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  • Crazy Awesome: The Movie
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Billy and Babo, having just figured out they're being set up, have to find someplace to hide from the Major and his cronies, before they run out of gas. Solution? Crash-land their small plane inside the much bigger one Billy crashed earlier in the movie, of course!
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: A few; for starters, Billy buzzing the semi-driver:

...Not unlike this complete MORON here in the brown eighteen-wheeler...

    • Billy's first day.

That's not a landing strip, it's a mountain! Please don't do this!
Hey, you know, that would make a great commercial! "Excuse me, is that an Uzi? Why yes, it is..."


You can't touch me without cutting your own throat! You know why? Because the president loves my ass!

  • Tear Jerker: Jack's last flight is searching for Gene and Billy after their helicopter gets shot down.