The first game in the Ace Combat series. Released as an arcade game in 1992, and for PlayStation in 1995. You fly as the leader of an elite mercenary unit out to stop a terrorist threat.
Tropes used in Air Combat include:
- Ace Custom: In a sense - every plane you use has a white-with-purple-flames paint scheme.
- Captain Obvious: Especially grating when compared to other games in the series, but at least your wingman was the only annoying one yammering you.
- Final Death: If you crash a plane or get shot down, you lose that plane for good and, with very few exceptions, cannot buy another one. If you crash all the planes, then it's game over.
- NGO Superpower: The enemy is supposedly a terrorist group, though the country you're fighting for is apparently a small one.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified: Averted. You're fighting for the government.
- Title Drop: One of the songs on the OST is titled "Ace Combat".