Big Lipped Alligator Moment: A blue teddy bear, menaced by kissing aliens, operates a power boat and is unceremoniously thrown overboard by a giant lobster. Hell, half the bosses are like this; a cyborg wolf with an Arm Cannon riding a horse, anyone?
Complete Monster: Xi-Tiger is the merciless and depraved leader of Scarlet, and the instigator of the events of the game. Having replaced Epsilon as leader, he staged frequent and brutal terroist attacks against Sierran victims, to the point where his own men hated him for being ruthless compared to his predecessor, angering him into trying to activate the “time-space continuum” and kill Epsilon once and for all. Tracking him down to a laboratory full of innocent superpowered children with sheer murderous intent, he sensed Epsilon Eagle in the body of a young boy named Fou, Xi takes a young girl hostage to flush Epsilon out. As the boy turned into a cyborg bird man, his good side overcame his evil, which annoyed Xi into murdering the girl anyway. When his long-time foe confronts him, he turns into a gigantic tiger cyborg and tries to destroy him. Even after his death, he ended up turning his victim into Seven Force, who Epsilon is forced to kill again. Demented, ruthless, and psychotic, Xi-Tiger is one of the darkest villains on the Sega Genesis.
Goddamned Bats: Those bee-like enemies that you fight between boss battles. Better have the homing ready, as they come in swarms, shoot at you, then fly erratically and kamikaze you. The bomb-dropping alien birds also do get really annoying too.
Goddamned Boss: Some of the bosses may not be tough, but they are certainly annoying.
Iron Woobie: Every friend Epsilon makes ends up dying horribly, from the girl he tries to save to the blue teddy bear driving the boat. He lives in a world full of horrors trying to kill him otherwise, and yet he stands strong and pushes on.
The moth/fly boss that eventually gets eaten by Back Stringer. Watching it futilely flap its wings as the spider approaches and while the spider EATS IT ALIVE may gives you chills.
Tear Jerker: That cute blue bear that drives the boat for you? He gets thrown into the river by the Lobster boss, helplessly calling for help.
Those Several Bosses: Listing these would take up half the article. The queen bitch of them all, however, must be Siren Force. You fight her underwater, depriving you of your fire-based weapons, in a constantly moving vortex full of mines, with a timer that's about to run out. Oh, and after you've fought Valkyrie, Medusa, Silpheed and Artemis Force, none of which are exactly a walk in the park.
Epsilon-1, your character's Super-Powered Evil Side which manifests itself in an evil giant robotic eaglebent on destroying humanity. Its weak spot, the head, is obscured by its two talons that absorb ALL shots they touch. Oh, and EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of his attacks do 200 damage, enough to kill you in a few hits or so. Finally, the only weapon that does decent damage against it is the ammo-scarce Lancer Force (provided it doesn't get blocked by the talons). Which you might probably have run out of after three boss battles in a row against Sunset Sting, Viblack, and Back Stringer.