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Agarest Senki (known as Record of Agarest War in North America and Agarest: Generations of War in Europe) is a strategy RPG developed by Idea Factory and released in North America by Aksys Games on 27 April 2010 for the Playstation Network and the Xbox 360.

The story begins with Leonhardt, also known as General Golden Leo, turning against his men while protecting the life of a young elven girl and giving his life in the process. He is approached by a mysterious woman known as Dyshana, who agrees to resurrect him in exchange for an oath: To become a Spirit Vessel and pledge both his life and the lives of his descendants to her cause.

A prequel under title Agarest Senki ZERO has been released long before the NA release of the original game, and it has just been released in North America by Aksys. While we're at it a sequel has been announced too.

Don't confuse with Record of Lodoss War.

Agarest Senki contains the following tropes:[]

  • A-Cup Angst: Special mention goes to Lizerotte for this one. If all of your companions were busty...
  • Action Girl: At least one of the love interests in each generation is a strong melee attacker. Noah in third generation stands out, being practically an Expy of one Henry Jones Jr.
  • Adventurer Outfit
  • Aerith and Bob: Zerva, Vashtor, Dyshana, Qua, Ryuryu. Do we need to go on?
  • Artificial Stupidity: Auto-battle, why did you just have the squishy mage jump into melee range and physically attack an opponent who can counter? Why did you spend everyone's AP to ensure an overkill against one monster when there were seven others still on the battlefield? Why did you use an attack that was completely ineffective against/healed the enemy?
    • However, auto-battle is good at moving (since it knows where the computer is going to move, also being the computer), as well as setting up Extended Area Combos. Just don't let it do the attacking as well.
  • Anti-Grinding: Despite having a lot of things that encourage players to grind, straying out of the main quest to train adds more turns to the total count, which will result some events and characters to be blocked or lost permanently. Being stronger than the game expect also cut down battle bonus and benefit you get in the main quests. US release modded the game so that you can grind in a dungeon all you want without spending turns.
  • Babies Ever After: Each and every love interest you choose in the True ending. (Yes, Even Plum and Dyshana)
  • Badass Boast: Rex loves doing this to keep reminding us the players that he is the real hero.
  • Badass Family: The Raglen family.
  • Bait and Switch Boss: In the Dark Ending.
  • Battle Harem: Five generations' worth.
  • Beach Episode: Oddly there is one for our viewing pleasure.
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Everyone mostly remembers Yayoi as the girl with sausage on Akyss homepage.
    • Everybody remembers the mousepad with Vira-Lorr's boobs.
  • Big Eater: Faina, oh boy for an Ill Girl she sure eats a lot.
  • Blade on a Stick: Elaine(First Generation) and Valeria(Second Generation).
    • Ganz (Third Generation) and Reverie (Fourth Generation).
  • Break Meter: Empties as the target gets hit and is vital to the strategy to the game. When the meter is emptied after being hit enough, attacks do extra damage and some Arts get in a few extra hits at the end of their animations. The game encourages you to use high break attacks first, then stack as many Break Arts as you can at the end of the For Massive Damage.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Everyone does this when they use their 3rd EX along with a Badass Creed.
  • Captain Obvious: "Silver Sword: A sword made of silver" Gee, thanks item description!
    • Winfield calls Dyshana as this when she points out things he already knows in the fifth generation.
  • Chaste Hero: Ladius is pretty much the epitome of this trope.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Thoma and Winfield's conversation at the hot springs. It must be seen to be believed.
  • Christmas Cake: Interesting example: basically the last generation descendant Rex gets to choose any single girl as his love and some of them might have fought alongside his Ancestor Leonhardt.
  • Combos: Which leads to breaks, then to Overkills.
  • Combination Attack: They must have spent most of this game's budget for those awesome combos.
  • Critical Status Buff: Some characters have passive abilities that activate when their health drops low enough
  • Cursed with Awesome: Winfield is cursed by the Bracelet, thanks to it now he is fated to become a demon and bring the Bracelet to the Demon King, but on the same time the Bracelet won't let him die until he fulfilled his role therefore making him practically immortal.
  • Cute Monster Girl: In the second generation, there's Sherufanir, the Kitsune-like daughter of a male neocollom and a god-blooded human woman (which may disqualify her from counting, as she's a Half-Human Hybrid). She's also a valid choice in the Romance Sidequest.
    • You've also got the harpuia Silvi and Murumina (in the fourth and fifth generations, respectively), and Qua the rabbit-type neocollom girl. Not to mention some of the capturable monsters, like the Nekomata-types.
  • Dating Sim: Shades of it. Yeah good luck choosing.
  • Deal with the Devil: Played with, although Leonhardt made a deal with Dyshana to protect Ellis, it's a for a noble goal and not a selfish one, although somewhere along the generations they tend to not agree.
  • Decoy Protagonist: Leonhadt is on all promotional artwork, everyone thought he is the main character. He's not, it's his great-great grandson, Rex.
  • Degraded Boss: The Dark Knight, at first he is like some kind of The Juggernaut for the party, but when they realizes that he's just a Giant Mook all along he becomes less threatening.
  • Design It Yourself Descendant: Whoever the protagonist of that generation chooses as his wife, the next generation will have a different look.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Hmm... Did you just kick an evil god's ass?
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Leonhardt dreams that he is killed by a Black Knight, guess what happens three minutes later.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: TOO DAMN MANY TO COUNT, but here are some examples. Beware: you might get the wrong ideas (or the right ones).
  • Double Entendre: The first boss is Jumbo Cock. It's a giant evil chicken, you pervs!
  • Dual Boss: In Fifth Generation, the Gurgs start appearing in caster/melee pairs.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: It took 5 generations but you finally did. Or did you?
  • Easily Forgiven: Melchior, oh God Melchior! First he ordered the annihilation of all elves and the syriums, then wage war to the other countries and he also forms an alliance with some evil monsters, and if you read his profile you'll know that he and his father is also the one that killed Leonhardt's family before the game even begins, and yet everyone seems to gone all forgiving him in the end! Oh, and do i already mention that he has no sympathetic past and he just following his brainwashed king?
  • Episode Zero the Beginning
  • Erotic Eating: Happens at least one in every game. Bananas, sausages and other things.
  • Eleventh-Hour Ranger: EVERY previous generations protagonists and heroines.
  • Evil All Along: Vashtor
  • Fake Longevity: All games in the series are long enough with the passing through generations aspect of it, but the sheer number of obligatory fights in each one of them makes it longer than it really is, really longer.
  • Expy: Rex(5th generation) is basically Leonhardt (First generation) with different hair.
  • Five-Man Band: Happens in each generation.
  • Gambit Pileup: Let's just say Mobius, Chaos, and Summerill's plans collided with each other and go on from there.
  • Generation Xerox: The next generation's protagonist appearance will be based on who his mother was and will take up the same quest his father had. Rinse and repeat until one of them kills the final boss.
  • Genki Girl: Qua
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: The promo art could be considered porn, yet somehow the game gets away with a "T" rating.
  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Last Generation's potential love interests might have fought alongside his ancestor, but they still look they like did back then or aged very little.
  • Guardian Entity: Borgnine is this to Ellis.
  • Guide Dang It: The True Ending is really easy to miss since you have to keep track of where the Karma Meter is at and making sure you don't grind too much since a high "turn count" (battles fought) will lock you out of getting it.
  • Happily Ever After: Certain endings for 5th generation girls. Here's an example: Ellis's with Rex.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: a sense. When Leonhardt made that pact about his descendants and all, he pledged them to be seals to contain an evil god. Way to go stupid Ancestor; you screwed your descendants over royally.
    • However, in the True Ending Route of the Digest mode of Agarest ZERO, while he does ask for forgiveness from his descendants, he never once regretted his decision on that day to become a Soul Vessel for Dyshana. And besides, if Dyshana never showed up, none of his descendants would be alive anyway.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Leonhardt uses swords. Soul breeding will typically result in his descendants using them as well.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Dyshana is Domon Kasshu's daughter!
  • Hot Springs Episode: Present throughout the generations. Totally worth the dark karma.
  • Immortality Begins At Twenty
  • Infinity-1 Sword: There's a sword named Shining Light, to get it you have to: 1) Get to the true route; 2) Have 2 sword that costs more than 300000 G combined; 3) Have an item that you get by beating a boss in The Very Definitely Final Dungeon; 4) Beat 5 over-leveled gods. In the other side you have the less powerful Leo's sword, which you automatically get by fulfilling the first step.
    • Though if you're just looking for pure physical power, the extra STR given by Leo's Sword makes it stronger than the Shining Light, but just barely.
  • Instant Death Radius: That One Boss Midas will kill any party member within 2 squares with Phoenix Strike. No exceptions.
  • Interface Spoiler: There are some, in pretty much all games so far, in the Gallery; specifically in the characters bio, party members will get an entry in the database as soon as they're introduced, there's the possibility that this member will do something of importance in the next generation, which usually is tied to The Hero of said generation, and the information about it will be available as sson as their general info became available in the Gallery; of course this is reserved for the supporting cast, The Protagonist and Love Interests of the given genration are free of this.
  • Interspecies Romance: Each of the generations that has a Romance Sidequest has at least one non-human girl as an option. Leonhardt (first generation) has a Syrium named Fyuria (basically a flat chested Elf). Ladius (second generation) has Sherufanir, a Cute Monster Girl Half-Human Hybrid. Thoma (third generation) has Lavinia or Faina, sisters and High Elf/Dark Elf hybrids. Finally, Duran (fourth generation) has Silvi, a Featherfolk.
  • Karma Meter: The simplified version.
  • Knife Nut: Fyuria, Sherufanir, and Alberti. Beatrice can also equip knives too.
  • Level Grinding: Some grinding to required to beat the crap outta an evil God that basically started this whole spirit vessel idea. Especially on hard mode.
  • Limit Break: Under certain conditions like low health, high SP, etc... your character can pull off a high damage special attack that is basically this.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: To be expected considering the game spans five generations.
  • Loads and Loads of Races: This game's got humans, syriums, high elves, dark elves, onerthes', neocolloms, ryulents, larvas, greers, nelths, harpuias and yulishees.
  • Love Confession: Present throughout the generations; Leonhardt's descendants must choose a girl to marry.
  • Love Interest: Each protagonist has three potential brides per generation except for the last guy, who gets his pick from any of the single women who weren't a previous love interest.
  • Magic Knight: Soul Breeding can result in the main character being one.
  • Magic Skirt: Despite all the sexual fanservice the game throws at you, you will never get a glorious Panty Shot from any of the girls. Even when tentacles are involved.
  • Master Swordsman: Leonhardt and his descendants are this.
    • ...Provided who you chose as a wife in the previous generation would allow said descendants to wield swords.
  • Metal Slime: Golden Bats. They typically have levels far higher than normal for the area you in, but have roughly the same health as the monsters you should be fighting, so if you can end the fight quickly you can see roughly a 600% or higher bonus to your rewards. However their Will Powers make it so they take significantly reduced damage from everything, they naturally resist magic, and once they hit 25% health physical attacks no longer work. Oh, and they regenerate 20% of their health a turn, can drain your health, and can easily fully heal all of the other enemies while they're at it. If the fight goes too long, expect to see a penalty on your rewards, rather than the standard reward you could've gotten had those Goddamn Bats just not been there.
    • Your Limit Breaks help quite a bit toward getting through that 25% phase--they bypass the aforementioned Parry willpower entirely. On that note, the Accuracy willpower works too as long as that character can lead off the attacks and generate that much SP quickly enough.
  • Modesty Bedsheet: Appears in every generations ending.
  • Monty Haul: Bought all the DLCs? Congratulations, now nothing can stop you from annihilating all enemies from Gen 1 to Gen 4.
  • Mood Dissonance: For all the sexy scenes the game likes to advertise with, the story is a fairly serious war drama. Which makes it all the more jarring when the scene shifts to a bunnygirl fellating a banana.
  • Mood Whiplash: The mood at the end of Generation 4? Hopeful, and on a high note. And then you're shunted to the beginning of Generation 5, where the very first thing you get to hear is how screwed everything is on the demon-fortified continent, how the best resistance against the forces of darkness fell ten years ago and started the decline, and how victory is highly unlikely, even if one could pull off the herculean task of uniting the remaining human countries in spite of the myriad of demon fortresses.
  • More Friends More Benefits: It is possible, with judicious use of a guide to have all 3 love interests at intimacy 5 (blushing) at the end of every generation. It's even required to unlock some events.
  • Multiple Endings: Three endings: True, Normal, and Bad.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Lavinia tries this with Thoma. It doesn't work.
  • Ninja: First generation love interest Fyuria fits this trope.
    • Beatrice fits this better, considering two of her unique abilities specifically state that they're Ninja Arts.
  • New Season, New Name: Leo's Golden Sword seems to change each games, in the first it's named Leo's Sword, in ZERO it's named Treasure Sword of Oath, and in the second it's named Veldafard.
  • No One Could Survive That: Leonhardt knocks the dark knight off a cliff at the end of the first generation. He's back in the second generation as Vashtor.
  • No Points for Neutrality: Averted. The best ending requires a Neutral karma meter.
  • Non Standard Character Design: Hello there random 3D monsters
  • NTSC Bonus: The North American version came out 9 months after the European version, and fixed much of that version's Blind Idiot Translation. This version also lets you grind in a dungeon without spending turns.
  • Odd Name Out: Ellis, Alice and...Fiona?
  • Old Save Bonus: If you have a cleared data on Agarest 1, you can use it to import data to Agarest Zero. Likewise, Agarest Senki 2 will also be using this setup by importing data from Agarest Zero.
  • Our Elves Are Different: For one, they seem to age to a certain point and then stop; and two, they're not always called elves.
  • Optional Sexual Encounter: Played with, you have to marry one of the girls in the current generation where you are treated to a scene of them with nothing but bedsheets. One of the few JRP Gs to let the player have sex with their love interest
  • Pals with Jesus: Borgnine not only is one of the first characters to join your party, but also happens to be a Larva, a lesser god.
  • Relationship Values: The better a potential love interest likes that generation's protagonist, the better stats their son gets in the next.
  • Replacement Love Interest: Ellis denies it but it's pretty much obvious that she loves Rex because he looks like Leonhardt.
  • School Swimsuit: Winfield forces Hildegard to wear one.
  • Screwed by the Network: Why was the North American PlayStation 3 version not released on a retail disc? Sony America doesn't allow retail discs without English voice acting.
    • Oddly averted with with the prequel, which still has no English voice option, but did get a disc release.
  • Serious Business: Winfield (and later Thoma) takes peeking girls at hot spring too seriously, to the point he thinks it's worth dying for.
  • Sex Sells: The US marketing campaign for the game actually managed to exaggerate the amount of Fan Service in the game -- there's a lot of it, but from the promotions, you'd think the game contained nothing else. This managed to backfire spectacularly -- at least one store was reported to sell the special edition wrapped in white paper with the warning that it is the "(Adult Only) Special Edition."
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Fyuria has light-based attacks, her brother Zerva has darkness-based attacks. Together, they have a powerful Yin-Yang Bomb.
  • Stripperiffic:
  • Sword of Plot Advancement: Leonhardt's Sword, you'll need it.
  • Talking to Himself: Due to the fact that there are just tons of characters in this game, some of them had to be voiced by the same seiyuu. Examples include Leo and Rex (though that one's justified, and Alberti sharing a voice with Mobius.
  • Tenchi Solution: Plum invokes it toward the end of the fifth generation. It's not an option.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: SO MUCH!
    • Until you realize that almost any fight, including Midas, can be won by sticking one character right up in the boss's face and keeping everyone else about six spaces back. Almost all bosses have Impulse Wave or a similar skill, which will toss the dead character back to the others, just in range to be revived and sent right back the next turn. Repeat as necessary until you have the SP needed to just kill the boss in a single turn.
    • The fact that the bosses will still have combination attacks as base skills rather than requiring the attacks that make up those skills still comes across as a bit of cheating though. They also seem to use less AP to pull of these abilities, as though they have the AP reducing Will Power even though they don't or don't even have the SP to have it active.
  • The Hero: Leohardt and his descendants but with an interesting twist: depending on who you choose as your girl to marry, the descendants have different appearencess; one could have blonde, black, or blue hair, long, short, etc..., or completely different appearences altogther.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Thoma gives a fairly impressive one to a racist elf.

 Young Elf: B-But... had she not brought you here, none of this would have happened! Even if the dark elf did not draw the monsters herself, this is still her fault!

Thoma: A slow mind will never win a woman's heart, you know. Besides, she has a name--Lavinia. And a pretty name at that. Perhaps you could be a gentleman and use it?

Young Elf: Be silent, outsider! You know nothing of us! You should not profess opinions on that which you do not understand!

Thoma: I may be an outsider, but I hardly see why that deserves such an exaggerated display of emotion. And where, may I ask, were you, while we were fighting to save your village? While Lavinia was fighting desperately to save your village? How pathetic you are, to cast blame on one who risked her life to protect yours. Elf, dark elf, it matters not. A woman is a woman. There are women who surpass me in strength. There are those who I surpass. But many women do not know how to fight. If you are strong, what is your obligation as a man? What must you do when women are in danger? Do you cast aside those whom you do not care for, and abandon them to their fate? Or do you give aid to women in peril, regardless of whether you love or hate them? How can you call yourself a man when you hide from danger and tell the person who saved you to leave? You, my friend, are not only a failure as a man, but as a person as well.

    • Qualifies to me more as a Screw You, Elves speech.
      • Not at all. It had nothing to do with the jerk being an elf and more to do with being rude to a woman that saved him while he cowered.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: There's is an overkill message if you do so, and a few good items when doing them.
  • Third Eye
  • Timed Mission: The true ending is locked out if you take more than 500 turns to get there.
  • Time Skip: The story spans 5 generations, so this is a must.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Vashtor, as if it wasn't obvious.
  • Translation Tropes: The text gets a full translation, but there was no voice acting done so all the characters speak in Japanese.
  • True Companions: Each generation gets their own.
    • The first generation fits this more than the rest however.
  • Tsundere: A male example is Duran, so very much so. Watching him get flustered is half the fun. And one of his potential love interests Ryuryu is a mix of this, kuudere, and Emotionless Girl, making for some rather interesting cutscenes (read: adorable)
    • The "Canon" route (if you based it on the opening, the portraits of the trophy list, and the image of the page itself) has the following route: Fyuria, Valeria, Lavinia, and Hilda. One thing in common? They're all tsunderes.
  • Unwanted Harem: Played with near the end, basically there are more female than male party members and as such it comes to this. Especially in the last generation with Rex who is basically Leonhardt 2.0 with ALL the girls who the others before him never married or fought alongside.
    • Actually weaponized in the combo EX Pink Poison. Queuing up the level 2 EX of Rex, Qua, Beatrice, Murmina, Plum, and Reverie plays a skit in which the five of them confront Rex as he faces down the targeted monster. They then begin glowing with menacing auras and charge at him in a Big Ball of Violence. Rex narrowly escapes. The monster is not so lucky...
  • Updated Rerelease: Reappearance added in more voicing, upgraded the visuals, added in the gallery, as well as new items and a new dungeon. Zero's Digest Mode for the first game cut out all non-story battles, locked onto the true end, and added in new scenes to the post-game content that imply or outright state relations between characters in the two games such as Shernini being the founder of Sharona's hometown and Alice being Ellis's ancestor or even mother.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Fyuria admits that when she was a kid when there are no wars, she used to be a very cute generic girl, all she wants is a doll and making a flower crown. Aww...
  • We Are as Mayflies: Of all the races presented in-game, humans are the only ones that noticeably age over the generations.
  • We Have Reserves: Have to sacrifice your life to seal one of the five towers in the world? No worry! Make children and let them carry on your task!
  • Wham! Episode: Sure, you can see Vashtor's betrayal coming from a mile away. What you don't get to see is that he kidnaps Ellis, one of your Game Breaker units, and now you have to contend with Keith without her.
  • Wife Husbandry: Most of Rex harem consists of the girls that raised him ever since he was born.
  • Wolfpack Boss: Once you're used to killing Dual Boss Gurgs, the game throws four of them at you in one fight.
  • You Are Already Dead: A key mechanic to the games; You can continue to attack an enemy long after it's died, as long as you keep the attacks going with the intent to push the enemy into Overkill for extra items needed to improve your equipment. Once you stop, the enemy, or enemies, will die one by one. This is also the name of an achievement for getting a 650 hit chain on an enemy in Zero.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Bad ending has this.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Congratulations! After dozens upon dozens of hours worth of playtime, you've finally reached the end of the fifth generation and have defeated the Final Boss who was responsible for the evil that occurred throughout the game. Time to sit back and enjoy the ending? No! Now you have to take care of 5 sealed gods and the real final boss.
  • Yum Yum: You tell me

Agarest Zero[]

Agarest Zero is the prequel of the first game and deals with Leonhardt's ancestor, Sieghart. Set one thousand years before the first game, the battle between the light and dark forces were still undergoing. Sieghart one day finds a woman named Mimel and he gets involved in the battle between light and dark.

Released in the US on June 14, 2011.

Agarest Zero contains the following tropes:[]

  • Beach Episode: As an event no less!
  • Big Eater: In one of the cutscenes, Leonis is implied to be one.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Much like the first game, the characters call their 3rd EX skill.
    • In one cutscene early in the 2nd generation, Tetora does this to Niel with her "Magnificent Descending Cumulus Fist!".
  • Dark Counterpart Race: Shernini reveals to Leonis that the Syrium are this to High Elves, right down to their creators; Lenion and Chaos.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Vashtor becomes the servant of Summerill and will not join the good guys for 1000 years. The rest of the Gurgs get Brainwashed and Crazy.
    • Also, Leonis must survive. Which makes the normal ending non-canon by default.
  • No Fourth Wall: While the game takes itself fairly seriously, the fourth wall is torn down for the post-game Boundary Plane events. For example;

 Decimal: "Bu-kaw... (Translation: Ugh... What is the matter with me?"

Leonis: "Oh, I see someone has been kind enough to translate his comments for us."

Dana: "That seems rather miraculous as well..."

Shernini: "Only now, Decimal, do you understand! Oh, I shall never let you go!"

Decimal: "Buh...Buk... (Translation: Y-You are choking me, evil woman!"

    • The scene goes on like that for awhile, ending with a Fade to Black and Friedelinde telling everyone;

Agarest Senki 2[]

Agarest Senki 2 (also known as Record of Agarest War 2) is a sequel in name only of Agarest Senki 1. It is set in a parallel world opposite the Agarest World of the first game. The story follow a man named Weiss who has an amnesia after he killed a god. He then encounters a woman named Eva who tells him that it was a bad idea, and that he now has to revive them with him and three women as a catalyst. The game then follows him and his descendants trying to revive said gods while finding out who Weiss really was.

Developed by Idea Factory and Compile Heart, this game was released in Japan on November 18, 2010 for the PlayStation 3 console. Gameplay-wise, it looks very similar to Cross Edge except that it is now easier to play this game rather than a Guide Dang It battle system.

There's a confirmation that the US and Europe are getting it.

Agarest Senki 2 contains the following tropes:[]

  • Absolute Cleavage: Eva, and Victoria.
  • Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: If you think all the women beating up on Janus and Jude is funny whenever they peep at the hot springs, then it is this trope.
  • Abusive Parents: Danaos, we're looking at you.
  • Accidentally Accurate: Black Hole in this game pull enemies into it's mass black body before evaporating into a small white mass which causes a massive explosion. This is actually accurate, Black Hole did not just conveniently disappear like in some other fictions shown, Hawking radiation has proven that after a Black Hole lost it's masses an enormous explosions surpassing nukes will happen.
  • Action Girl: Par for the course.
  • Adventure Guild: What you will be visiting a few times if you want to advance the plot.
  • Aerith and Bob: On one hand, you have some normal names like Fiona, Eva, Victoria, and Janus to name a few. On the other hand, you also get names like Ri Ra=Rua, Firiine, and Lizerotte.
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Uh yup, definitely present in battle animations. Gets more jarring when Georg's scar is located on his left eye, instead of the usual.
  • Amnesiac God: Chaos.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: For a brief while when Gray's not in your party, you can have Jude be the guy walking on the map.
  • Anti-Villain: Chaos, he even has to remind the heroes that he is the God of Darkness.
  • An Axe to Grind: The garvels wield axes in this game
  • A Taste of Power: Weiss kills the Warmup Boss at level 99 with his Infinity+1 Sword. He loses his level, but strangely enough, his sword is still with him albeit in cutscenes only. Then the game gives you the most awesome reason ever as to why.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: If you got the Bad Ending.
  • Beta Couple: That would have to be Janus and Chloe, and Ignis and Cynthia. Both of them do also have one child who travels with you (Jude and Lizerotte respectively).
  • BFG: Jude's gun is a little bit longer than he is. And then there's Janus' Arc Cluster Original Skill.
  • BFS: You can equip the swordsmen with this, though Georg plays this one straight.
  • Big Bad: Mobius, doubles as a Big Bad Friend seeing as he's Fasti in human form.
  • Black Knight: The Gurgs are back in this game. Unfortunately, they also got Demoted to Extra.
  • Blade on a Stick: Victoria in the first generation, Silvi in the 2nd, and Lizerotte in the third.
  • Boss Rush: The True Final Boss fights. First is Normal Chaos, then it's Mobius possessing Chaos, and finally Chaos getting his body back sporting new threads. You don't get to heal in-between battles.
  • Bottomless Magazines: Jude, and Vanessa will never reload in this game at all. Curiously enough, Janus actually reloads his gun implying that he can run out of bullets.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: The protectors tradition to preserve their pure blood. For examples are: Weiss and Rena,Yumil and Luster, Ignis and Sophia, Seraphina and her brother. None of them ends well.
  • The Cameo: Leonhardt, Ellis, Valeria from the first game, and Meu from Spectral Souls are in this game. Doubles as Continuity Cameo and Contest Winner Cameo.
  • Captain Ersatz: Janus is pretty much Winfield 2.0 except that he's a normal human being who ages quite noticeably, and has a son named Jude. And in the second generation finale, he gets cursed by an evil ring which makes him ageless like Winfield.
  • Censor Steam: The Hot Springs Episode won't be complete with this one. Justified seeing as this game is rated to the equivalent of Teen in the US.
  • Combos: Since this game has almost the same gameplay as Cross Edge, this was inevitable.
  • Colorful Theme Naming: Weiss (white), Schwartz (black), Gray.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Oh Summerill, you never stood a chance. And then he grinded again his levels and becomes the generation 3 final boss (by technicality, without the route split.)
  • Dancing Theme: One of the first few trailers of this game has Fiona and Eva pull off an Idolmaster. And yes, you can obtain said trailer in the game itself.
  • Devil but No God: Thankfully our Satan Is Good.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: This, apparently was a bad idea however. Subverted in the most twisted manner possible. Then plays it straight so hard in the True Ending.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Let's just say they took this trope in Agarest Senki and bumped it Up to Eleven and leave it at that.
  • Mr. Fanservice: For some weird reason, the males in this game are ripped.
  • Expy: Most of the playable characters can be possible expies from the first game:
    • Weiss is Leo, Gray is Ladius minus the emotion, Janus is Captain Ersatz of Winfield, Ignis can be Zerva, Eva is Dyshana, Fiona is Ellis 2.0, Victoria is pretty much Elaine, Vanessa is both Hilda and Murmina, Yumil almost has the same storyline as Silvi, and Schwartz is pre-Character Development Duran taken Up to Eleven.
      • Whoa, whoa, now don't tell me I'm the only one that see Cloud in Weiss, right?
    • Faz looks eerily similar to Lezard for some weird reason. And it shows.
  • FANSERVICE: Idea Factory and Compile Heart seem to have gotten the memo from Aksys.
  • Fetch Quest: Present in this game from find x number of items to kill x amount of monsters to collect items. Doing these will net you money, and also items from the NPCs that you helped out. A large part of the second generation story is pretty much a gigantic Fetch Quest in that you have to collect items so that you can save Luster, Yumil's brother. Then It Got Worse.
  • Flechette Storm: The level 3 final animation of Thousand Kill.
  • Forced Tutorial: There should be no reason why the hell Weiss needs a tutorial when he kills the Warmup Boss because he's already level 99! He should already know the basics on how to fight!
    • Gameplay-Guided Amnesia: After you get tossed to who-knows-where and having an amnesia, the rest of the party give you a tutorial. There's a good reason for that.
  • Gainaxing: Oh boy. Notable for the fact that even just a simple sentence, somehow the women must move their avatars just so they can get their point across complete with Gainaxing.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Despite the fact that there are implied torture, Erotic Eating, Hot Springs Episode, murder by Back Stab on screen (though there's no blood), and almost full-blown stuff that happens in here (Eva's CG comes to mind), it's still Rated T by the ESRB. And Aksys one ups it by having the limited edition come with a blow-up doll [1]
  • Grand Theft Me: Happens thrice in this game. First was Chaos' consciousness fully awakening inside Gray's body. If you get the True Ending, then Mobius suddenly possesses Chaos' body, and after a few minutes (read as one boss battle), the third one happens when Chaos gets his body back from Mobius, sporting new threads.
  • Guide Dang It: This is Compile Heart we're talking here. We would not have it any other way.
  • Handsome Lech: The father-son duo, Janus and Jude. Being the expies of both Winfield and Thoma will turn anyone into this trope.
  • The Hero: Weiss, and his descendants as usual.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Far too many in this game, mostly from the women.
  • Hot Springs Episode: This is Agarest we're talking about.
    • Special mention for the final one that has every heroine from all generations.
  • Idle Animation: Some enemies will do a particular action if you're just going to let them stand still. One good example is a pixie eating an apple.
  • Idol Singer: Both Fiona and Eva become one at Flens Berge. Remember that gag trailer where they pulled off an Idolmaster? That's the same thing they do in-game. Though why Eva participated on it when she's still The Stoic at this point is anyone's guess.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: How Weiss was able to handle that sword in the prologue.
  • Impossible Thief: Janus has the same problem as York from X Edge, but Melvina takes this trope Up to Eleven by stealing from her enemies using thunder.
  • Interspecies Romance: Present in this game as well.
  • Jerkass: Schwartz is pretty much pre-Character Development Duran. Same with Eva, and watch as they argue with their ideals a lot.
  • Kick the Dog: Danaos pretty much chains Melvina to the floor, kick her, and just be a Jerkass to her.
  • Killed Off for Real: As always the protagonist and heroines of non-last generations falls victim to this trope. But no one ever thought that Janus is going to die too.
    • Death Is Cheap: And then brought back for one last showdown against chaos with every generation
  • Knife Nut: All three protagonists, but Schwartz plays this one straight whereas the other two transform theirs into a Laser Blade.
  • Laser Blade: Weiss and Gray's dagger whenever they do their Original Skills turn into a lightsaber.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Weiss has no memory of what events have transpired prior to him meeting Aina.
  • Late Arrival Spoiler: It's hard to tell anyone else about this game without spoiling the opening where Weiss kills Summerill and Chaos who are the Final Boss and the True Final Boss of the first game respectively.
  • Lazy Backup: Despite the fact that you can switch party members, if all four main party members die on the battlefield, it's a game over even though you have a lot of characters to choose from.
  • Leaked Experience
  • Like Father, Like Son: Jude in regards to Janus. From his personal choice of equipment, to his tendencies to peek at the hot springs. Of course, the similarities end there.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Definitely applies to the guys. For the girls, well it also does apply unless you bought the DLC costumes, in which you can switch their costumes.
  • Loads and Loads of Loading: Not as bad as other examples, but it's still there unfortunately. Compile Heart has not released an "Install" option to be able to play this game faster either.
  • Louis Cypher: The main characters. Although role wise, Faz/Mobius plays this trope perfectly. See Expy up above.
  • Love Confession: Present in this game as well. You can only choose one girl.
  • Mad Man's Hot Daughter: Mervina is this in a nutshell. Complete with betraying Danaos.
  • Master Swordsman: Georg and Mervina. Their Finish Strike is even called Blade Arts.
  • Monty Haul: DLC is back in this game of course. While they're still powerful, they're not as godly powerful as Agarest Senki due to the fact that enhancing items in this game now also take up items instead of just paying Gordon the blacksmith EP.
  • Mood Whiplash: In the first few minutes, you kill a lesser god, and a god. You then get blown somewhere far away and then someone narrates the prologue. Finally, an upbeat Dancing Theme plays in your screen.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Before Ignis calls Cynthia by her name, he usually refers to her as kisama. She usually would retaliate as "Kisama ja nai, Cynthia desu!
  • Mythology Gag: Inverted this time. Weiss kills the Warmup Boss at level 99. The level of the Black Knight who kills Leo is also level 99.
  • Non-Action Guy: Fasti/Faz SUBVERTED HARD.
  • Off-Model: In Luminous Prima III, when Fiona opens her mouth in the beginning part of the song, her mouth seems to be wider than usual.
  • Old Save Bonus: If you have a finished Agarest Senki Zero save, you can use this to import some items to this game.
  • Out of Focus: very transparent in the first generation, heck Janus seems to have even more role than him. Ironically, he gets much bigger role in the True ending route as a Supporting Leader for the party.
  • Panty Shot: Compile Heart could not resist the urge anymore with this Dancing Theme.
  • Plot Hole: If Summerill is sealed under a goddamn volcano, then how the hell did he appeared at Zendrook pillar?
  • Rank Inflation: As usual, the highest is S, and the lowest goes as low as you want.
  • Relationship Values: Present in the game as well. The higher the relationship value, the stronger the next generation protagonist will be.
  • Relationship Voice Actor: Natsuru is now truly a full fledged stoic chick? And Mikoto shrank down to half her size?
  • Rescue Romance: The final scene before you finally make Ignis and Cynthia be close to each other is to rescue her from demons at Enhambre. The other men in the party even poke fun of him for that.
  • Restart At Level One: What happens to Weiss after he gets blown off from the territory of the gods.
  • The Reveal: Oh boy, Weiss is not the one who killed Chaos, it's Faz. And while we're at it, Weiss or to be more precisely the real Weiss is Dead All Along, all of the main characters are actually Chaos in different bodies.
  • Satan Is Good
  • Selective Obliviousness: The flashbacks have a lot of fun with this, like remember that blood on the screen? It's not Chaos's it's Weiss's blood.
  • Shout-Out: Ignis' 2nd EX Skill looks like a certain Gundam attack.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Even though one of the first few official trailers has Eva's name in English language, some still refer to her as Iva for some weird reason.
  • Spoiler Opening / Foreshadowing: During the opening, you see Weiss holding a sword with someone ominous at the background who is pretty much Chaos. At first since Weiss kills Chaos, you get to assume that it is a set up for an epic rivalry between Chaos and Weiss himself. Then you get to The Reveal.
    • Another nice piece of Foreshadowing would be the 2nd generation Hot Springs Episode. You'd think this was just a little Shout-Out to Ladius having a deja vu that Winfield will get beaten up for peeping on the girls even though Ladius never saw it. In Schwartz's case however, he has seen the outcome already because Weiss, Schwartz, and Gray are Chaos.
  • Sword of Plot Advancement: The significance of Veldafard is pretty big in this story? Do you get the sword itself just like how you got Leo's Sword/Treasure Sword of Oath in Agarest Senki if you can obtain the True End? Nope, off to Item Crafting for you.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Aside from the fact that overkilling will give you items, this game takes it Up to Eleven with an Ultimate Strike where your selected party (enemy must be in "Break" state, and you choose whether you attack an enemy with everyone or with just a certain number of people) will attack the enemy with all they've got, and finish them off with a Finishing Move where two or more people will do their EX Combo provided there's one.
  • Thunder Equals Downpour: At the start of the game no less.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: Remember the gag trailer where they're showing off the exclusive C Gs of each heroine, and that there's a brief shot of one hotspring? You can only get that particular CG at the credits.
  • The Voiceless: Averted; everyone gets voiced in this game. Including the blacksmith, the item store owner, the guild attendant, and the fortune teller.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Attacking a fairy. She'll keep apologising until she's either dead or the combo stops.
  • We Help the Helpless: The party is after all, a group of Hired Guns helping the various NPCs of Flens Berge.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Exactly what happened to Chloe after Janus died?. Or Cynthia after marrying Ignis? Both women (except Chloe for one scene only) never appeared to the party in the third generation.
  • Wham! Episode: Happens successively with a one hour cutscene! [2] Starting from Janus' Heroic Sacrifice to Fasti making a HUGE Reveal, and Sophia being That One Boss fight just because she can't trust Chaos (pulling off a Grand Theft Me on Gray)
  • You Fail Biology Forever: In cutscenes, you see characters talking while they're breathing heavily. Talking in real life does not work that way.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Let's see, we've got violet, aqua blue, pink, red, gray-ish violet, green, and dark blue just to name a few.
  • You Lose At Zero Trust: If your love rate with the girl in Agarest Senki 2 is low, your character will force himself on her to have a kid as part of the sacrifice.

Record of Agarest War Marriage[]

The newest Agarest game of Compile Heart, however this time they're teaming up with the former staff who worked on the Summon Night games. The artwork is now done instead by someone named "Blade" instead of the usual artwork by Hirano Katsuyuki.

The story goes that the first generation protagonist will fail to kill the demon king so his three choices of wives will have to carry his soul to pass on to his descendants so that one day, they get to kill the demon king.

Oh and this game is for the Play Station Portable, a departure from the PlayStation 3.

Record of Agarest War Marriage contains the following tropes:[]

  • Clothing Damage: A first for the series as a gameplay mechanic. The lesser clothing a heroine has, the more powerful she becomes.
  • Dating Sim: Gains a lot more precedence compared to the first three games.
  1. for the record, the Japanese limited edition just came at worst, a handkerchief that had a naked Eva and Fiona young and adult.
  2. unless you use the skip button by pressing square in cutscenes. Oh, we hope you have some back up party members, and hope you saved with a different file because you can't heal in between battles here nor change any equipment.