Alias the Jester was a time traveller bold |
A children's cartoon from Britain's Cosgrove Hall, which featured an alien time traveller named Alias, who crashed into Earth in the Middle Ages. There, he adopts the disguise of a Jester, and gains employment in the court of King Arthur (just a King Arthur, not the King Arthur). Hilarity Ensues.
The series lasted from November, 1985 to February, 1986. A total of 13 episodes in a single season.
Tropes used in Alias the Jester include:
- Anachronism Stew
- Clark Kenting: The king and court have no idea that Alias, the weird flying space guy is the same person as the Jester. Because he's wearing a different hat.
- Ear Wings: Boswell has a pair of small but functional wings sprouting from his head. There's reason to believe that Alias (never seen without a hat that covers the sides of his head) does too.
- Film Felons: A band of robbers get into the castle by posing as a film crew on location. Alias spends most of the episode distrusting them without being quite sure why before he finally remembers that film hasn't been invented yet.
- Flight: One of Alias's alien powers.
- George Jetson Job Security: The first episode ends with Alias being hired. Every subsequent episode ends with him getting fired.
- Horny Vikings: Raid the kingdom in one episode.
- Human Alien: Alias.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Most common reason for Alias to get fired.
- It Will Never Catch On: Several of Meredith the Magician's inventions.
- Limited Wardrobe: Each of the regular characters has only one outfit, except Alias, who alternates between his one jester's outfit and his one set of Space Clothes.
- NameDar: Played for Laughs when Alias encounters a small slimy creature and makes an involuntary noise of disgust — which turns out to be the creature's actual name.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Alias's pet dog(like creature), Boswell.
- Once an Episode: "Jester!" "Yes, your majesty?" "You're fired." "Yes, your majesty."
- Snap Back: But he always has his job again by the beginning of the next episode.
- Time Travel: Only in the Backstory, though.