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  • Adaptation Displacement: Not very many people know about the manga, which has barely been scanlated.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Every time Renge opens her mouth.
  • Needs More Love: While the Gecko Ending left most plot threads hanging, Airmaster is still a beautifully animated anime series, with a great cast of original characters and some of the coolest animated fights ever. Pity not many people remember it nowadays.
  • Nightmare Fuel Abhorrent Admirer & Stalker with a Crush: Sakamoto Julietta. Probably Ax Crazy, too.
  • The Scrappy: Renge or Miori, depending on who you ask.
  • Squick: Ep. 11: When Jin's gibbon-armed 'friend' starts ranting about how he will protect Jin's virtue and bear his children, both Maki's and the audience's skin crawls. Then he says he'd even sleep with him if he asked. The mental image distracts her badly enough that she doesn't dodge his attack in the slightest.
    • Whenever Julietta thinks of Maki; it chills her so badly, once he caused her to panic despite being on the other side of town.