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After the Academy is a Ragnarok Online Play By Post roleplay site. Although based on the MMORPG, it takes liberties with the lore, plot, and even characters. Several of the game's NPCs and monsters are now playable; those already taken include the Boss monsters Kiel Hyre, Kathrynne Keyron, and Dracula.
Although each character is free to take his/her path, the forum has an overarching plot and several sub-plots, moved along by the admin and participated in by other members. Examples would be the story of the Somatology Labs and the fued between the Assassins Guild and Rogue Guild. To facilitate battles, they use a dice system.
The Roleplay is now in its second story arc.
- Action Girl: Claire/Emily, Dolly.
- Action Mom: Auriciel, although her 'son' is not biologically hers.
- Hazme, for being an actual mom and melee bard
- Adrenaline Makeover: Shara. Oh, GOD Shara.
- Affably Evil: Hemming. Maybe Aless if the teeth don't scare you.
- Always Chaotic Evil: All aggressive monsters. MV Ps have a variety of alignments, though.
- Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Iroi's reaction after Hazme crawls on a bed over him...to reach a basket at the bedside table.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: The Guild's (the assassin's guild) leader arrives at his/her position by killing the former guildmaster. The Black Hand, which are more or less his generals and council, are the best fighters in their respective weapons specialties.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Momohara. Hell, he's better off a woman.
- Karl, according to forty-two. Then again...
- Axe Crazy: Hemming, pre-timeskip, and Aless, to a lesser (but not much) extent.
- Badass Bookworm: Granrolf, in human form, although really a Genius Bruiser.
- Badass Family: Many. Compiled here, but most notably:
- Rishid, his father, and his adopted daughter Diane
- Ayin's father is the current assassin guild leader. His mother is also an assassin, and so is his little sister, his cousins, aunts and uncles...
- The Zeniths are assassins and demons
- Batman Gambit: What Meno seems to be doing.
- Big Brother Instinct: Silverius, for his cousin.
- Big Brother Worship: Kathrynne, for her brother Galen, and Montague with Silverius.
- The Big Guy: Allen.
- Bishounen/Mr. Fanservice: So many, it's actually easier to name those that aren't.
- Butt Monkey: Silverius, in-character and in the discussion threads. Is it Bully a Priest Day yet?
- Body Snatcher: Hemming, in the process of coming back from oblivion. Sid was also a temporary victim of this, and also Silphene. Apparently one priest gets possessed every few years.
- Camp Gay: Robert.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: What certain people *cough* are expecting to happen with Gregory.
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin': An almost meta example: Admins (most especially 42) usually read threads and will sometimes swoop in to add twists to the story, more often in direct consequence to characters' (bad) actions. For example:
- boy character ran away from his assassin family and returns => an assassin comes in to punish him with death (he gets around it)
- knight accidentally burns down a neighborhood => she gets in-RP punishment
- monk socks a priest in public => both get called in by the Church
- Cat Fight: Auriciel and Maya
- Celibate Hero: Bastiaan.
- Chaste Hero: Not a hero, but Ayin as a kid. Also, Sid (though that went away quickly enough).
- Chastity Couple: With all the NSFW threads around, there's Shara and Silverius.
- Child Soldiers: Averted, despite swordsmen, acolytes, archers and such being around twelve to fifteen years old. It's the adults (or older teens) who get sent on dangerous quests.
- Chivalrous Pervert/Handsome Lech: Gregory, who else?
- Subverted in Leaving A Taste, where he actually doesn't go for the girl
- The Clan: Many assassin (and non-assassin) families. Compiled here.
- Cloak and Dagger: The Assassins Guild.
- Clothing Damage: Shara (in most her battles) and Auriciel (Fight against Maya.)
- Combat Medic: Sid, and just about any monk. Also, Ayin is building up to be this.
- Cool Big Sis: Elianna. Also, Silphene.
- Crack Pairing: Gregory and his falcon, Aida. Probably born from their interaction.
- Curtains Match the Window: Nat, Nattie, and Karl.
- Cute Bruiser: Dolly
- Dark Is Not Evil: Assassins.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Tamerlane. And Van, although more of a Dark Skinned White-Haired Guy.
- Darker and Edgier: Somatology Labs.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Ayin, to his chagrin.
- The Drag Along: How Tamerlane starts out. Now, not so much.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Sid as a kid, and Karl, even in adulthood.
- Momohara, so, so much.
- Evil Eye: Kathrynne, Mana and to some extent, Zeniths.
- Evil Is Sexy/Femme Fatale: Meno, although not really evil. Unless you ask other people...
- Fangs Are Evil: Aless...to some extent.
- Follow in My Footsteps: Oliver's father is committed into turning his son into an assassin of his calibre. Unlike most examples of this, Oliver actually wants to live up to the old man's expectations.
- Friend to All Living Things: Mercedes
- Generation Xerox: Compare Elianna and Shara (at least appearance-wise).
- Genki Girl: Dolly. But don't break her sword.
- Gun Fu: Van.
- Hair of Gold: Silphene.
- Half-Identical Twins: Subverted by Galen and Kathrynne, despite their similar hair color. Nathaniel and Natividad subvert it hard.
- Hates Being Touched: Karl von Kleist. And then he meets Forty-Two. It does not end well.
- Heartbroken Badass: Diane
- Ho Yay: Gregory and Silverius, Karl and Vitali. And interpret Aless' rage over Rishid's death as you will.
- Hot Teacher: Auriciel, on account of being a Professor. Also Mana, as she is also a Professor (may also count as Hot Student)
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Allen and Silphene
- I See Dead People: All Soul Linkers, although Momohara has an inherent ability.
- Idol Singer: Young-jae seems to be on her way to becoming this.
- Improbable Weapon User: Commonly those in the bard class.
- Soul Encore uses a megaphone at one point
- Hazme's large instruments case doubles as a blunt weapon
- Inelegant Blubbering: By an assassin, no less. Oliver cries a lot.
- Karma Houdini: Hemming--reformed, in a way, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a crazy serial killer and rapist.
- Kiss of the Vampire: Ask anyone Vitali's bitten. Anyone.
- Les Yay/Yuri: So much more than the Ho Yay. Specific examples:
- Claire and Shara (with NSFW threads to prove it!)
- Claire and Lucrezia
- Can we go with Claire/Every female?
- Enigma and Young-jae (ship tease, mostly)
- Elaheh and Artemis
- Mercedes and Olivia
- The Matchmaker: Gregory, for just about every male he meets.
- Also Karl, for his brother (sometimes)
- Montague to Silverius
- Lady of War: Lucrezia, to an extent. Diane, when she unleashes Summon Suffering.
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Silverius. He's shipped with four females, one of them his cousin, and three males, one of which is is own brother. The emo is apparently sought after.
- Like Brother and Sister: As far as Allen and Silphene are concerned, they're this. A more straight example is Silphene and Silverius.
- And Silverius and Lucrezia. Refer to Big Brother Instinct above.
- Love Freak: Post-timeskip Hemming appears to be this.
- Megaton Punch/Punched Across the Room: Ceaz, in the future. Milie did this with RSX.
- The Messiah: Young-jae might fit into this.
- Mismatched Eyes: Kureha and Milie
- Mistaken for Cheating/Not What It Looks Like: Silverius, the poor bastard.
- More Dakka: Milie, owing to her choice of weapons. Occasionally even sniper Karl resorts to this.
- Musical Episode: Soul and Young-jae sometimes turn threads into this.
- Naked First Impression: Meno gives Oliver this in Hand of Death. He freaks out, and asks her to dress when he's forced to be in the same room.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Ayin. He's been unnerved by every girl who has come on to him (or pretended to) so far.
- No Yay: Anything involving 42. Also, Orcs.
- Older Than They Look: Granrolf (orc), Rishid (immortal MVP), Vitali (vampire), and Auriciel (MVP)
- Overprotective Dad: Rishid. Implied to involve Wife Husbandry.
- Pet the Dog: Loads with MVPs.
- The Pollyana: To an extent, Young-jae.
- Reluctant Warrior: Croix.
- Retired Badass: Miralda (although now permanently retired). To some extent, Bubba.
- Rhymes on a Dime: Soul, though now picked up by Young-jae.
- Rich Bitch: Anne Keppler.
- Sexy Priest: Sid. It's even mentioned in his profile. Silverius might count too.
- Ship Tease: Way too many
- Slasher Smile: Karthryne. And even worse, Aless.
- The Smart Guy: Kiel.
- Squishy Wizard/Glass Cannon: Galen and Karl
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: With all the bishounen, this is bound to happen:
- Supreme Chef: Croix.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Croix for his "Mistress". Who happens to be High Wizard Kathrynne Keyron.
Even so, if he wanted to become strong enough to achieve his goals, and probably even marry his mentor one day, he needed to think outside of the box. |
- Then again, he's only 2-3 years younger
- Tenchi Solution: Silverius, in the discusion threads.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Emily and Shara. Also Kureha and Milie
- Tsundere: Claire/Emily, Rheina and Lucrezia. They guys love this trope, apparently.
- Anne Keppler
- Twin Telepathy/Synchronization/Creepy Twins: Kureha and Milie, definitely Kureha and Milie.
- Understanding Boyfriend: Silverius, so, so much.
- Unholy Matrimony: What some people might call Meno and Vitali's union.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Claire. All Love Is Unrequited for her.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension/Just Friends: Silverius and Shara, until recently.
- The Vamp: Meno, definitely. Also for a male example: Vitali.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Oliver.
- Wife Husbandry: Apparently what Auriciel is doing with five(?)-year-old Ceaz.
- Wonder Twin Powers: Nat and Nattie, and Kureha and Milie
- Wrench Wench: Emily/Claire and Milie.
- Proper Lady: Strangely enough, no females are exact fit. Shara, Young-jae and Milie might count, but the closest example is a male one: Bastiaan.
- Momohara is physically one, although a guy and is snarkier than your usual examples of these.
- Yandere: Milie, obviously. And maybe Kathrynne, in a non-romantic kind of love.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Or pink, green, silver, violet...
- Zettai Ryouiki: Priestesses and Archbishopess', Female Ninjas, femme assassins, Milie's uniform (Grade A with hotpants)