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Characters from Disney's Aladdin universe.

Original Movie Characters[]


Aladdin2 448

Voiced by: Scott Weinger


  • The Ace: Aladdin disguises himself as the completely over-the-top Prince Ali to woo Princess Jasmine, and he's introduced with a preposterously epic song that's one long hymn to his awesomeness, which has him easily evading the guards.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Aladdin normally faced discrimination by people who'd constantly call him a "street rat", and laugh when some haughty prince shoved him into a nearby mud puddle. This had the unfortunate consequence of Aladdin taking this to heart and hating himself enough that he rejects Genie's concerns regarding dropping his own "haughty prince" façade and just telling Jasmine the truth about his identity.

Aladdin: If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me

  • Anti-Hero: Earlier on due to growing up as a criminal, he's quite deceitful and has no qualms about stealing from others if he feels like it. In fact, Aladdin may very well be one of the most morally ambiguous Disney protagonists yet. However, not only was every bad deed he committed done for survival rather than out of malice, but he got past this after the second movie.
  • Badass Normal: This is a guy who goes up against magical beings, sorcerers, and giant robots on a regular basis, and somehow finds a way to come out on top every time by using his guile.
  • Batman Gambit: Showcased in the first movie. His plan to defeat Jafar banked on exploiting the man's ego.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's a Nice Guy through and through, but you do not want to make him angry. In the first film, when Prince Achmed badmouths him, Aladdin is only stopped from physically attacking him because the palace gates slammed shut between them.
  • Bound and Gagged: Chained up and silenced so he couldn't save himself from drowning or call for help, until Genie saves him.
  • Character Development: By the final film, he's really grown into a man worthy of being Sultan.
    • This is best seen in King of Thieves. After breaking his father out of prison, Aladdin returns to face any punishment he might receive, because he realized how much his running away would affect Jasmine due to his own father's abandonment of his family. Aladdin has learned that his actions affect other people, a lesson some people would say more rulers need to learn.
  • Chaste Hero: Although he's engaged to Jasmine and thusly spends a lot of time at the palace, he still seems to live in the abandoned building from the first movie.
  • Chick Magnet: Just ask Jasmine, the Harem Girls, Sadira, Saleen, and (initially) Brawnhilda.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Especially in the animated show, where characters, often Iago, are able to use the knowledge that he'll always help people in need to get him to go along with things.
  • Consummate Liar: Being a Guile Hero Street Urchin, it's part of the trade, but at the same time it's treated as a serious character flaw. Aladdin grows out of it before it becomes an actual Fatal Flaw.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Explored in the television series. He grew up an orphan after his father left the family on a treasure hunt and never came home and his mother died some time afterwards, forcing him to raise himself on the streets as a thief. He later finds out that his dad is the leader of the infamous "40 Thieves." There was also one episode in the series detailing how his childhood friend, Amal, just up and vanished one day without a trace when he was a child.
  • Determinator:
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Twice at least. One of them by conning them into becoming a Cthulhu... who is constrained by itty bitty living space.
  • Didn't Think This Through: He used the Genie to become a wealthy prince to woo Jasmine. He succeeds, but never considered before them that with Jasmine comes the throne of Agrabah.
  • Dude in Distress: At one point in the first movie, he's thrown into the ocean by Jafar's guards, and would have drowned if not for the Genie.
    • In the series, one episode has Aladdin getting kidnapped for ransom by Mozenrath, and Jasmine has to rescue him.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He's the only one of the thieves in "Seems Like Old Crimes, Part 1" to treat Abu kindly.
  • Guile Hero: He's a roguish street rat who gets by via theft and charm, and uses cunning and trickery to best most conflicts. After first meeting the Genie, Al uses trickery to get out of an otherwise inescapable cave without actually wishing to do so.
  • Hidden Depths: He's not called "the diamond in the rough" by the Cave of Wonders for nothing. Aladdin's worth lies far within. When you understand not to judge a book by its cover - the young man is one of the most honest, empathetic and good-willed humans you're ever going to find in the entire world.
  • Honor Before Reason: In the third movie; after breaking Cassim out of the dungeon and being discovered, instead of escaping Agrabah with his father, Aladdin refuses to abandon Jasmine and willingly goes back to face the consequences of his actions because he knows how much it would affect her after seeing how much it hurt his mother and him.
    • A much milder example can also be seen in the television series. Aladdin lives in his home in the slums and wears the same old peasant rags throughout the series because he doesn't want to mooch off the Sultan. At the time depicted (whenever it's supposed to be anyway) it would be considered improper for him to live in the same house as his girlfriend and not be married, even if it is a huge freaking palace. However, several episodes show that he sometimes sleeps in one of the Palace's rooms, demonstrating that Aladdin seems to alternate between spending nights in his old hovel and spending nights in the Palace.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: How often does he actually keep anything he steals for himself? Only a jeweled flower to earn bonus points with his girlfriend.
  • Idiot Hero: Even though he's also a Guile Hero, Aladdin is prone to foolish reckless choices: He goes about his life carelessly while making the most moronic decisions, spare for a few moments of flash in the pan brilliance when his or somebody else's life depends on it. It's particularly noticeable when you realize how most of the other characters, save for Jasmine, spend their time trying to steer him to a correct choice. Still, his idiocy seems not to extend too far beyond what's needed for the Aesop of the week. And his moronic behavior goes through stages, as well: in the first movie, it's due to his horrifically low self esteem telling him that lying about himself will make people like him, even when it's obvious that Jasmine loves him for who he is. In the show, it shifts to either overconfidence or his chronic inability to pass by a problem and not try to solve it.
  • Leitmotif: Often accompanied by "One Jump Ahead Reprise"
  • Losing Your Head: In one episode ("Heads, You Lose") along with Caliph Kapok. Thankfully, Al gets better. By the way, we saw him get nearly decapitated before in The Return of Jafar.
  • Loveable Rogue: As a thief and a trickster (at least initially), but a sympathetic one you can root for.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Reportedly, he was redesigned during development because originally he was deemed not attractive enough: his animation design was based on Tom Cruise (at the point where Tom Cruise was the hot young thing of the moment) for this very reason. He was originally designed much younger and based on Michael J. Fox, but that design didn't go down as well.
  • Must Make Amends: After Aladdin left behind the genie lamp, which led to Iago bringing it to Jafar, then Jafar using it to wish himself to be sultan and the world's most powerful sorcerer.

"I made a mess of everything; somehow I gotta go back and set things right."

  • Nice Guy: Aladdin might be a thief and The Trickster, but there is no doubt whatsoever about his decency and sense of morality. In fact, "The Diamond In The Rough" line is essentially a perfect measure about his decency.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • He didn't wish the Genie free when he had the chance and left it behind to go talk to Jasmine, giving Iago the opportunity to swipe the lamp and hand it over to Jafar. He even acknowledges that he blew it. Then again, he does fix his mistakes.
    • While exploiting Jafar's lust for power to trick him into Becoming the Genie saved the day in the first movie, come The Return of Jafar, when Jafar is unearthed by Abis Mal...
  • Nobody Calls Me Chicken: Interestingly, he was originally based on the Trope Namer, Marty McFly, before being redesigned.
  • No Social Skills: A mild case, again due to his having grown up on the streets, he often doesn't fit in at the palace. Although he does have a sort of common man's wisdom that impresses the Sultan enough to want to make him his royal advisor.
  • Parental Abandonment: His mother died when he was young and Cassim left before that.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Mozenrath's blue. Mozenrath is a lot more cold-blooded and calculating, whereas Aladdin has a more impulsive and improvosing nature.
  • Rule of Empathy: His defining trait. An Establishing Character Moment happens when he gives up his only meal to ensure orphans won't starve. That's all the viewer needs to know what sort of man he is.
  • Save the Villain: Unintentionally. Upon Abis Mal's introduction, the only reason Abis Mal wasn't killed by his own gang for foolishly demanding all the loot that they stole is that Aladdin swooped in and stole it himself from them thus directing all their ire at himself.
  • Street Smart: By necessity. "Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat".
  • Street Urchin: He is one of many children who grew up on the streets of Agrabah. Jafar was all too keen to sacrifice Aladdin for his scheme because in his mind, who would miss one more vanished street rat?
  • Turn Out Like His Father: A number of people thought that he would become a "prince of thieves" after his father. Luckily it doesn't go that far.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Jasmine. Aladdin would sooner kill himself than cheat on her behind her back. It's why he turned down the advances of Sadira and Saleen in the series. This is further emphasized in the third movie — after freeing his imprisoned father, Aladdin decides to go back to Agrabah because he refused to abandon Jasmine. Also to his other friends, even Iago. He refuses to give up Genie to an old master and he still rescues Abu after their falling out. He even still helps Iago after Iago almost betrays the city by handing over Genie to Abis Mal.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Apparently, he couldn't afford buttons for his vest. Or a shirt.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: It turns out that Aladdin is terrified of Unkbut, which are giant spiders that live underground. Justified considering that spiders of that size would be potentially dangerous. He eventually conquers this fear later on.


The genie 5775


Jasmine Princess Pic

Voiced by: Linda Larkin


  • Action Girl: Not so much in the movies, but very much so in the series. There she often helps Aladdin beat the bad guy of the week, and in several episodes, she does it by herself.
    • In "Sandswitch", Jasmine is given memories of a life as a street rat. The new Jasmine is introduced effortlessly beating up four of the royal guards to rescue Abu, Iago, and Rajah.
    • In "Forget Me Lots", Jasmine's memory is removed and she's told that she is Harmless Villain Abis Mal's daughter, and one of the most evil and feared people in the area. This causes her to instantly become a marvelous Dark Action Girl who takes over the palace almost singlehandedly, then gives herself a Klingon Promotion when she realizes how useless Abis Mal is.
    • In "The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath", Jasmine dons her Dark Action Girl attire again when she, Aladdin, and Abu infiltrate Mozenrath's kingdom to steal an unearthed magical weapon.
    • In "Eye of the Beholder", Jasmine is turned into a naga. Even though she's horrified of her snake tail, she puts it to very good use a few times on the way to find a cure.
    • In "A Sultan Worth His Salt", Jasmine receives warrior training after being kidnapped by a group of Amazons.
  • Bare Your Midriff: She currently provides the page image
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Firstly: She's sweet, caring and pure-hearted, but it is not wise to make her angry at you. Secondly: Underestimating her is a very bad idea. Villains and non-villains alike, including Aladdin, always learn this the hard way. Case in point, when Jafar leads everyone to believe that he had Aladdin executed, Jasmine all but says that her first act as queen will be to have Jafar executed.

Jasmine: "At least some good will come out of my being forced to marry. When I am queen, I will have the power to get rid of you!"

  • Damsel in Distress: She is trapped in an hourglass slowly filling with sand during the final battle of the first film and nearly drowns in it until Aladdin breaks her out.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: In the original film, she's initially as impressed with "Prince Ali" as she is with all her other suitors (that is, not at all). However, Aladdin taking her on a magic carpet ride around the world in "A Whole New World" helps her to loosen up a little and be friendlier, and her defrosting concludes when she deduces that "Prince Ali" is actually "the boy from the market", whom she fell in love with earlier.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Her "Scourge of the Desert" costume in Forget Me Lots.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Jafar makes Princess Jasmine wear a red harem outfit, although her normal clothes don't cover much more; they're just blue. Once he's defeated they turn back, confirming they were magical in nature.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: She wears a purple dress when she intends to announce her engagement.
  • Hotter and Sexier: The original Aladdin movie has an in-universe example when Jafar puts Jasmine in Go-Go Enslavement clothes. It cuts lower at cleavage and crotch (and higher under her cleavage!) to emphasize this.
  • Hypnotize the Princess: Invokes this trope as part of We Need a Distraction. However, this actually happens to her for real in the TV show episodes "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like" and "While the City Snoozes." She's also a Criminal Amnesiac in "Forget Me Lots."
  • I Just Want to Be Free: Although after the first attempt ending so disastrously (and then shortly meeting Ali after), she stops trying. In the series though, she has far more freedom than before and goes with Aladdin on his adventures. She still wants freedom but is more smart about it.
  • Impossible Hourglass Figure: Along with Ariel, she has the most exaggerated figure of any Disney Princess or heroine.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: She's a sweet, caring princess whose best friend is a tiger.
  • Lady of War: She's shown to be a capable fighter despite her demure and graceful manner. This is especially shown in Aladdin and the King of Thieves, when she is fighting some of the thieves and even pushed a heavy statue on them in the climax.
  • Leitmotif: Heard prominently about twenty seconds into "Jasmine Runs Away."
  • Letting Her Hair Down: She is shown with her hair down after the "Whole New World" sequence where she and Aladdin have fallen in love, and she's truly happy for the first time in the film.
  • Marry for Love: If she's gotta get married, it better be to the guy she wants!
  • Morality Pet: Downplayed to Aladdin. He was already a nice guy way before they met, and despite his thieving and lying ways, he had a strong moral code. That being said, Aladdin still had some trouble truly reforming his criminal ways, with Jasmine being his primary motivation in bettering himself.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Arguably the most sexual of all the Disney Princesses, especially in her red slave suit. This in spite of the fact that she's 15 going on 16 in the film. Plus, she is the first (human) princess that wears a Bare Your Midriff outfit.
  • Nice Girl: Jasmine is extremely compassionate and caring whether towards her kingdom, her family, her friends, and especially Aladdin, whom she treats as a best friend, as well as a lover.
  • Plucky Girl: Among other things, she managed to sneak out of the palace and openly stood up to Jafar.
  • Rebellious Princess: Not only does she not want to get married, she also doesn't enjoy the confinements of palace life—therefore she is the most quintessential example in the line.
  • Runaway Fiance:
    • She runs away from home to avoid being married off against her will.
    • Also her suitors run away from her, since Jasmine wasn't interested in marrying for anything but love, hence the reason she starts hooking up with Aladdin. He was what she was looking for in a husband, a kind man who treated her as a person rather than an object for political gain.
  • Show Some Leg: The only Disney Princess who tries to bait the villain with her affections. It almost worked, if not for the reflection of the tiara she wore.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Doesn't give one flying rat's ass about all the rich, snobby princes trying to woo her, and instead goes for the poor but good-hearted Aladdin. He treats her like a real person rather than an object for political gain as other suitors had done before. The whole film gives the message of Be Yourself.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Her life is especially shown to be grand and sumptuous. In the animated series, she tends to try to use her status as Princess of Agrabah to bark orders at villains. It never works. Despite her privileged upbringing, she has a good heart and genuinely wants to help people. She even falls in love with Aladdin, a poor thief, and never is bothered by his lower status.
  • Stripperiffic: Jasmine's regular outfit is pretty revealing, but her slave outfit manages to be even more so.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Jasmine was noticeably more of an Action Girl in the final sequel, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, than she was in the two preceding films. She holds her own against the Forty Thieves, all of which are at least twice her size.
  • Tsundere: More sweet than harsh; Jasmine is a sunny and friendly person overall, but she won't hesitate to tell those who appear interested in her only for her beauty and kingdom exactly what she thinks of them.
  • Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: Due to her frustration of being ordered around, she's quick to deflate Aladdin's feigned pomposity while he's in his prince disguise and her frustration reaches a boiling point when she tells him to go jump off a balcony. However, when he says something afterwards that helps with confirming her suspicions about him being the boy from the market that she fell in love with, her tone immediately changes to worry once he goes through it (don't worry, Carpet was there to catch him).

Jasmine (while talking to Aladdin about palace life): "You're not free to make your own choices"
(later, on the balcony)
Aladdin: You're not just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice. I'll go now."



Abumonkey 8900

Voiced by: Frank Welker



Iago2 4601

Voiced by: Gilbert Gottfried



Carpet 7563


Sultan 2080

Voiced by: Douglas Seale



Rajah 5031

Voiced by: Frank Welker



Jafar 610

Voiced by: Jonathan Freeman






Razoul 5368

Voiced by: Jim Cummings


Sequel/Series Characters[]

Abis Mal[]

Abis mal 1563

Voiced by: Jason Alexander



Cassim 3541

Voiced by: John Rhys-Davies



"Don't touch my son!"



Saluk 6344

Voiced by: Jerry Orbach


The Oracle[]

The oracle 1116

Voiced by: C.C.H. Pounder


Haroud Hazi Bin[]

Haroud 4439

Voiced by: James Avery


Amin Damoola[]

Amin damoola 7737

Voiced by: Jeff Bennett



"Don't call me Butterfingers!"


"I'm alright."



Mechanikles2 854

Voiced by: Charlie Adler



"The Greatest of the Great Greek Geniuses!"



Sadira 8029

Voiced by: Kellie Martin



Mozenrath 6064

Voiced by: Jonathan Brandis



"Is it my fault that you are so trusting?"


"You were in my kingdom and you didn't look me up? I'm hurt."


"Oh, should I tremble at the painted toes of her dainty little feet?! I don't think so!"

  • Determinator: His refusal to give up rivals that of Aladdin.

"When I want something, I get it."


Aladdin: A test? People could've been hurt!
Mozenrath: ...And your point would be?



Xerxes 5586

Voiced by: Frank Welker



Genie: Agrabah has a strict ordinance against evil flying critters." (to Iago) "You've got your tags, don'cha?



Destane 7298


Iago: Even Jafar steered clear of that guy.



Aladdin mirage 4481

Voiced by: Bebe Neuwirth



Aladdin chaos 4922

Voiced by: Matt Frewer



Arbutus 2315

Voiced by: Ron Perlman


  • Anti-Villain: He's probably the least evil of the series villains (not the least effective, Abis Mal is that, but the least malicious) since he's only collecting a debt from the Sultan and doesn't hurt any of the characters before they hurt him.

Jasmine: "Arbutus, I'm not a flower you can keep in your garden! I need my family and friends."
Arbutus: "Ah, yes, human needs. Like you need to hack down my gorgeous trees, and chop them into lumber."
Jasmine: "It's not that simple."
Arbutus: "Indeed! You burn them, for warmth. Creating smoke, to block our life-giving sun!"
Jasmine: "We don't do that on purpose!"
Arbutus: "Is it an accident when you rip and pluck my flowers? Condemning them to a slow death in a vase?"
Jasmine: "Slow death?"
Arbutus: "Your kind, you're all the same! You treat my beautiful living creations as things! Why should I treat you any differently?"
Jasmine: "Arbutus, I... I think I understand."


"Your sword may sever every limb, but my power will always bloom!"



Mukhtar 1215

Voiced by: John Kassir



Fasir 3291

Voiced by: Ed Gilbert



Nasira 6752

Voiced by: Jodi Benson



Saleen 8073

Voiced by: Julie Brown



Eden genie 8094

Voiced by: Debi Derryberry



Thundra 4298

Voiced by: Candi Milo



Malcho 3176

Voiced by: Hector Elizondo


  • Affably Evil: Possibly the best example from the series.
  • Bad Boss: Played with when Iago becomes his sidekick.

"Maybe if a scheme fails I can slap you around a bit? Yes, please?"


Minos, Fatima & Aziz[]

Minos fatima aziz 5805

Voiced by: Keith David, Charity James & Michael Bell
