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  • Anvilicious - Steve could get heavy-handed with his politics at times, both within the story and when he responded to letter in the comic itself, basically accusing anyone who disagreed with any particular thing he drew or wrote of only wanting to see some furry T&A.
  • Flip-Flop of God - Anything that deals with the Creators (humans) and possibly (with the logical exceptions of anything that Gallacci has written on it) anything written in the Refractions anthology.
  • Just Here for Godzilla - Albedo would have ended in the obscurity of the comic book history if Usagi Yojimbo didn't make his debut in a side-story published in the first years of the series.
  • Magnificent Bastard - Tavas Ikalik, AND HOW!
  • Memetic Mutation - "Socio-political Ramifications" was a common catch phrase in Furry Fandom for years because of this series.
  • Moral Event Horizon - The ILR already crossed the line even before the series began, but some of the worst things the ILR did during the series are:
    • Invading a EDF space station, slaughtering every civilian inside it, rigging the station with nukes and destroying it along with the survivors!
    • And they did the same thing with their own civilian space station in the second Story Arc, but with their own civilians still alive and well, because they suspected them of being traitors.