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"Whaaaaaat's on the menuuuuuu? It could beeeeeee ceviiiiiiiiiche. Iiiiiiit's stinkyyyyyyy. Oooooooh it's Pumbaaaaaaa ..."
—"Timon", making up the possible lyrics for The Lion King opening, The Lion King 1½

The unknown depths of the jungle are shown. The film cuts to a quieter scene, the Jungle Drums beat, and some random African Chant comes from the music. While sometimes the chant may be real, most of the time its just random phrases of Swahili or Zulu in order for it to mean something.

Compare Ominous Latin Chanting.

Examples of African Chant include:

Film - Animation[]


 Nants ingonyama! Bagaithi baba!

Sithikum, ingonyama nyeh!

Se nkoba

Ingonyama, ngong iiyamabala

Ingonyama, ngong iiyamabala

Ingonyama, ngong iiyamabala

Ingonyama, ngong iiyamabala

Sitho kwaa

    • The trope is lampshaded in the POV Sequel, as quoted above
    • Rafiki's African Chant while taunting Simba is also a real African phrase. It means, "Thank you very much. Squashed banana. You are a baboon, and I am not."
  • "Courtship" and its Dark Reprise, "Breakout/It Comes With a Pool", from Dinosaur.

Film - Live Action[]

  • The go-to-guy if you want genuine African chants: Lebo M.
  • District 9 has this in a few scenes.
  • Avatar is notorious of this in the scenes with the Navi tribes.
  • In the film The Power of One, the song "Mother Africa", as well as the concert, in which the native Africans insult their oblivious white audience.
  • In the film Zulu, the Zulu warriors sing a praise song lauding the British defenders as Worthy Opponents before beginning their final assault.
  • Road to Zanzibar has a bit of chanting titled "African Etude".

Live Action TV[]

  • The Trope Namer is from the U.S. version of Whose Line Is It Anyway, which had a game called African Chant. It involved Wayne Brady singing to an audience member in the style of an African Chant, but the real comedy comes from the three other comedians singing and dancing in the background.

 Wayne Brady: Hey, how come I gotta do the African Chant?

Drew Carey: Because Colin would screw it up.

  • The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency TV series has this on occasion, with real African.
  • Sally Cruikshank produced a series of animated inserts for Sesame Street involving counting up to a certain number, with the highest being 19 and the lowest being 13 (according to Muppet Wiki, there is no animation for 20).
    • Another animated Sesame Street skit involving counting to a certain number had number emerge out of seashells while a chant sounding like "Bading-a-ding bada-bading-a-ding" can be heard in the background.
    • Two alphabet songs from the same show are even sung to African tribal music.
  • "Mystery Animal" from Zoboomafoo (sung over an animation where a cartoon blob is shown morphing into the animal featured in the episode).


  • "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" has a horribly convoluted history, but it was originally a South African song titled "Mbube", which had real Zulu chanting.
  • Peter Gabriel takes this and makes it his favorite instrument. See "In Your Eyes" and "Biko" for examples.
  • The Christian song Siyahamba, often translated in English as "We are Marching in the light of God".
  • Shakira's "Waka Waka". Justified.
  • Zulu chanting is present in several tracks on Paul Simon's Graceland, featuring most prominently in "Homeless", where a choir of black singers lament about the destruction of their homes in a storm.


  • Show Boat: The Dahomey dancers in the 1893 World's Fair sequence frighten off white visitors with their frenzied chanting and barbaric manners, then reveal it's a load of Big Applesauce — "our home just ain't Dahomey at all" but New York.

Video Games[]

  • The 'Baba Yetu' opening-sequence from Civilization 4. It's actually just a Swahili rendition of the classic 'Our Father' prayer - but in Swahili, it comes across as some sort of tribal chant.
  • In Macro Zone forest levels of Serious Sam II and some of the jungle levels, a fight music has these stock sounds.
  • The Adventure Field's Mystic Ruins in Sonic Adventure.
  • Shivers: Happens in the background music while in the Shaman room.

Web Original[]

Fast-forward to 32:30 Fast forward to #5

Western Animation[]


 Ahhh la wain-ya! Ee-malla ee ya away!

Oom balla ee ya walla ling goo

Ee oola coola yalla din doo

Oo day loo ee-a totta malla

I no ees joost a lota walla
