped merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, thus walking into a pirate-infested area.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Her experience with the pirates has jaded her and given her a new perspective of life, making it difficult for her to assimilate back into the society she once knew.
- The Snark Knight
- Talk Like a Pirate: Or curse like a sailor, anyway.
- Unkempt Beauty: Her PB is Mia Wasikowska.
Piso Calleio[]
- Anything That Moves: ....including books. And whips.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Was quite sexy in drag, even if he might not have fooled anyone.
- Badass Bookworm
- Berserk Button: Don't speak badly of children or the innocent. Or harm either in front of him.
- Brainy Brunet
- Break the Cutie
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Bunny Ears Pedagogue, technically
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Cluster F-Bomb: Quite a few, but a good example was during the fight with his Arch Nemesis Atellus:
"You'll remember this, you diseased cunt." |
- Cockney: When drunk, Piso slips into a Cockney accent
- Erotic Eating: A common staple with him.
- Ethical Slut: He's fairly infamous for sleeping around, but on the whole he's a sweet, understanding, and wonderful lover to everyone he does sleep with.
- Female Gaze
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Hot Teacher
- I See London: There was this one time... with a coin... and a short tunic... and yeeeaaah.
- Keet: Arguably so
- Messy Hair: Could be a case of Unkempt Beauty.
- My Beloved Smother: Piso's mother Sibyl is highly controlling and over-protective with her children to the point of wanting to completely run their lives, even though three of them are already of age.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: His cat, Clio. Whenever she's involved in a thread there's bound to be cuteness.
- Sweet Tooth
- Teacher-Student Romance: Piso/Vosenios and Piso/Gaia so far.
- When He Smiles: Oh so much
Lucilla Sabucia Augusta[]
Marcellus Severus[]
- Accidental Pervert: Marcellus thinks he's normal and everyone else is strange.
- But You Screw One Goat!: Or sheep, as it were.
- The Casanova
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Pervert Dad: Father to...we've stopped keeping count
- Psycho Supporter: His fangirls
- Really Gets Around
- Sex Is Violence
- Too Kinky to Torture
Alaric Stilicho[]
Octavius Alexander[]
Gaia Sabucia[]
Lepida Agrippa[]
Vespera Calleio[]
- Action Mom: Knows how to sword fight, at least on a novice level. Can also fight hand-to-hand pretty well.
- Beautiful Slave Girl: Until she was freed.
- Brainy Brunette
- Cool Big Sis: And little sis to boot.
- Curves in All the Right Places
- Cute Bookworm
- Daddy's Girl: Until he sold her into slavery, that is.
- Girl Next Door: Was born in the slums and was considered pretty plain until she was purchased by a noble family and got healthier because of regular food, wash, and affection.
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!
- Kick Chick: If she can't get you down with a punch, she'll spend the rest of the fight mostly kicking.
- Plucky Girl
- Amazonian Beauty
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Strongly averted
- Bifauxnen
- Butch Lesbian
- Covered with Scars: She's an ex-gladiator.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Faux Yay: Snogged Piso Calleio in a tavern to get free drinks from the Yaoi Fangirl barmaids.
- Germanic Depressives: Averted.
- Ho Yay: With Piso Calleio. It Makes Sense in Context.
- The Ladette
- Lady Drunk
- Lady of War
- Les Yay: With the empress especially.
- Lesbian Jock
- Mistaken for Gay: Often mistaken for a gay man, much to her chagrin.
- Petite Pride
- Samus Is a Girl: When fighting some people are shocked to find out she's a woman.
- Scars Are Forever
- Statuesque Stunner: 5'11 to be exact
- Yaoi Fangirl: Surprisingly enough
Ursula Aburia[]
- Education Mama
- Family Versus Career: Should she do as her family wishes and marry, or should she pursue her dream and stay a successful nanny?
- Girl Friday
- Good Bad Girl: She's educated and hard-working, loves her family and cares for her widowed mother. But she slept with her brother's wife and keeps her indiscretions a secret.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Magical Nanny: Type 1, though it's not that obvious.
- Mama Bear
- Parental Substitute: How she makes her living.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Franciscus Calleio[]
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Sometimes.
- Curious as a Monkey
- Dirty Kid
- Mouthy Kid
- Mr. Imagination
- The Prankster
- Street Urchin: Born and raised in the slums. Always hungry, always needing something more. He would try anything to support himself and his family, though he was too young to be much help.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: He's articulate, an avid reader, clever, and great at strategy. He also understands the world more than his family realizes.
Marcus Sempronius Licinus[]
- Accidental Pervert: Very, very accidental given his Single-Target Sexuality. Has managed to walk in on Felix/Piso (can't forget the orchid), and his eyes have just so happened to land on certain areas when trying to avoid making eye contact with certain people (Lucilla and Vaughn come to mind) on more than one occasion.
- Blue Eyes: Thanks to an ancestor deciding that, actually, Gauls are rather more appealing than Romans (especially Roman husbands).
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Looks scary (being an ex-gladiator), but is actually quite a softy. Not that anyone is going to find that out.
- Cluster F-Bomb: "For fuck's sake, you fucking bastard!" among many. Marcus is not happy unless he has said at least one curse word per sentence.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Well, until he got with Felix, and then he began drowning his sorrows in an entirely different way.
- Gladiator Games: Was sentenced to die in the arena, but managed to somehow survive for five years until he became another type of slave entirely (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).
- Hidden Depths:There’s more to him than meets the eye, although there’s nothing that he wants brought to the surface. It’s all firmly weighted down. With lead weights. And an elephant. Just to make sure.
- Jerkass Facade: The first of many Jerk-like qualities. Tries to act like a bastard to keep people from knowing the real him by throwing as many pathetic insults as he can (but not going so far as Your Mom), but is really not a jerk.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can come across as a complete jerk and totally mean, but is actually rather nice (shock! horror!).
- Pride: Continually refuses to do things because of pride (when things would be so much easier if he only accepted help) and will happily make things harder for himself so that he can say that he did it (so there), and it has also made him do some really stupid shit. Like, really stupid. Like, 'get sentenced to death' stupid and 'I'm too proud to admit my name so whip my back to a bloody pulp, please' stupid.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Only has eyes for Felix. There is no other person in the world except Felix (when it comes to that stuff, although if it's a case of life and death...). Has often been described as Felix-sexual.
- Slap Slap Kiss: How he and Felix came to be. Hate pretty much turned into love (though lots of punching, biting, and kicking was involved).
- Tragic Mistake: Believed the Emperor had killed his father, and so plotted against said Emperor, only to be caught and sentenced to slavery. Has yet to discover that Emperor didn’t actually kill daddy, but when he does? Oh dear. Prepare for major tantrum.
- Troubled but Cute: Not quite in high school, but can (depending on your opinion) qualify for this. Minus the leather jackets.