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What bugs This troper isn't that Gundam X has what is quite possibly the most Crapsack World out of all the various Gundams, and ends on one the most positive notes of Gundam. What bugs this troper is that we don't get to see it!
Seconded. They also cut it down ten whole episodes, even more than the original. Lousy goddamn stupid executives. Thankfully, there are fansubs.
Hey, at least they finished the story and tied up a lot of the plot threads in that time.
The Gable (see Mighty Glacier) has a beam deflection field, so the Freeden team only wins because Roybea gets in close and uses his Gatlings and missiles. So what do they do when they repair the Leopard after that battle? Give it a bunch of beam weapons, replacing a good number of the weapons that just saved their lives.
Well, it's not as if all of its non-beam weapons had been replaced. It just had some beam weapons added on top of what it already was carrying. It's simply to balance out the overspecialized role it had on the team for the battles to come.