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  • Game Breaker: Horse archers and heavy horse archers, which move quickly and deal out ridiculous amounts of damage.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Hearing 'Wololo! Wololo!' when you don't have a Priest on the battlefield. Especially in missions where you don't get a base, since you often can't get those units back.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The priest conversion noise.


  • That One Level: The Great Hunt. Anyone who's played through that nightmare will understand.
    • Many scenarios in the Yamato campaign count as well. Island Hopping, the second level, is a long slog to gather six artifacts. Among other things, not going after a certain artifact immediately will put a timer on the mission. Also, if you don't go to the opposite side of the map and destroy the dock you find there, you'll be swarmed with enemy War Galleys before you get halfway through.
    • The first mission also counts. You get five units (a knight, an archer, and three swordsmen) and you have to trek across a map filled with wild lions, elephants, and tough enemy soldiers to kill the leader of the enemy tribe, who can easily wipe your little band of assassins out without breaking a sweat.