"This is what happens after."
After Action is a Spin-Off of the Active Duty and Serpent's Hand RPs, which themselves are RP spinoffs of the SCP Foundation. Confused yet?
There's a lot of familiar people around After Action if you've followed Active Duty or Serpent's Hand, the setting basically allowing for a crossover of sorts. The story focuses on the the continued survival of a group called The Convoy, a bunch of O-23 remnants, Library rejects, Church splinters, and anyone who they pick up on the way.
Tropes used in After Action include:
- Artificial Limbs: Kens.
- Badass Normal: Pick any of the mundane characters, really. Chances are they're a Badass.
- Battle Couple: Jason and Alice Dodridge; Artemis Harrow and Illia Nydali.
- Big Damn Heroes: Wellington and his ragtag Australian army busting through the side of a building on a tank, to destroy a Chaos Insurgency MBT and throw the second main force wave into utter disarray.
- The Convoy to several liberated Australian Armed Forces soldiers during their assault to Sydney.
- Cats Are Snarkers: Midnight, while not always snarky, still has shades of this.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Joey Tamlin, time-estranged son of Jason and Alice, stopped an APC in time, but not in space, allowing the Earth to rotate and transit underneath it. When you consider that the Earth orbits the sun at eighteen and a half miles per second...
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: When the Convoy encountered a God Worm in a non-canon playtest, Frederick Heiden sang a song in a chorus of a thousand damned souls, ordering it to submit. The worm proceeded to tear itself apart.
- Heiden then attempted to literally punch out Cthluhu. He missed.
- And then he did it again. To Able.
- Dogs Are Dumb: Forced, in this case; Midnight formatted a dingo's brain when it tried to attack her. It's her bitch, now.
- Driven to Suicide: Kayleigh, after losing the last six months of her memory, tried several times to overdose on various medications before summoning Chainshank to take her directly into the afterlife.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Vance was taken into the Hellfly hive.
- Fish People: Bel Thu'baan is somewhat of a shark-girl, although more humanoid than most.
- Humanoid Abomination: Heiden.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Jillian Cunningham thinks Chainshank is "nice enough."
- Alicel thinks Charon is "an admirable person." Justified in that Alicel is a very young AI with absolutely no foreknowledge or information.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Myrtle's entire Power; it works like the Silents.
- Machine Worship: This is what Tau, Artemis and Ilia believe, as does the entirety of The Church of the Broken God.
- Mad Doctor: Geier, so much. Kens, at times.
- Moral Event Horizon: After Akane's passing, John went off the deep end, executing people in cold blood several nights later, when he ran off into the woods after Alice showed him a drawing of the two together. Unlike most of his kills, it was *not* played for laughs. All signs point to John getting worse from there.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Chainshank, the ultraviolent animate British quincy punk demon scarecrow.
- Oh, and he's a Death now, too.
- Oh Crap: Chainshank has now become Chainstalk, a superpowered demigod of the Harvest, thanks to the influence of The Great Pumpkin.
- Put on a Bus: Jillian, Akane, Simon and Emily all broke off from the convoy to try and build a community at a hotel.
- Pronoun Trouble: Glen is sexless, but it seems to be the only one comfortable with calling itself "it".
- Small Girl, Big Gun: One word: Alice.
- Stutter Stop: When Alice speaks without her stammer, you may be in trouble.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Zoé Chantili is a short range teleporter.
- Team Mom: Midnight.
- Team Pet: Diogi
- Tear Jerker: John Williamson went out and murdered a pair of civilians. Then Chainshank reaped them.
- The Woobie: Adhelami. So, so much.
- The Swarm: The Hellflies
- The Engineer: John Williamson. Just don't let him get his hands on fissiles...
- Unfazed Everyman: Joshua Samil
- What the Hell, Player?: Dusty tried to use silver fulminate in an experiment. Naturally, it exploded, seeing as it's a highly unstable primary explosive which can be triggered by the impact of a single droplet of water.
- You Shall Not Pass: The entire team during the escape from Potts Point, but especially Jason, Dimitri, Misha and Nick at the very end, staring down an M60 Main Battle Tank with small arms and the Rusty Panzerfaust Warhead.