  • Audio Erotica: Lots of people were absolutely smitten with him thanks to his deep, husky voice.
  • Complete Monster: Despite his claims about never playing any villains, he still played some downright nasty people such as Hans Gruber and Judge Turpin. To a lesser extend, Eli Michaelson from Nobel Son was another one.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Well, his career for a start. When he finally made it big in Hollywood, he was 42 years old, the age at which most actors find roles becoming scarcer. From then on, he's made at least one big movie a year, and with the Harry Potter movies his visibility skyrocketed, and until his death his career didn't slow down in the slightest. Ad astra per aspera, indeed.
    • His 45-year, exclusive relationship with Rima Horton was this, as well as wonderfully sweet. Especially when you see pictures of them together. Aww.
  • Evil Is Cool: His quote about playing interesting people, combined with his resume being filled with multiple villain roles proves this to a 'T'.
  • Memetic Sex God: "Alan Rickman is hot!" is an actual meme in some places.