The Age Of Steam novels by Devon Monk are a series that combines Weird West and Steampunk, consisting thus far[when?] of Dead Iron and the forthcoming[when?] Tin Swift.
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Tropes used in Age of Steam include:
- Anxiety Dreams: LeFel has them, about death.
- Back From the Dead: Jeb Lindson, twice already at the opening of the book.
- Baleful Polymorph: Wil
- Black Magic: Mae's always twists to this.
- The Blacksmith: the father of the kidnapped boy
- Blood Magic: LeFel uses it.
- Blow You Away: Madder brothers use it.
- Children Are Special: especially for dreaming.
- Cool Gate: LeFel' aim
- Cue the Sun: Mae takes it a good omen.
- Curse: Why werewolves, and why LeFel wants them.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Cedar.
- The Drifter: Cedar
- Door Step Baby: Rose's backstory
- The Exile: LeFel
- The Eyes Have It: some Strangwork mantics.
- The Fair Folk: LeFel
- A Friend in Need: Rose to Mae
- Good Samaritan: Cedar goes to hunt down a lost child despite the treatment he gets in the town.
- Green Thumb: Rose can hear plants talking.
- Human Sacrifice: Needed for the gate
- Involuntary Shapeshifter: Cedar
- Insubstantial Ingredients: Played with
- Magical Land: LeFel's aim
- Moses in the Bulrushes: Rose Small, by the device left with her, though not all is clear yet.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Rose's device.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: In fact, the two of them differ from each other.
- Power of Love: Why LeFel needs to kill Jeb.
- Revenge: Mae's motivation
- Rule of Three: LeFel tries to invoke this on Jeb
- Small Town Boredom: Rose wants out
- Vampire Invitation: Mae refuses this.
- White Magic: Mae's sisters.
- Windows to the Soul: Wil's eyes stay the same color even in wolf form.
- Witch Hunt: How LeFel intends to control the Mae.