A fourteen-episode TV series, adapted from the manga of the same name which features a Lighter and Softer tone, focusing more on slapstick comedy than action.
Tropes used in All-Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (TV series) include:
- Actor Allusion: There's a lot of these for Akira Kamiya here, thanks to Kyuusaku's re-imagining as a bumbling ally of justice.
- Alertness Blink
- Artificial Riverbank: Kyousuke goes to one to angst in episode 4, only to be subjected to several of Ryuunosuke's classmates practicing their karaoke.
- Attention Whore, Rich Bitch: Chieko Shirakaba.
- Beyond the Impossible:In TV, Nuku rides her bike so fast that she winds up 15 years in the past when she finally stops.
- Boss Subtitles: Used for just about every single character in most early episodes.
- Class Representative: Nuku-Nuku's best friend Futaba. We later find out that she also has a number of sisters, each of whom is also a Class Representative. Every last one of them is extremely controlling and obsessed with organization and order.
- They actually carry out arguments with one another using their whistles.
- Discontinuity Nod: The first episode opens with Kyusaku expositing dramatically about the new backstory. Then, Ryunosuke pops up holding tapes from the series' two previous incarnations, sighing "That's not the way I remember it happening... but, whatever."
- Filk Song: Pretty much anything thought up by Eiichi Ikenami. Though the words are always different, it's always the same tune.
- Girl Posse: Hidariko and Migiko are this for Chieko. The posse is expanded during the valentine's episode, where the one-off characters Ueko and Shitako make an appearance to help them steal all the chocolate in town.
- Festival Episode: Doubles as a Time Travel episode.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted. Nuku-Nuku manually directs a missile to prevent the Colony Drop in the final episode, but later turns up no worse for wear.
- Idol Singer: Spoofed with the "Speedy Girls Squad".
- Justice Will Prevail: Kyuusaku.
- Living Prop: Miyuki Miyuzawa, who mostly just stands around reading books and not saying or doing much of anything until the second Musical Episode, where she's revealed to have been the one playing the main character in the film being made by everyone.
- Lord Error-Prone: Kyusaku tends to misinterpret mostly harmless Mishima projects as intentionally evil ventures.
- Mars Needs Women: Spoofed. An alien mouse-woman comes down to Earth to profess her love for Yamagata-sensei. She eventually ditches him when she (eventually) realizes that he doesn't have a tail.
- Monster of the Week: At least for the first half.
- Musical Episode: Two. The first centers around a Mishima-sponsored singing contest, while the latter uses Nuku-Nuku's class working on a student film as a Framing Device.
- Nerd Glasses: Miyuki's.
- Occult Detective: Rie Shibata is an amateur version. Her character subtitle is "Occult Maniac".
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Kyusaku has several, where he shows up attempting to be Nuku-Nuku's Mysterious Protector.
- Psychic Powers: The Speedy Girls display some form of telekinesis.
- Running Gag: Pretty much 50% of what happens in any given episode.
- Chieko says something haughty, followed up by Migiko and Hidariko exclaiming "That's right! That's right! Miss Chieko is exactly right!"
- Eiichi breaks out into a Filk Song. "Lalalala...~"
- Rintarou says something cool and aloof; with or without a "Hmph".
- Futaba goes into full-on Class Representative mode, insisting that everybody follow her orders and panic in an organized manner.
- Yakumo Oizumi says something to the effect of "For Science!" or "How Unscientific".
- Ryuunosuke refers to his father as "Mr. Kyusaku" and is corrected.
- Yamagata-sensei is hilariously injured by something, followed by any given person who saw what happened commenting that "Yamagata-sensei has been in another unfortunate accident".
- Nuku-Nuku mispronouncing Chieko's last name wrong each time she see her.
- Shout-Out: This series spoofs several popular anime, such as when Harmless Villain Hell Mishima decides to hold a singing contest after seeing a rather transparent knockoff of Basara Nekki on TV and being inspired. Nuku-Nuku takes off to school every morning on her bike while yelling "SCRAMBLE DASH!". Another instance is Kyusaku's high school invention, the Geta Robo (which forms from, you guessed it, his geta sandals).
- He then later upgrades to Geta Robo G, and fifteen years later, Shin Geta Robo.
- Spikes of Villainy: "Combat Arisa".
- This Is Unforgivable!: Nuku-Nuku tends to say this whenever dispatching a Monster of the Week.
- Theme Twin Naming: Hidariko and Migiko. Their names literally mean "Left Girl" and "Right Girl". The valentine's day episode gives us a second set (who also look like the first, but without moles) named Ueko ("Above Girl") and Shitako ("Below Girl").
- Troubled but Cute: Spoofed with Rintarou Shimazaki, whose Character Subtitle is "Nihilistic Pretty Boy". He's almost never taken seriously.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: The opening scene of some episodes show the episode taking place in 2013 or 2014.
- Unknown Rival: Chieko to Nuku-Nuku.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Kyuusaku and Akiko met as children at a Tokusatsu stage show, were together their whole lives, and eventually wound up getting married.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Hell Mishima and Kyusaku seem to think that they're in a dramatic toku show when they're really in a slapstick comedy.
- Yes-Man: Well, women: Hidariko and Migiko.